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File: 21 KB, 614x195, buidlllll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20810379 No.20810379 [Reply] [Original]

Early antshares vibes. This is a rocketship.

How many Buidl do you hold?

>> No.20810413

10.000 Buidls, im ready anon.

>> No.20810418

More than you faggot

>> No.20810442

shilled anons this morning, now over $2, they dont take the gift, i cant help these cucks, they want to be poor

>> No.20810616

Holy shit, you will make it. 1200 Buidl here

>> No.20810868

Buidl bros for life!!

>> No.20810898

Buidl already mooned way more in 3 months than shitlink did in 3 years

>> No.20810952
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just broke ATH bob the buildbro's, fuck yea

>> No.20810955

We just broke ath, not selling.

>> No.20810984

I have 1400 staked for a year and another 700 just laying around. feels good to have a small stack like this and know you are going to make it. ETH vibes

>> No.20811049

what colour of lambo will u pick buildbro

>> No.20811171

If you buy this you are both a shareholder and sitting member of the board of directors for the worlds first ever decentralized conglomerate.
If you dont realize the implications of this you will NEVER make it. This is THE ONE

>> No.20811231

i have 16k

am i gonna make it biz

>> No.20811360

Lol, you've already made it. Just gotta wait 3 months.

>> No.20811717
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I don't want a lambo, just a nice house and enough money to never wage again. maybe write a book.

>> No.20811781

being early in a coin with a billion mcap potential gives me a semi

>> No.20811787

200 baglet here, still not selling yet.

>> No.20811823

this is a gem. I cant sell it .

>> No.20811886

its already happened, all thats left now is to wait.


>> No.20811904

They haven't even fucking re-branded yet...

>> No.20811913

were does me by dis shitcoin

>> No.20811941

Uniswap. And it's not a shitcoin.

>> No.20812030

same thing happened to antshares. went from 50c to 5.00 then rebranded and went straight to 50.00 and up from there

>> No.20812244

wtf is this I have to get the app to use unicornswap?

>> No.20812274

700 buidl here bros. How little am I going to make? I know I’m a poorfag

>> No.20812282

how does 700,000 dollars sound?

>> No.20812287

This is pumping without “influencers” have you noticed it

0 YouTubers/ twitterers or tg.....

Imagine what will happen when the first shiller arrives....
This is huge.

>> No.20812324

I mean realistically. Not joke answers. I would like to just make like 10K

>> No.20812363

It's 100% an absolute shitcoin, the website is made with microsoft paint... all spelled wrong horrible grammar, the whole thing is a joke

>> No.20812395

2.8b mc is easily achievable over the next couple years. you will make 10k without even trying anon

>> No.20812396


stay fucking poor dude

>> No.20812441

hahahaha Julian is soooo salty. Not too late to buy back!

>> No.20812446
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>> No.20812469

julian you again??? still waiting at 0.4usd?

>> No.20812524

Just use Metamask and put some Eth in it.

>> No.20812533


Not sure who Julian is, I just literally went to the website thats all lol

>> No.20812584

A lot of DeFi projects seem to be adopting that retro DOS/Win 3.1 aesthetic for their sites. I like it, personally.
Check out Curve.fi as well for another example. It's intentional.

>> No.20812633

Can you guys stop these threads? I got in at $.02 and sold way too early. Im getting severely depressed

>> No.20812669

>im not sure who julian is
t. Julian

>> No.20812809
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>> No.20812840

DFOHub is a set of smart-contracts forming a protocol, so they could later on be added on Polkadot, and have a shared governance between ETH and Polkadot through the interoperable bridges. HUGE

>> No.20812855

hahahahahaha yea this 10k volume coin with 4 million threads is the next big winner
fuck off nobody would name a legit company a stupid gay meme name
imagine explaining your company to normies or women
yea its almost like build but we spelled it wrong *clever eye brow raise*
hahahahahahaha GTFO

>> No.20812878

founders are italian, hence grammar - all very simple to refute sir, you're salty tears are as delicious as the price right now

>> No.20812911


>> No.20812938

looking for logic in crypto kek

doge 401 million market cap you total mongoloid. hope you enjoy dried ramen the rest of you're life

>> No.20812944

Is rebrand gonna be new name or only logo?

>> No.20812953

just logo

>> No.20812990


>> No.20812991

10300 here

>> No.20813013

500k volume. Stay poor.

>> No.20813031

im looking for logic in what i personally invest in
you indian psychos can do whatever you want
lots of people got rich off both bernie madoff and bitconnect i dont want anything to do with either

>> No.20813057

t. Julian

>> No.20813059

>I look for logic
>buys based on the name

>> No.20813062

I actually feel sick and nauseous. I can't believe I missed another one right in front of my eyes.

>> No.20813073

Imagine never talking to a woman

>> No.20813081

Did you sell early or didnt buy in yet?

