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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 799x99, raidenv1testing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20820512 No.20820512 [Reply] [Original]

Did you buy the dip anon?
You didn't?

>> No.20820622

Very nice. Already all in.

>> No.20820626

What about Windows and Apple users? Has the testing started on those already?

>> No.20820660

Not sure. They only mentioned linux. I think they still need to integrate the raiden client into the wallet though, but doing some tests beforehand to make sure no major issues.

>> No.20821136
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Anyone know what the fuck to do when you launch your MN and it's status is EXPIRED instead of ENABLED? The fuck is this

>> No.20821148

Have you set up the monitoring tab on cloud? Are you using cloud MNaaS?

>> No.20821204
File: 95 KB, 750x585, Cash Conker Quote resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happened to me also, Don't enable your MN on Core wallet until there is a Yellow WiFi signal, just w8 a few hours it may be fixed on its own. If not goto their discord.

>> No.20821330

Yes and yes, shows as not found on the monitoring tab

Yeah I figured it might be a timing thing, I assume you mean a yellow signal in the masternodes tab on cloud?

>> No.20821426
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>> No.20821473

Just try restarting it on your corewallet. make sure it's fully synced. Sometimes it doesn't always work straight away. If you keep having issues (after several restarts, wait until you get the expired email though) then ask in the discord for help.

>> No.20821675

Raiden test so soon? Likely story. And shoop fags here that can debunk that "screenshot"?

>> No.20821743

Then it's actually nothing but bloatware. XSN is nothing but full of false promises.

>> No.20821786

But anon I have downloaded and used the beta DEX? The X9 team has years of collaboration and development of some cryptos biggest (and only) innovation? Is it all a ruse?

>> No.20822094

It's in the discord main testing group so nearly anyone can view it. Just ask to be added.

>> No.20822112

Sounds like cope. XSN has delivered so far and I believe they will continue to deliver.

>> No.20823147


>> No.20823187

I wanted to buy the dip but I'm already all in. If it went to .20 tho I would have taken out a loan

>> No.20823228

I too, have fallen prey to these delusions as of late. I just... I can't stop having these visions of winning, being a cha... may I say "making it"?. Then I saw the DEX. "Completely centralized decentralized", they said! I-it should've been so cheap, so shit... and... "just a hoax" as the fine chaps on /biz/ always warned me, but... When I finally laid my eyes on its slick, and Kek forbid my utterance, professional looking black stylish hue. I realized... i-it really was too good to be true..? How can such a godly product even be allowed to exist..? Thus, in my heart... it will always be a scam, for such good things can never be allowed to exist... As foretold by the crypto seer named pajeet, whom I to this day trust with all my heart and provider of financial guidance. And then I... I realized that this so called "Steaknet" will always remain just that... A dream. I-it truly is the greatest of scams, for such a nice thing just can't befall a godforsaken neet such as myself... No, not for me... A poor neet of moons too many to count. This "Steaknet" truly will remain the greatest of scams, devised with the sole purpose of extinguishing the flame of hope as soon as it had been lit in the first place...

Truly, that my friends... That is Steaknet. The crusher of all neets' dreams. The scam of the ages.

>> No.20823265

where the fuck do you buy this shit? I see XSN shilled here all the time and it’s a total shitcoin that uses 5 year old tech. Seriously - masternodes? What is this 2015? Jfc move on already. They must pay a team of shillers to keep this alive here

>> No.20823279

Shit pasta.

>> No.20823299

You buy on livecoin or the DEX. Xsn is at the forefront of tech btw. Have you tested the DEX?

>> No.20823362

“Livecoin” ? Are you mental? Is there even a single exchange that won’t rob me blind? At least get sHitBTC listing you fucking loons.

All noobs stay away from this coin. Seriously a huge scam

>> No.20823371

i cant tell whos shilling and whos not with this coin

on one hand it seems cool
on the other hand making a living off 1 masternode seems unrealistic

there are more people that shill for it than against so maybe its good? but the people that shill for often say the same things over and over 'HAVE U USED THE DEX?' etc

>> No.20823473

Livecoin is pretty good. No kyc. Just put in funds and get out. Not any difference from other cexs.

>> No.20823537

X9 develops on Linux and then ports to Windows/Mac, from my observations.
>t. not a dev but have been beta testing swaps since 2019

>> No.20823643

Implying the fudders dont say the same shit over and over again.
>Have you used the dex?
Well, have you? Because that's the one thing that you can do for yourself to find out if this shit is legit. With this question we're saying that you dont have to just trust the shills, you can try out the product by yourself and see its effectiveness.

