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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2081322 No.2081322 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like Poloniex is under investigation for insider trading!


If you are a victim, get in on it anons.


>> No.2081333
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> he don't trade exclusively on bittrex and yobit

>> No.2081349

How is this news? It is pretty obvious all exchanges are doing this. Everything goes in the world of crypto.

>> No.2081354


>He trades on yoshit

> pajeet spotted

>> No.2081355

All crypto exchanges are ticking time bombs. Think about this for a second. There aren't any laws against price manipulation in cryptos like in equities. Not mentioning that cryptos aren't even insured like a bank if the exchange goes bankrupt.

>> No.2081376
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Feels good retards like you will always exists, and thanks anon for people like you boosting my positions after obvious success coins getting listed on major exchanges.. Then i dump my shit on neets like you with a 1000% profit while you remain the new bagholder

>> No.2081383

bittrex is the king of exchanges tbqh

but yobit is like the wild west, it has all the shitcoins, scamcoins and negro coins, but they also have interesting upstart coins like xtrabytes

>> No.2081387

Glad to see that these exchanges might actually be held accountable for going down so easy and trapping people's money

>> No.2081391

buttrex gets "hacked" every three months like clockwork. They take out a pack of accounts, and then buttrex blames it on the users themselves. Search on bitcointalk

>> No.2081454

Bullshit. People get hacked because they don't have 2FA.

>> No.2081461


Don't be retarded and keep your coins on the exchange, always withdraw to cold storage.

>> No.2081475

Anyone got that screenshot of that anomaly when ETH dropped? Supposedly Kraken was deleting traces of it.

>> No.2081491

Ass blasted margin traders upset they got force liquidated during a DDoS. Nothing to do with insider trading.

>> No.2081515
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>mfw I just bought 40k gnt yesterday
I just withdrew the first 9k yesterday because of the stupid limits. Will I make it?

>> No.2081527

This. They have all the data, and no laws regulating how this shit works, so the only thing keeping them from fucking everyone over is public trust, and that will only go so far when the team running it decides to fuck off with their millions.

>> No.2081534


That is not what the article is saying.

It is saying that Polo is claiming/colluding with a DDOS in order to scam people out of money.

I don't margin trade because crypto is too volatile. Overall though I don't think people should be force liquidated because of something entirely outside of trading - i.e. because the site goes down. Polo would obviously be pretty happy to just take peoples money and shrug their shoulders "sorry its not our fault", it's a small leap to them actually paying pajeet hackers to ddos them.

Just keep withdrawing on a daily basis, they will still be up in a week. However watch out for "awaiting approval" on your withdrawals, that had me fucked for 2 days. I am out, and you will get out too kawaii anon.

>> No.2081545

Think of how ridiculous that sounds. Polo is not fucking retarded. It's a bunch of bitch ass traders putting up a lawsuit with absolutely nothing behind it.

>> No.2081548

Yeah, just how no one could trade, not even trough the API
But Polo still had trades going on for hours

>> No.2081573

You watch too much CNN and Fox news. Large scale websites are complex and we don't know every technical detail of the DDoS. It's perfectly plausible that some traders were able to either log in or use the API. Polo risking their entire reputation over a few hours of gains is completely laughable.

>> No.2081583

>Polo risking their entire reputation over a few hours of gains is completely laughable.
You could say this about every Bitcoin exchange since 2011
Just like how Madoff risking his entire reputation and ending in jail for a ridiculous Ponzi scheme was laughable, right?

>> No.2081590

>have a bitcoin exchange
>literally a license to print money off commissions
>still have to resort to insider trading

Isn't it ironic how the shady Russian exchange (BTC-e) is the only one with a clean record?

>> No.2081602

So you're trying to compare a career criminal and exchanges who embezzled most and/or all of their customer funds to an isolated DDoS event across 2 exchanges that happened over the course of a few hours? Am I understanding that right?

>> No.2081613

This has been going on since last week, possibly before, and exchanges getting hacked and making a run for it aren't uncommon in Bitcoin's history
Some of them even get away with their scams, like Bitfinex did with their ICU, and now is doing with USDT
And Madoff wasn't a career criminal, his business was legitimate until 2000~, when he said fuck it and went at it

>> No.2081631
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>Polonicucks being BTFO

>> No.2081647

How quick coiners forget the MtGox scandal. There's no reason to trust any exchange when none of them are regulated like stock exchanges.

>> No.2081712


Fuck those kike niggers, im going to send another support update saying fuck you to those fucking cucks

>> No.2081714

As we speak everything is going to cold storage.
I love Bittrex, but probably better to not risk it, especially for long term invests.

>> No.2081723
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>> No.2082140

Glad i left poloshit a month ago

>> No.2082313

> after obvious success coins getting listed on major exchanges.. Then i dump my shit on neets like you with a 1000% profit while you remain the new bagholder

Which are "obvious successcoins" according to you?

>> No.2082331

Pulled my shit from polo a while ago

Dodged a bullet