>> No.20813088

alternatively, I've felt sick the last month holding this while every other project moons around me. holders of this coin were had to be fucking believers lmao

>> No.20813130

Guys it’s still really fucking early on Buidl...

>> No.20813211

Youre god damned right anon. I’m putting my children’s children through college with this shit and my kids haven’t even been conceived yet

>> No.20813225

Why is this being shilled right now? This project is taking off way toooooooooooo fucking fast.

>> No.20813228

there is no logic in crypto, you're looking for Forex anon, over by the suits, regulations, parachutes and safety nets. crypto aint for you.

>> No.20813264

this has a working product and a good use case and the token is not only needed it is extremely well designed from a tokenomic standpoint. this is one of the most logical moons that has happened in months

>> No.20813474
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i would argue the most important use case since ethereum was released.

>> No.20813506


>> No.20813564


>> No.20813588
File: 1.73 MB, 2658x1554, 1595886976694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. If Chainlink is priced fairly right now, buidl should be double the MC at least. it will be if the projects get built on DFOhub, just no two ways around it

image got updated again btw

>> No.20813619

why didn't you just read the info that was being dumped? I was 100% sold on this shit the first time I saw the dapp

>> No.20813644

I feel like crying. this was my last chance to make it and I fucking squandered it once again.

>> No.20813734

anon, I unironically think this still has 100x + to go. do with that what you will. I lost 90% of my net worth in the 2018 crash, and we are all going to make it

>> No.20813873

dude the market cap is still at 5 million. a 100x would still leave us below a billion, for a token that will be ubiquitous in future decentralized eth tokens.

i think 100x is a longshot, but trust your gut. this isn’t done. it’s barely started. the smallest purchases still thrust the price straight up.

>> No.20813920


>> No.20813964

92% is owned by 2 wallets lol

>> No.20814045

with a golden bullrun like 2017 or better, this can easily pull off what NEO did, or basically any other shitcoin on the market that time, like Xtrabytes, COLX, Elixir, Oyster Peark, Verge, blatant scam projects, made some millionaires. Not that they are in any way like DFOhub though.
But until then, we gotta be patient

>> No.20814085

supply locked til JANUARY 2022. you have 1 year and 6 months to get rich here (inflation just 3.5% annual)
and the total supply isnt 40M its just 20m. (20M locked forever)
now do your own research properly.

>> No.20814109

700 :(

>> No.20814110

cool. Let's use that to our advantage to surpress the price lmao. Learn from the linkies

>> No.20814137

why would they have 20 million locked forever? Why not just set the supply to 20m?

>> No.20814139

checked. that sucks man. fuck

>> No.20814273

>finally get my betamask and unicornswap set up after fucking around for the past hour
>finally able to try and send eth to it
>pennybase won't let me

Kill me

>> No.20814297

ok fine its ok that 92% is in 2 wallets
what does it do i actually dont know
buidl is just so fucking gay i dont think i can bare to buy it unless its amazing
who names their legit business after such a lame meme honestly

>> No.20814333
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to people who think they are late to the game

>> No.20814346

DFOhub is a meme name? Or are you talking about their ticker BUIDL?

>> No.20814347

well, doge does

>> No.20814445

so like you autists seem to struggle with explaining things
is this basically ethereum smart contract compression?
why the fuck is it called dfo buidl?

>> No.20814457

am I too late?

>> No.20814601

No its dipping, get in NOW.

>> No.20814615

It's called DFOHub, the token is BUIDL. DFOs are decentralized flexible organizations: smart contract DAOs but with fully decentralized on-chain governance.

>> No.20814643

it's more about governance, see this image >>20813588

>> No.20814670

595 addresses , EARLY

>> No.20814676

what does dfo mean
what does dao mean

>> No.20814779

>being this condescending
>doesn't know either term

DAO = Decentralized Autonomous Organization
DFO = Decentralized Flexible Organization

Ok nows your turn to use google.

>> No.20814825

oh man, welcome to crypto anon, have a seat

>> No.20815007


>> No.20815232

>The second Point of Failure that made the ICO Bubble a Financial Disaster was the lack of features to rule a projects without needing to open a Legal Entity and as investors prospective the lack of features to trust founders without known who they’re

oh man the english

>> No.20815237

1/3 of the tokens are locked in the “community fund,” which is used for investing in assets that the community votes on (voting done with build). Basically each 1 buidl you buy really gets you 1.33.

>> No.20815267

ok but it looks like the revolutionary aspect is that this new protocol is compressing the decentralized organization before uploading it to the ethereum official blockchain
that way instead of 10 or 100 or 1000 gas fees youre paying 1 by compressing that decision point into an external location?
is that correct?
would also explain why its suddenly shooting up in value as current gas fees skyrocket and the eth 2.0 failure rumors begin

>> No.20815295

Honestly I hope no one shills this. It’s got this far just based on having the solid community and the revolutionary concept

>> No.20815312

no, it's not about making gas fees cheaper, it's about allowing contracts to be hosted and edited trustlessly

>> No.20815325

I wasn’t a fan at first of all the emojis, but then I got addicted

>> No.20815337

I dont understand how to properly read this chart. Wouldnt tron and doge supplies be the highest total possible?

