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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20822048 No.20822048 [Reply] [Original]

i am financially ruined. will anyone trade me $AMPL for $ROPE ?

>> No.20822113

Trade your $AMPL for some Cybercoin instead, anon. It's not too late to turn a profit

>> No.20822346

>falling for obvious pyramid ponzi

whew anon i...

>> No.20822371

Warned you
>> 20822137

Next time /biz/ thinks they’ve found a magic money printer and that they are all high IQ, run.

>> No.20822647

My calculations state we are buying bitcoin at $34 right now.
That’s 320X just to get started so crypto has liquidity to inhale all that government printing. There isn’t a more comfy hold than
Trading will always lose to compounding interest. 3.88% today. 8% yesterday.. 13% the day before. Best investment ever and I bought at $2.60

>> No.20822712

this whole forum should be arrested. I hope you all rot in hell. You ruined my life and my mom is making me go to a Financial Education Remote (soon) Summer Camp for Teenagers. I told her I lost $500 on AMPL (all my savings) and she flipped her shit. I literally hate all of you. What the mother fuck

>> No.20822723
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you ample niggers who bought in at 1.8 hoping for a quick and easy 50% rebase have probably killed themselves already, I wondered why ampl threads good or bad just vanished

>> No.20822752
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why did you hold through the crash

>> No.20822812

I want to thank all the bizbros because I was delusional and refused to sell this until yesterday when the fud finally got to me and I managed to save 30% of my profits from ampl. Cheers bizbros!

>> No.20822847

>if you don't invest in this u are low iq and i am not explaining it becoz u r low iq and if u r not low iq u buy like me so u are low iq

>> No.20822935

I still think before this shit fully plays out, there's going to be a ton of people calculating in their head what they "woulda had" if they just fucking held.

>> No.20823060

as amusing as this is i genuinely feel bad for that dude with rotting teeth

>> No.20823107

the same way you magically made more coins with rebase, you will lose them with the negative rebase. if you think about it, if whales keep this in negative rebase territoryfor long enough, you will have nothing by the time it stabilizes. when positive rebases start again, you'll basically have 0. whales can afford this game. most likely you can't

>> No.20823146

Yeah, it hurts man. I don't know what to do. I am -70% and it just hurts. I can't sleep, I am trying so hard to not sell but I'm completely fucked either way. I can't even wage cuck because of Covid lockdowns to make back these losses. I just wanted teeth man.

>> No.20823155

My hands are iron, anon.

>> No.20823174

I'm sorry, but did AMPL already crash? Oh, that's right. The rebase hasn't happened yet. ln fact, the rebase is still hours away. Does dumping 40% in marketcap count as a crash? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this post when the token is still printing every day? AMPL is being pooled right now and has been the top performer for how many days now? It's up against some of the worst establishment shitcoins in india who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of the 2017 bullrun. But you know what? They still fucking suck. AMPL is one of the single greatest tokens in the world, it turned a small loan of a few ETH into hundreds and would have made more if not for whales trying to chase other pumps. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when AMPL passes Tether and somebody shows you a screencap of your posts.

>> No.20823209

in a thread about suifuel there are pumpers? We are truly in Golden bull now because soulless assholes pump when instead of suggesting cope. Again fuck all of you

>> No.20823391

:/ i hope for your sake it goes back up somehow. I mean i held STA through the hacker dump, crazier shit has happened.

>> No.20823533

Lmao we fucking told you it was a ponzi you massive retard. You actually fell for the pajeets shelling it saying it’s “for high IQ chads only”
AMPL is a magnificent example of the dunning Kruger effect. Tons of retards on this board legitimately convincing themselves they’re super geniuses for buying into a ponzi. Literally lmaoing @ Your life rn.

>> No.20823566

It wasn't pajeets, it was other anons. You're right. I deserve this. I'm sorry.

>> No.20823598

I know the feeling anon, to be poor and get burned on shitcoins. learn a lesson from this. do more research. don't trust anyone with a "guarentee". we are all going to make it

>> No.20823638

hey, on the upside Ampleforth's value is still >1 Zimbabwean dollar.

