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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20823886 No.20823886 [Reply] [Original]

Pajeets. I've been telling you.. Imagine buying Ether at 2.5..

>What is BUIDL?
BUIDL is the ownership token for DFOhub, a trustless, on-chain version of Github. It is quite literally programmable equity.

>What does that mean?
Crypto is making things decentralized, secure, and censorship-resistant. Github is distributed, but it isn't decentralized, and it isn't secure, and remains vulnerable to censorship. DFOhub uses the ETH blockchain to make the entire platform trustless. BUIDL gives you voting powers, and it gives you a share of the programs on the DFOhub platform.

>Why is that important?
If you have ever programmed, you know why Github is a useful resource. It provides central hubs of regularly updated code which you can access. If you have ever programmed solidity, you are probably already salivating. Smartcontracts can now be built piecemeal by means of microservices. Problem with the staking logic? No need to scrap the whole contract, make new tokens, airdrop, fork, anything like that. With DFOhub, you can just vote to change the staking logic. Problem solved, fairly, trustlessly, and easily! This is revolutionary tech for ETH development. DFOhub has been in development for years. It provides real improvements to so many things in smartcontracts.

This is a better ICO platform than ETH, this is a better DAO platform than Maker. This is game changing for smartcontracts.



Imagine Chainlink if it launched with a working product. From Alessandro Mario Lagana Toschi's own autistic mouth:
>"Imagine how the world of entrepreneurship could become cheaper and open to everyone in the world with a new worldwide equality, achieving the “Holy Grail” of accountability."

>Website: https://www.dfohub.com/

>Built by Italian autists
>Too new and groundbreaking for normies to have caught on
>Product is already functional (try it with Brave + Metamask @ https://b-u-i-d-l.github.io/dfo-hub/ )
>2m circulating supply

>> No.20823906


>> No.20823913

I know, I know. Sounds too good to be true. Did /biz/ really find next Chainlink? Yes. /biz/ found the old Chainlink too. You're early, the tokenomics are super sound and everything has already been locked in and planned out. It's only available on uniswap and there's a slowly shrinking liquidity pool, roughly 1mil marketcap. Only a few weeks old (but years of dev). The redpill is so easy to swallow.

Like Link, and Eth before it, there will be skeptics, swing sellers, fudders and frauders. You need to open your eyes, the only catch is you could miss the boat again and it was all right in front of you the whole time.

Both owners are known writers and tech savvy developers for Ethereum, hackernoon and few more.
-Marco Vasapollo @vasapower_
-Alessandro Mario Lagana Toschi @alessandromltoschi

>DFOhub Dapp: https://dfohub.eth (Beta V 0.1)
>Roadmap: https://www.notion.so/dfohub/DFOhub-Project-05787c6c7e2f49c5bd3a767c020583e8
>DFO Protocol Github: https://github.com/b-u-i-d-l/dfo-protocol
>DFOhub Github: https://github.com/b-u-i-d-l/dfo-hub
>DFO SDK Github: https://github.com/b-u-i-d-l/dfo-hub-sdk
>Community Guidelines and Bug Fixing Rewards: https://www.notion.so/dfohub/Community-Guidelines-a03ceeab28254eb3944ab85320be70de

>> No.20823946

$BUIDL Token use case:

As every DFO and its Independent Flexible Design, BUIDL Token holders are to explore its flexibility by voting.

-BUIDL holders have full power by voting, they can:
>Add new functions Edit existing functions
>Edit the frontend
>Change governance rules
>Update the DFO core Manage the DFOhub wallet funds organize investments strategies and everything will be achievable by Smart Contracts.

BUIDL is backed by a small portion of every DFO token created. Every time a new DFO born, a Generation fee is automatically paid with the new DFO tokens and sent to the DFOhub wallet. BUIDL holders can propose and vote how to manage these funds, as well as the generation fee.

Basically, this is the design of every DFO, the full control of the protocol by token holders and DFOhub is the first DFO ever existed. So BUIDL is not designed by be hodled for some speculative and no sense way to try to create values by nothing, but by real values and real disruptive dapps on top of it. PS: These dynamics are not a promise, but are already buidled and working in the mainnet! Thanks to the DFO microservices design people can actually find ways to use the funds in every way possible by coding a smart contract based proposals... So community can decide to invest them, stake them in DEFI apps or even distribute them.

But you don't have to take my word for it, just look for yourself. Here’s some easy reading by Alessandro Mario Lagana Toschi himself:

A proposal for a worldwide regulation of Cryptocurrencies, DAOs, and Taxation

How Censorship-Resistant Digital Goods, DAOs and DEFI apps are driving a new "Digitalization Era"

This is the business and finance you came for.

>> No.20823952

Shut the fuck up comparing to chainlink already. It's outperformed chainlink already in 3 months. without the army of paid shills.

>> No.20823953

>roughly 1mil marketcap
kek, you can tell this is a little out dated. wrote this one a while back

>> No.20823962


Keep on screeching like an autistic kid.
Been told that at 10 cents, at 50, at 1$ at 1,5 at 2..

