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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20819019 No.20819019 [Reply] [Original]

The dividends I'm earning from my staked CBR is incredible. I have a few million staked and I'm on pace to yield 250k just from dividends today.

The tokenomics of this coin are astounding. 5% of every transaction is burned until only 10,000,000 tokens remain. At a current mcap over 300k or so, and a current burn rate of 40 million per day, this coin is going to be scarce within a couple of weeks.

I have little doubt that we'll see 100x, maybe even more.

>> No.20819046
File: 562 KB, 2160x1440, Shoot For The Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strap in anon.

>> No.20819097

Deflationary and Staking...

This will 20x - easy.

>> No.20819133

This is gonna fly very soon I think... Dunno about 100x but should be good for 5-15x from here over the next week or 2

>> No.20819198

has it got the potential for .05? I'm thinking of getting another stack, any time frame?

>> No.20819259

I’ve tried buy or staking but my coinbase wallet won’t let me the web app it uses is bogus

>> No.20819325

Tons of potential sir. Pls buy coin.

>> No.20819328

Let me help you fren. Drop cuckbase, I used to use it too. Use metamask

>> No.20819515

Metamask is cool but I fucking hate that if I don't open the app for more than a minute that annoying fucking loading logo appear.

>> No.20819733

My chick bad, but my Cybercoin betta. She doesn't complain and make me that monay. Lets Git It Anons

>> No.20820085

How do I even go about buying this?

>> No.20820104
File: 42 KB, 649x410, 15960625852132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you?

>> No.20820192

Um did you see the picture of the fucking rocket? That means up. Up is good in this game, kid.

>> No.20820227

And join the telegram:

>> No.20820326

I never fucked with crypto except for 100 meme linkies but my friend talked about it this before it went berserk, now it’s back to where it was so I’m trying to ride that pump.

My transaction is taking forever on Uniswap, did I fuck something up? I am new fag
> buy some ETH
> transfer to wallet
> use wallet on Uniswap to convert to CBR
> ???

Is this normal? It’s been like 15 mins

Also i kind of FOMOd in, I’m wondering if there’s a more efficient way to do this. I bought 100$ worth of ETH on cuckbase, transferred it, and by the time I’m ready for the actual transaction it’s 92$...

>> No.20820369

Up your slippage on uniswap. Click the gear icon and up it to like 5-6% it will go through

>> No.20821032

Wtf it’s still not going through

>> No.20821168

Still stuck on pending for me as well

>> No.20821281

How long has it been?

I tried another transaction and it gave me an error message. Is that a good sign that the first one is being processed?

>> No.20821309

Up your slippage!

>> No.20821365

been 18m 30s so far. Slippage is up to 5%. I'll see what happens if I go up more

>> No.20821604

Still just stuck sitting at approving/pending after over 20 mins. Dumb.

>> No.20821610


dude stop fucking around you have one shot to make it and should be going all in FUND.

>> No.20821614

We are starting to go up big time now, anons. Don't be too late and miss your ride to the moon

>> No.20821621

also wow , the REN logo? wew. faggots

>> No.20821635


>> No.20821652

probably because it's a scam. sorry anon they tried to warn you.

>> No.20821825


>> No.20821841

lol post tsx hsh to SEC.

>> No.20821856

That anon is just trying to FUD and is doing a bad job at it. You need to use a bit more gas and adjust your slippage to 7%+

>> No.20821858

I mean I only did a few bucks worth but still fucking stupid. I'm a retard

>> No.20822009

Is there anywhere else to buy than uniswap?

>> No.20822060

Not that I know of. Just use metamask. I'm assuming you are using coinbase, so get some ETH and send it to a metamask wallet and use uniswap. Super convenient and definitely worth the change.
t. Used to use cuckbase

>> No.20822187

etherscan now says the status is "dropped and replaced" and uniswap is still indicating it is pending... Yes I still lost the small ETH fee. hmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.20822249

Just be patient, anon. It isn't hard.

>> No.20822339

The fuck is this new /biz/ scam?

>> No.20822356

Not a scam, anon. Read the whitepaper and DYOR.

>> No.20822566

Thanks. Will try

>> No.20822836

Had a transfer go through on Uniswap but it still says I have zero CBR. I know this is nufag shit but still. da fuk

>> No.20822904

WTF? add the custom token you fkn retard

>> No.20822920

Yes it is this week's h3x. Imagine falling for the samefagging.

>> No.20822924

jesus christ, you want me to come wipe your ass too?

>> No.20823039

I did that. bro

>> No.20823116

lol nvm I got it. Still pretty sure this is a scam but aight

>> No.20823564

Good. not a scam. now stake that shit for rewards...

>> No.20823644

It's ok. If it's a low amount you put in, you'll just learn next time what the telling signs of a scam coin are. Especially >>20823564

>> No.20823736

Yep, we'll see what happens. Win or lose this is a learning experience.

>> No.20823768

Had the same issue earlier, swap wouldn’t go through, tried on and off from 11am to 5pm. Didn’t lose money but this shits a scam.

>> No.20824152
File: 1.58 MB, 2160x2160, FlyerMaker_29072020_220146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20824921
File: 171 KB, 431x464, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoo shoo, stinky logo-stealing pajeets

>> No.20824939

dat filename

ms word mom tier meme

>> No.20824961


their website sucks. the devs dont pop up when you put them in google, except for people with the same name, the website looks like it was written by a 5 year old.
the white paper makes almost no sense.
fuck it i'm in.

>> No.20824980

order some curry in advance so you can smell it the moment your life savings evaporate