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File: 426 KB, 1024x1707, 1596824328379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20826269 No.20826269 [Reply] [Original]

When I make it I’m going to colonize India and breed their women

>> No.20826284

That bitch has stronger mustache genetics than I do

>> No.20826329

anon sorry to burst your bubble but a girl like that in india is literally a 1 in 100,000

>> No.20826330

Why are pajeets so gross but pajeetas qt's?

>> No.20826353

You do not want a pooja lmao.

>> No.20826382
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>> No.20826391

not so much its like asian ones, 1qt for 20 ugly

>> No.20826395

The population there is like 1.3 billion so those are actually decent odds

>> No.20826427

That's literally every race tho, I don't see white super models walking around everywhere, lotsa chubs and worn out tattoo'd girls who chased Chad and hit the wall

>> No.20826435

like actually a chore finding them tho and they have options surprisingly

>> No.20826455

Based and imperialpilled.

>> No.20826473

the average changes like poland is full of 7s but some of those eastern countries have really hot girls everywhere vs the philipines wheres virtually none of them are above a 6

>> No.20826488

so a white guy get to fuck these 1/100000 and the actaul pajeet sit there and jerk off?

>> No.20826492


>> No.20826503

Well their population is huge so there’s plenty of them
Infact I jacked off to plenty of the Indian girls at my high school.
My co-worker was also a tamil ultra-qt who seemingly lusted for me. I was too much of an autist to make a move

>> No.20826515

tattoos and being overweight are decisions they made, there was still good underlying genetics before they ruined themselves. You will find the majority of asians and indians will never be more than a 6/10 at best despite their best efforts. It's kind of sad. The modern world is so dysgenic it's actually a little frightening to think about the future.

>> No.20826522

Not really. White women despite personality and whoredom have a much higher average than poos and nigresses.

>> No.20826523

Lol I'm Indian and she would be considered a 5/10 in India. Dark skinned girls like in the pic are everywhere, they just dont wear revealing clothes (where the hotness part comes from). We like White women, you guys like Asian women. If a girl is exotic, it becomes automatically attractive.

>> No.20826535

word actually for some reason a lot of them are hotter in NA than in india i think they dont let the groce low castes move or something cuz they dont have documentation or something its like a pedigree thing maybe

>> No.20826548

imagine the smell

can't wait for her to get fat too

>> No.20826567

Modern medicine has been around 100 years, so has impacted about two generations whereas natural selection has has several hundred thousand years to do it's work and still somehow left us all fucked up, we haven't made a dent.

Most people are weird and ugly and that's how it's always been. Nature doesn't care because there's always someone willing to bang them.

>> No.20826571

Fuck of pajeet, no one asked for your opinion

>> No.20826586

I had a Nepalese gf in college, she had the best tits.

>> No.20826597

>can't wait for her to get fat too
They're like Latinas. As soon as they hit 30 they'll balloon

>> No.20826610

Doubt. West asians have the worst bodies out of any group bar abbos.

>> No.20826611

who’s this pajeette?

>> No.20826619


5/10? Virgin Incel Pajeet spotted. Go back to xhamster and watch Bhabhi porn

>> No.20826624

This girl is a literal 5/10 in India, you simps are workshipping her like a 10. Raise your standard retard.

>> No.20826643


Says the Incel, hahahahahaha.

15 year old college going faggot aren't you?

>> No.20826669

Don't worry, I find all Indians to be repulsive smelly shitskins. I like beautiful white women and east Asians.

>> No.20826674

Based Indranuj dabbing on thirsty poojeet worshippers and making bank shilling ampl.

>> No.20826686

can u post a 6-9? give us an example

>> No.20826689

>uses incel two times for insult
>fifteen year old college student
imagine projecting this much kek

>> No.20826847
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>Go back to xhamster and watch Bhabhi porn

>> No.20826917
File: 123 KB, 640x640, c22ddb34-d75f-46f9-982b-61ec3e205dde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP has a skewed version of south asian women. Westernized pajeetas (2nd+ generation with westernized parents, not strict ones) are like in OP pic, but those in the homeland aren't so free (a safety issue).

>> No.20826959

god speed anon ill stick to azns jungle ones and chinky ones i dont mind. cant stand those curry bitches. wouldnt mind those petite wog girls with the big tits but they get fat pretty quick

>> No.20827024

unironically "bleaching" is just bringing civilization to the savages

>> No.20827032

I think she's pretty cute. Can you post a picture of an 8/10 in India? Maybe you guys just have different taste.

>> No.20827057

You're a subhuman

>> No.20827075

shell still be raped though right pajeet?

>> No.20827113

first you need to teach to poo in toilet

then you need to tell the bitch to shave every where

and finally you keep the bitch on a vegetarian diet so she don't blimp on you

>> No.20827142

India? I think you wanted to say Indonesia.

>> No.20827172

> poo in the loo
***Indian sideways head bob***
you are a veddy veddy long way from home sir!

>> No.20827245

>colonize India and breed their women
Does this board allow discussion of bestiality?

>> No.20827257
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When I make it I’m going to breed tons of white women

>> No.20827282
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For me, its Africa

>> No.20827291

but did he catch the aids?