>> No.20823665

ironic lmao

>> No.20823708

Got out with a 5x...could have been more if I sold earlier, but i'll take it

>> No.20823743

Buy ampl get rekt buy cybercoin get rekt buy next shitcoin rekt to
Noobs never learn

>> No.20823790

whatever, let's just take advantage of this in the next pump, it is a money printer anyway, even if it is going to be dangerous after the first marketcap decrease... no risks, no profits.

>> No.20823892


This makes no sense. First, negative rebases can't on their own bring the supply down to zero. Second, rebases affect all wallets proportionally. The pleb wallets hit (near) zero when the whale wallets hit zero.

>> No.20823954

I bought at 2.60 as well please give advice besides sell if I sell i lose way way too much

>> No.20823982
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Feel bad for u guys. I tried warning you all Jack platts was going to dump. He literally LITERALLY shilled this on biz to dump on u guys

You called me a retard and every name under the sun

>> No.20824019

where does he live

>> No.20824046

bro why are your teeth rotting? how did they get like that?

>> No.20824048

Don't sell dumbass

>> No.20824068

This should be a clear message to you.
Literal meth addicts are buying into this pajeet coin.

>> No.20824072

Grow some balls and buy more. It’s undoubtedly going back up above $1 today. Probably when btc goes below $10k today

>> No.20824079

anon just hold thru this fear/fud cycle - THIS IS LITERALLY SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN FOR CHRIST SAKES - it will be alright.

>> No.20824102

Have to be over 18 to be here friendo

>> No.20824158

Are you METHANON?...

>> No.20824159

Should I just hodl.now? It seems there is no point in selling for 70c. I bought for 1.65 a day ago

>> No.20824193

Please explain to me how losing 32% of the market cap is supposed to happen

>> No.20824200

i lost 20k in 20 hours but i'm going all in, wish me gl.

>> No.20824243

I posted my story in another thread but I grew up in abject poverty to a crack head mom and dad that killed himself while I was sleeping next to him on my birthday. I never learned how to take care of myself until I was older and didn't understand the importance of tooth care until my adult teeth had already started rotting when I was 14. I also have genetically bad teeth so unfortunately even after years of trying to take care of them I now have 6 abscesses and need 7-8 implants and fillings in every single tooth in my skull. All in all I've been quoted anywhere between $45-60k for the surgeries and dental work. I can't eat almost any of my favorite foods anymore and I have abscesses pop sometimes and it just hurts all day.

>> No.20824249


>> No.20824270

you should just fly to some 3rd world country to get it done at that point

>> No.20824332

fuck me... how much is the most pressing work needed?

>> No.20824354

I know, hindsight is 20/20. I just feel really bad right now.

>> No.20824359

and shit is that usd or some poverty country dollar?

>> No.20824364

you can get all that done in taiwan for $500

>> No.20824420

I had an appointment tomorrow for 2 extractions that would have team me 2k but I think I actually have Covid-19 that I got from my roommate so I have to go get tested instead. Nothing ever gets easier guys.

>> No.20824441

lol 65 cents now. prepare for a 70% market cap correction from here. whales can bleed for weeks and not matter.

>> No.20824458



>> No.20824478

Serious question, at what price would it be worth entering again, if at all?

>> No.20824493

can't you move to a country with health care?

>> No.20824512

i'm looking at ~$.52 which puts us at 200m mc again

>> No.20824531

Oh it’s the blog post guy again

>> No.20824538
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at 10m MC.

>> No.20824540

please explain

>> No.20824553

Oh nono no just two hours ago 1.06 was considered suifuel LMAO

>> No.20824554

if only we knew, i think many of us want to reentry but this shit is dangerous af, i want to go to sleep desu but i also want to en

>> No.20824558
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>You ruined my life and my mom is making me go to a Financial Education Remote Summer Camp for Teenagers.

>> No.20824573

I live in America and I'm currently out of work from Covid lock downs and am skirting by on self employment unemployment benefits. I can't even wage slave to start saving again. I know it sounds like a pity party but all I've done is lose recently, mostly out of my control but this was my fault entirely.