>> No.20823675

Is it very realistic to live off 1 node. Right now im getting on average 45xsn per 1 node per week.

At $1 that's $45 a week for free. At $2 that's $90. $20 it's $900 a week ez. And that's 1 masternode.

>Can XSN hit $20?
Absolutely . At $20 that put XSNs marketcap at 2Billion which is nothing in crypto, only the top 20. When you consider what the tech can do, what is being worked on right now then you'll realise that $20 is fud.

Regarding fud, you can tell the project is good since the fudder are fucking shit. Everything they say gets disproven, when they get rekt they just ignore the answer and repeat themselves. Usually changing the topic of fud every 2 days or so.

>> No.20823724

Nice, how excited are you for raiden?

This is correct. Those fudders keep saying the same shit over and over.
>Nooooo how does aggregator work (mainly cz)
>Nooooo you must skip stage 1 and 2 of DEX
Etc. The more XSN threads you read the more apparent this shit is.

>> No.20823751

Not forgetting how
>Devs have no exp and don't do any active work
>Look I linked the wrong github
>NOOOO no lightning exp t.lightning dev
>Nooo raiden is trash tech
>Noooo looks at this 'exploit'
>Nooo don't make me use the 'exploit'

>> No.20823765

>making a living off 1 masternode seems unrealistic
Maybe, but if it only pays say $80 a day and only goes 10x it's value is it still a good buy today for 4000?
Maybe you can live off of the exchange fees from one MN maybe not, it's going to depend on the volume of trades the exchange processes, he total number of MNs and the fees the DEX charges but if the exchange is real (test it yourself) then the investment in a node is a very good investment. That's just a fact.

>> No.20823766
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New OC hot off the press

>> No.20823786
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Checked, vortex go whirrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.20823792
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>> No.20823796

Oh I forget to mention that trading fees will go to nodes in stage 3 of the DEX (HYDRA). The current calculations only include block rewards.

>> No.20823812
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>> No.20823868

how long would you have to stake a 1K usd investment in xsn to get a masternode

>> No.20823899

The only real fud that sticks in my mind and keeps me from selling the house and moving into a cardboard box so I can have even more money for nodes is that it seems too good to be true. Like there must be something I'm not seeing. It's like someone offering me ownership in a box that turns led into gold, and they let me try it and it works...and they're like hey wanna buy one?
It's the best problem to have in a crypto investment though

>> No.20823912
File: 93 KB, 602x590, xsn wp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite. It was cool to see TPoS, MNaaS, and LN swaps come to life. ETH next.

>> No.20824133


>> No.20824203

Sorry fren I don't know I've only ever bought 15150 at a time I don't know the math on a 1k investment today

>> No.20824256

You'd get there eventually and even a 1k investment could be worth a lot after the DEX releases

>> No.20824295

Xsn is mooning boys haha get fucked you cope, your a seethe and we're going to rope on you. My bags are loaded and I'm priced out so stop fudding we're going to $100 eoy hail hydra and I fuck anthropomorphic rabbits I'm getting link vibes.

>> No.20824529
File: 292 KB, 1146x913, key tech in stakenet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


plug your numbers in and find out you sexy slut 2AM USA gang here im so fucked up but at least im getting rich because i am never selling my node and im stacking rewards until i get 2 and 3 and 4 and 5.....i sweat ill go to bed after this post

>> No.20824660

>2AM USA gang
EST is the master time zone
GMT seething

>> No.20824687

in 27 short years i would have my masternode if i staked 1000 USD

>> No.20824724

im all in

>> No.20824774
File: 115 KB, 1636x856, mnmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. If you DCA accumulate, you can make it to a MN.

>> No.20824966

Staking basically works like a lottery. Each coin is a ticket. Of course there are parameters to stop the same coin wining over and over.

>> No.20824984

You bought NEO when it was a 100$ and on Binance and not Antshares on tiny shit exchanges or Link after the CB add and only got a x2, right?

>> No.20824985

Consider if something is too good to be true to be true. If you DYOR you will understand that it's the real deal.

>> No.20825034

Ask yourself, how much is a masternode in 27 years?

>> No.20825055

How does 30000000$ sound?