>> No.20827477

when i search for indian porn or desi i only get ugly girls besides one chick that doesnt show her curry face. anyone?

>> No.20827616

That and they're shot on low quality cameras

>> No.20827618 [DELETED] 

the sentiment around here is that white dudes gets to fuck any asian chicks but most of them are low to mid tier lopsided face asian chicks and they dont even realize because they only used to white scummy burger eating faces mostly

>> No.20827668

low tier white male like u cant. but maybe top tier white dudes will

>> No.20827695

>that little fucking ogre in the middle
dios mio... la creatura germanica

>> No.20827811

el transhumano teutónico

>> No.20827860


>> No.20827887

they're always so sure of themselves too. dumb bitch shat out a goblin and thinks she's virtuous.

>> No.20827953

Audibly kek'd and read it out loud for maximum lol

>> No.20827979

LOL my fucking sides

>> No.20828109

Imagine the smell

>> No.20828455

Goys,if rich, go racemixing, it´s super fun!!.!!! Indians yummy, Aborigens the best!.!!

>> No.20828800

Duck of he's cute

>> No.20829129
File: 53 KB, 542x630, hotpajeeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cute curry companion
>tfw no pretty pajeeta paramour
why even live

>> No.20829185

the baby turned out surprisingly white considering the father

>> No.20829215

bc u are a low test beta male

>> No.20829258

this desu, westernised asian women are peak.

>> No.20829280
File: 1.39 MB, 1242x1215, 29s1kqbtfd641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw no modest Pajeet gf

>> No.20829285

palintine of facts?

>> No.20829307

>"When I make it the best I aspire to is brown women"

>> No.20829445
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>> No.20829520

This the thread where we rip on Pajeets?

>> No.20829591

You’re deluded if you think that a 6/10 white guy can’t fuck an 8/10 pajeeta

>> No.20829654

hello /our jeet/

>> No.20829675

Already bagged my qtbrowngf with straight hair thank you very much

>> No.20829710

That nigger has the face of a Slav. Give him a fifth of Stoli to hold and some track pants and tell me that little baby doesn't look like a member of the Russian mob

>> No.20829875

can you make some vids for diversity in porn? thanks

>> No.20829962

He is right. Dravidians are dominant, there’s 1Bn poos so these Desi chicks are literally everywhere.

>> No.20830002

Yeah maybe at some point if it goes long term. For now I recommend the subreddits indianraceplay, whiteonindian, indianbabesonoff, brownchickswhitedicks and indianivoryimports. Please let me know of any others.

>> No.20830003

i want to fugg her

>> No.20830008

Tamils are Sri Lankan and generally much more attractive

>> No.20830047

Nepal has same surprisingly hot curvy women

>> No.20830116
File: 14 KB, 390x461, 1596283628469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mother of based reply

>> No.20830122

Every time I see a girl like this I can only imagine the smell

>> No.20830133

Bro you are the greatest 4chan poster ever enjoy your brown pussy

>> No.20830150

>hello....COPE department?!?!

>> No.20830344

Hot Indian girls aren’t East Asian women. They usually stick to their own or maybe with other brown people. I’ve never seen indian girl and white mix in real life. You might be able to get an unattractive one that is self-hating and wants to be white

>> No.20830373

That all women though

>> No.20830374

Cope pajeet

>> No.20830467

how are women allowed to run around like that. this morning in the subway I had to stand atound with a boner.

>> No.20830778

I've seen this quite a lot. Poojeetas who have very high standards for most guys but seem to drop them all for indians.

It's just healthy race loyalty and it doesn't seem 'forced' either, not like they're coping for parental pressure though obviously that is the root.

>> No.20830836

Absolute cope lmao

>> No.20831419

Realistically, how much would be needed to establish a sophisticated breeding operation like this? You would need:

-scouts to scour the slums and countryside to select the finest specimen
-a world class facility including room and board for your breeding stock
-the finest doctors, personal trainers, and nutritionists to ensure that you are in top condition to fertilize several women per day

and probably a lot of other things I'm not thinking of. Being in India will make your dollar go a lot farther but I am still thinking like $10+ million to get this off the ground OP

>> No.20832034

indian girls are some of the most exotic women i've met. when they talk english with that indian accent omg..

>> No.20832376

It’s honestly a mystery, most Indian guys are small and gross but their women are basically darker whites girls

>> No.20832432


>> No.20833281

Is indian and white even race mixing if the Indian is light skinned? They’re already mostly Caucasian at that point. I think it’s great you’re restoring them to being white like their ancestors used to be.

>> No.20833316
File: 565 KB, 1080x1079, Screenshot_20200713_171344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this then.

>> No.20833380

you will be walking on rubble and the architecture looks like iraq.

>> No.20833461


>> No.20833483

Indians are fucking disgusting, hairy, and smell like shit.
The only reason to breed them is pure philanthropy as you endeavor to raise their gutter trash genetics to a higher level.

>> No.20833566

They sound like Apu from Simpsons or any given call centre - fucking annoying accent...no I am not looking to pay my taxes in Costco gift cards