>> No.20824588

christ you are retarded. rebases affect all wallets and its % based. lmao

>> No.20824589

it's too difficult to estimate the moonbois panicking "wait this has no compounding dividends at all" vs people actually thinking hayek money is a worthy upgrade over bitcoin in the long term

at least i won't touch this for now lmao

>> No.20824601

I don't have any friends. I know you feel smug right now but seriously, this hurts.

>> No.20824629

>doesn’t have friends
>goes to 4chan for sympathy


>> No.20824632

Look at how volatile bitcoin was in its first year. This is the same but only it will go much higher than bitcoin ever did in its first cycle.

>> No.20824811

not price, marketcap. $75M-$100M is my target. 75% correction.

>> No.20824814
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>where does he live

>> No.20824820

Stop thinking about price and start thinking what NEGATIVE rebases will do for marketcap. buying now is literally -50% suicide. at least.

>> No.20824834

jack platts is locked in for 12 months

>> No.20824934
File: 30 KB, 364x273, WhatsApp Image 2020-07-14 at 9.12.40 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret of ampl is lopsided mathematics. There is unlimited max positive rebase (anything >$1.05) but limited max negative rebase (anything below $0.96) of -10% at $0 price. As long as there is demand, negative rebase will still bring price up back to $1 and start FOMO cycles again. This uneven math effectively makes for trapping more base mcap after each FOMO cycle and raising the collective value of each holder's stack.
The only way value can leave is if there were prolonged 0 demand, which at this point is not realistic.

However, don't let anyone shill you with "muh compounded gains" or any such nonsense. Rebase simply changes supply evenly so everyone still holds the same % of the token supply each night. Money comes in whenever whales or FOMOers pump the price and requires continuous new demand for mcap (and hence the value of your stack) to continue to accumulate at a meaningful rate.

Advanced level: Learn to play the swings and you can multiply your %stack every FOMO cycle. Sell the top, buy the bottom.

>> No.20824989

negative rebases dont start for another 2-3 days

drop an xmr wallet ill slide u $3k tmrw

>> No.20826012



>> No.20826053

Fuck yeah anon you made it

>> No.20826203

Last time this crashed /biz/ told me it was a good thing and that I didn't understand it

Is it still good?

>> No.20826372
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In the mean time bud stop eating all carbs including bread and rice, substituting plenty of fatty meat and dairy [high in vitamins a,b,k,d, and hydroxyapatite (what teeth are made of)]. It won't fix your mouth but it could quell your pain and, in time, remineralize minor cavities.
Read more here on reversing decay: https://b-ok.cc/book/2272001/888046
Do everything you can to keep what you have if at all possible or pic related will happen.

>> No.20826381
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>> No.20826394

it isnt good and u understood it perfectly

with negative rebases the supply will now shrink and the market cap will go down too compounding losses

this will be rekt for a very very long time

>> No.20826605

But I thought this was the new bitcoin?!?!

>> No.20826658

how does negative rebase make marketcap go down

>> No.20827060
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Ok retards, I'm going to explain it to you. Reddit spacing so you can take it slowly

There is no point in being upset about how the current dollar value of ampl might make you "lose" the tokens you have right now at this moment.

The rebase mechanism that makes you lose/gain your tokens is exactly what makes ampl so useful and worth buying in the first place, and is what practically guarantees that ampl will eventually reach a very high market cap-- not because it can magically "print money", but because by fluctuating your token amount up and down depending on demand, it accurately reflects the percent of ownership in the ampl network you have, while helping to accommodate demand and bring the ampl token back closer to its intended value.

So what you are buying isn't tokens, its a percentage of the ampl network. The token amount you have at any given time is only a superficial representation of the percentage of the ampl network you own.

Get it brainlets? So you're not losing anything when faggot whales start manipulating the market and the price drops-- unless you panic and sell.
DONT have glass hands because your tokens are "disappearing"; if you cant see this as an obvious shakeout I dont know what to say.

>> No.20827095

so thats why old people have that look
thanks anon i learned something new today

>> No.20827108

smart money arbitraged and bought the dip hahahahahahha

>> No.20827189


>> No.20827223


That's me. Cashed out 200k three days ago and bought back about 25k this morning.

>> No.20827242

since this is a stablecoin isnt anything less than $1 going to make you money? (unless it implodes)