>> No.20825080

Checked. Good thing i have 5+nodes

>> No.20825146

how long until its too late and were all priced out

>> No.20825185

When 4chan sees BTC to LINK Lightning swapping videos in a few of weeks

>> No.20825191


>> No.20825272
File: 111 KB, 900x747, 101-1019194_gladiator-pepe-clipart-png-download-gladiator-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDEX was a popular DEX to buy LINK for awhile before it KYC'd
That gives me a lot of hope for XSN because IDEX sucked lol

>> No.20825282

how much does a lightning channel cost desu?

>> No.20825509

Initially one on-chain transaction to open it and you can keep it open for days to months. While it's open it's basically free

>> No.20825817
File: 784 KB, 1100x716, raidenmk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One-stop native interop
XSN is set

>> No.20825821

When raiden is integrated into the light wallet and the discord main group gets a stable build.

>> No.20826010

what if it pumps to one dollar and starts to dip
why are you guys talking like there is only one way to go up and not down

what are the actual chances of making it with xsn 20% 40%??

>> No.20826066

If XSN were to hit Reddcoin's marketcap, it would be approx. 0.6614155737636117¢
To be fair, Redd-ID did come out

>> No.20826141

My comfiest hold, proud masternode holder

>> No.20826350

The catch, and the only legitimate criticism of XSN, is that the infrastructure will not run off the masternodes until Stage 3(Hydra)

I have no doubt that this will happen, but i have no idea how long this will actually take.

Thats the real value here. thats why this is such a small cap.

>> No.20826365

Lol no. The hubs that run on stage 1 + 2 are made of nodes. Stage 3 the DEX moves completely to the masternode layer.

>> No.20826367

Omg you're right! What if it pumps to 100$ and then dips again?

>> No.20826392

my mistake.

but you must admit that a) the fee's still dont go to the nodes until stage 3 and b) we really dont have a estimation of how far away that is

t. 3 masternode holder

>> No.20826447

Fees arent too big of an issue. Since 10% of the fees gets used to market buy xsn then burn it. The rest will go to the treasury (i think) which requires masternode votes to use.

>> No.20826558
File: 463 KB, 770x470, EP012-770x470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X9 routinely delivers. There's been several weeks where they put out a new build of the DEX almost everyday. I think the natural growth of the project from a financial standpoint and a bigger treasury budget will allow them to build up at a more effective rate.

>> No.20826868

Based and truth pilled.

>> No.20827144

masternodes are like cotton gins
block rewards are the cotton
staking wallets pick the cotton
it is then exported to manufacturers in the north

>> No.20827181

Checked, I'm gonna be so fucking rich lmao. Glad I bought sub 1000sats.

>> No.20827365

I actually hate that they burn tokens. They should put it to vote so we can shop with the scammy shit. I love the project but it hard to take seriously when they pull blatant scammer moves like that. There's no need or benefit to token burns. It's just wasteful and retarded. What fucking retard even came up with it and how did she manage to get everyone on board? Must have been one hell of a blowjob.

>> No.20827544

We dont need no water let the

>> No.20827697
File: 93 KB, 834x440, stakenetfever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20827833

Wtf are you talking about? Xsn has Infinite supply it needs token burns. The burns is only 10% of DEX fees.

>> No.20827905
File: 88 KB, 1331x998, 1595712443548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is then exported to manufacturers in the north

>> No.20827955

I enter a number and press enter but the page doesn't load any result

>> No.20828014

Works fine for me. If your own Mobile try putting the site in desktop mode.

>> No.20828017

I don't see what's so bad about infinite supply. Infinite money right? Who doesn't want that? It can only be a good thing.

>> No.20828080

Inflation. Buying the xsn at Marketprice with 10% of trading fees is good for holders since it pushes the price up. At the same time burning those coins reduces the supply which is also good for holders.

>> No.20828148

token burning is a deflationary mechanism that offsets inflation

reducing the total supply increases the value of the coins

>> No.20828178

We already have liquidity problems. I'll take an increase in price if it means we can actually market buy 1btc worth without losing a stupid amount to slippage. Holders can get fucked, I want to own .25% of supply while it's still a nanocap.

>> No.20828723

>We already have liquidity problems
When you say this do you mean XSN on livecoin? Those orderbooks are very thin. Less than 1% of the supply is available. The DEX aggregator will help a lot with slippage however XSN may still have slippage due to thin orderbooks. Since most XSN is already locked up in staking contracts and masternodes. There is very little liquid supply of XSN.