Cry me a river

>> No.20823973

anon, see
that was written at 800k mc

>> No.20823994

you can achieve the same thing using ZOS proxy contracts. usdc uses them already. no token required

>> No.20824009

bags packed

>> No.20824014

It has 20000% gains and a 100 million market cap
DO NOT BUY biz, original whales are trying to unload bags this coin has pumped

>> No.20824034

doesn't solve the governance problem

>> No.20824069

Top wallets haven’t sold yet

>> No.20824085


This thing is far from pumped

>> No.20824099

>100 million market cap
fully diluted mc not based on circ supply

>> No.20824128

They haven't even re-branded yet, this thing will pump for a while yet.

>> No.20824172

92% of supply held by two people. Nice try anon

>> No.20824184
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>> No.20824212

Thats not what etherscan says

>> No.20824253

Just bought more, thx

>> No.20824267

Absolute state of newfags

>> No.20824269
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yes it does. that little symbol right there means it's a smart contract, not a normal wallet

>> No.20824309

Fuck you

>> No.20824672

Kekkerino learn to blockchain before trying to FUD

>> No.20824930

Get some crypto literacy kid

>> No.20825118

>mafia money laundering scheme
No thanks. Ever heard of their sports car acquisitions scheme?

>> No.20825245

eh I'll but at like .80c tops or not at all. I'd advise any others considering to do the same. you're buying the bags of greedy biztards who are already min 100x. I know because I flipped this a few tiems around 1c.
If it doesnt rebase, not interested. Already more upside in other positions

>> No.20825396
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So, this is sort of weird, but I actually live in Florence and I met Mario's brother only once. I went to highschool with Mario but his brother was years older and I never ended up meeting him somehow. He's pretty well known around my neighborhood for being connected and is sort of around a lot but I don't leave my house much. Mario was a huge nerd in school and basically everyone expected him to be a genius so launching this project wasn't really a surprise to anyone. He talks about this stuff irl all the time and shilled ETH to everyone at 5 bucks but no one took him seriously because he is seriously autistic. Anyways, what was a surprised was when his brother got involved in the company. They were sort of oil and water so that was weird Right around the time he took over as treasurer I saw him when I was doing a Pucciccio delivery (the Italian gubhub) and I saw him and like I had heard he was always dressed in the most outlandish ways, suits and rolexes, the whole thing, and I swear between his rings and watch and necklace he had 400k of jewelry on. I think he must have assumed I was someone else, because I was staring at him, and he looked like, suprised or something, and checked his watch, and all of the sudden like almost like rushed to stand up andwalked straight towards me. I am shitting buidls. I'm not kidding, I can see a gun poking out of his fucking wasteband as he walks. For some reason though, he has a huge smile on his face. Like, beaming. Like he thinks I'm an old friend or something. I don't know what my face looks like. And he walks up to me, and takes my hand, like grabs it, and pulls me in and hugs me tighter than I've ever been hugged before, and I can smell the cologne and hair spray and schnapps and he leans his mouth up against the side of my head and whispers gently in my ear "Bike to Ferraris" and kisses me on the cheek and walks back to his cafe table and doesn't even give me another glance. He went missing the next day.

>> No.20825410

like what other positions

>> No.20825426

this pasta tastes bullish

>> No.20825496

This. And i know because i have been tracking the staking availability and it has moved a bit. That means that buyers are in for a quick buck. Dont fall for it.

To project is great though

>> No.20825511

ngl I jacked to this

>> No.20825538

personally trustswap, unicrypt, stonks

>> No.20825616

thanks. what are your timeframes on trustswap and unicrypt? they look promising

>> No.20825709

is it going to drop more? volume is still so fucking high, I think we are pumping again soon. the amount of tokens on uniswap and balancer are next to nothing. one whale wants to buy in and we are 20m mc

>> No.20825779

why are you asking for investment advice from a dumb ape who sold buidl at 1c?

>> No.20825819

I knew it would come to this. It’s just uncertain when and how far it will dump
We’ll observe if a H&S pattern is forming now

>> No.20825875

idk man it's time for a bit of a bleed. i 3x'd and sold half, sue me

>> No.20826016
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>> No.20826223

Still waiting for the re-branding, I suggest anyone hodling do the same.

>> No.20826242

Why sell?

>> No.20826387

I mean depending on how much it goes to its probably worth making money on at least half a stack, I'm already up like 3x so I can afford to wait.

>> No.20826401

Meant to reply to you with this:

>> No.20826439

I’m just planning to sell off a couple hundreds to finance myself if I can’t get the job I was looking for this year.
I still have 1 year of CS left and even with 1 year of experience from a startup it’s still not a guarantee that I will land a job this year. More likely next year though when I finish my bachelor

>> No.20826584

This a top 50 coin. Eoy

>> No.20827442

Edcon 2020 and moon.
Like Snx last year

>> No.20827485

BUIDLBro reporting in for the daily support

>> No.20827584

When ist it?

>> No.20827675


>> No.20827709

Is staking with DFO worth it?

>> No.20827798

If you can see it crabbing for the staking period then yes.

>> No.20827816

09th-11th August

>> No.20827891

So far barely because it’s mooned pretty hard. The ones with the year staking will fare the best because they get the best rewards. Others might get a bit rekt desu

>> No.20828201
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why are there two BUIDLs?

>> No.20828280

V1 and V2.

>> No.20828287
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r8 my shitty meme

>> No.20828358

Where can we buy this?

>> No.20828537

It's alright. 4/10

>> No.20828606

should i switch to V2 or no

>> No.20828628

V1 is going to get discontinued so yes.

>> No.20829179

R.I.P. Mario Torgini.

How some of you callous anons can invest in this project with concsience after all that has happened is truly beyond me.

>> No.20829237



>> No.20829292

Love this meme. And the project

>> No.20829902
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t. Julian

>> No.20829937

I am an Ethereum dev since 2016

And absolutely NOTHING is going to change in my work because of BUIDL.

It's a glorified DAO framewwork. Git is inherently decentralise. Now storage is also decentralised like IPFS, storj, SWARM.

I guess pajeets won't ever understand.

Enjoy your meme coin

>> No.20830007

Nice larp

>> No.20830020

Gonna be massive anon. The next big thing.

>> No.20830024


poor jules


enjoy your monolithic smart contracts and special dev permissions and living in the past

>> No.20830056

DAOstacks does that and better.

I know it from fact.

>> No.20830057

Imagine comparing this to git and not realizing what the comparison means. If I say something is like “Uber for spaceships” you wouldn’t say “what’s wrong with just using Uber for cars?”

>> No.20830074
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>> No.20830224

Thanks for confirming.

Users interact with DAO -> sumbit vote to change one module -> module is changed
-> only the broken part is abandonded

Wow guys are you really impressed by that?

Check out the Diamand Standard smart contract, and also DAOstacks (GEN).

Modern DAOs are exactly like that and you don't need a fucking network of DAO. Though I don't need this feature, DAOstacks is also a network of DAOs .

Those guys renamed DAO into DFO.
Nice project but it will fool only stupid investors knowing zero of 2020 DAO smart contract good practices.

>> No.20830229

Holy shit, I heard the rumors that the police found his body floating in the river.
I don't know, dude. Should I sell? this doesn't feel right

>> No.20830316

See ampl, my bets are dfo will moon

>> No.20830392

If you don’t know the difference between a DAO nor it’s limitations over a DFO then just stop posting. Do some reading, then come back.

>> No.20831326
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sup cunts

>> No.20831331

You guys are hilarious, keep up the creative fud

>> No.20831339
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Got 1400 buidl. Feeling comfy. Top 50 coin. Stay poor biz.

>> No.20831366

Do what you think is right anon. Personally I would not want to be in the Ossobuccini's bad books.

>> No.20831493

1-100 Apprentice
100-500 Tradesman
500-1000 Craftsman
1000-3000 Journeyman
3000-7000 Artisan
7000-10000 Artificer
10000+ BUIDLER

>> No.20831614

this meme just convinced me to add to my moonbag

>> No.20831930
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>> No.20832036



>> No.20832054
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Police has leaked the photos of Mario's body floating along the riverbank shore.
This is so sad

>> No.20832412

holy fuck. this is not okay, I'm out. reminder if you buy this coin you are directly funding the Italian mafia slaughtering innocent civilians in the streets.

>> No.20832606
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>>What is BUIDL?
>BUIDL is the ownership token for DFOhub, a trustless, on-chain version of Github. It is quite literally programmable equity.
>>What does that mean?
>Crypto is making things decentralized, secure, and censorship-resistant. Github is distributed, but it isn't decentralized, and it isn't secure, and remains vulnerable to censorship. DFOhub uses the ETH blockchain to make the entire platform trustless. BUIDL gives you voting powers, and it gives you a share of the programs on the DFOhub platform.
>>Why is that important?
>If you have ever programmed, you know why Github is a useful resource. It provides central hubs of regularly updated code which you can access. If you have ever programmed solidity, you are probably already salivating. Smartcontracts can now be built piecemeal by means of microservices. Problem with the staking logic? No need to scrap the whole contract, make new tokens, airdrop, fork, anything like that. With DFOhub, you can just vote to change the staking logic. Problem solved, fairly, trustlessly, and easily! This is revolutionary tech for ETH development. DFOhub has been in development for years. It provides real improvements to so many things in smartcontracts.
>This is a better ICO platform than ETH, this is a better DAO platform than Maker. This is game changing for smartcontracts.

token not needed

>> No.20832715


You are not needed

>> No.20832734


Try harder fudder. BUIDL is quintessential to DFOhub. DFOhub could not operate without it. www.dfohub.com/buidl

>> No.20832757

Almost no project has a token that is needed to be honest

>> No.20833763


DFOHub is a set of smart-contracts forming a protocol, so they could later on be added on Polkadot, and have a shared governance between ETH and Polkadot through the interoperable bridges....


>> No.20833798

Did you even read what you wrote?

>> No.20833817

Token not needed. Absolutely retarded shitscam.

>> No.20833844



>> No.20834056



>> No.20834586
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>> No.20834785

Your fud won't help