>> No.20815391

can someone explain to a retard how I send eth to uniswap before I shoot myself

>> No.20815399

>I feel like crying. this was my last chance to make it and I fucking squandered it once again

That’s what I said with bitcoin at $50, the. $100, then $500, then $1000. I never did buy :(

>> No.20815413

current circulating supply of buidl is around 2,800,000. total possible supply is around 42,000,000. if the team dumps all their funds and the community votes to dump their entire fund wallet AND votes to dump all the vc/governance fund too then we would be at max supply.

devs funds are locked for more that a year though and I don't see the community voting to spend much funds at all

>> No.20815444

What was the price when you first took a serious gander at it? Dont feel bad anon, I've done the same thing. Most of us have.

>> No.20815445

you don't send eth to uniswap, its a decentralized exchange that interacts directly with metamask

>> No.20815469

Unlike most other tokens though, BUIDL is like stock in that the holders literally own 1.5% of every single company or project that buidls on the platform. Take ARTE for example, if you own 100 buidl you own 1.5 ARTE. The effects snowball

>> No.20815504

Thanks, I get that part. But what the fick does that chart mean? Those numbers make no sense to me

>> No.20815525
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this, it's programmable equity. I don't even have a good example of what this is like because it has never been done before

>> No.20815534

20m tokens are locked forever. And 1/3 of the total tokens are owned by the community as well. You can use buidl to vote on how to allocate them

>> No.20815540

This is huge

>> No.20815572

it's showing what the price would be at various mcs. if it stays at current supply, and the market cap goes up to match Monacoin, it's worth like 24 bucks. if it goes up to TRONs net worth, 450 buck or so. just gives you a scale of how small the MC really is compared to serious projects

>> No.20815573


1. make metamask account
2. send eth to metamask account
3. go to uniswap interface and connect it with metamask account
4. trade eth for buidl (v2) on uniswap interface

>> No.20815594


>> No.20815600
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no, nothing is locked forever. one wallet is locked for 18 months and belongs to the devs, the other two are only accessed via voting, they are literally funds belonging to the token holders

>> No.20815787

ok genuine thanks everyone
im going to wait for a similar thing that doesnt have a gay meme name and doesnt have the owners holding 92%

>> No.20815805

Thanks for the explanation. I know how to calculate a price given the supply and market cap, but that chart failed miserably at illustrating it to me. Maybe it's just me? The numbers are all over the fucking place.
Also, I think even though supply is locked for a while, price will move with some supply dilution in mind.

>> No.20815815

Why would the community ever vote to dump the 20m+ community fund? Lol that would just be a zero sum gain. Would just inflate the value of buidl

>> No.20815844


brainlet doesn't understand meme power and why wallets get locked, NGMI

>> No.20815863

Julian is learning to troll

>> No.20815884

I bought Bitcoin at $250 and had to fight the feeling that I was buying the top. Crypto is nuts.

>> No.20815923

IDK man, the Kyber community voted to eliminate the token burn when the token burn was the one reason people bought it in the first place. It's usually obssessed redditors that vote, and they vote for stupid shit.

>> No.20815940

I don't see it happening, however, as a sort of safety net, we have the option to vote to distribute those tokens evenly among holders if we were worried the devs were going to dump, it would significantly mitigate their ability to control the price. there is so much this project offers that hasn't been done before

>> No.20815959

democracy fucking sucks

>> No.20816159

Would be hilarious if Sergey was actually this vindictive about the memes

>> No.20816179

I didn't know this, holy fucking based.

>> No.20816238

early af

>> No.20816330

Mind blown. Wtf I love BUIDL now

>> No.20816335

I got a lil eth on the meta and connected it to uni but when I try to swap it for buidl it just says waiting on confirmation but im not given the option to confirm in meta. Looks like I'm gonna miss another one

>> No.20816352


How did you guys buy it? Not on (((Coinbase))) or Binance US. Halp. What DEX to use

>> No.20816363


>> No.20816407

dont be like this wannabe whale (he sold 19 days ago ) and now he only can buy 50% of Buidls



>> No.20816456

Pls someone help my retarded self im so close

>> No.20816470

How much BUIDL to ARTE should I hold?

>> No.20816509

>if you own 100 buidl you own 1.5 ARTE
what does this mean? I have buidl but I don't have any arte

>> No.20816526

No you type like an actually retarded nigger

>> No.20816531

Maybe restart your browser?

>> No.20816577


it means your BUIDL is backed by the value of ARTE

>> No.20816608


there should be a popup from metamask when you click confirm, maybe try another browser

>> No.20816617
File: 114 KB, 1080x1066, 75296745_1189627837905319_407623846296669630_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he put it in a very misleading way, you don't actually get the token as a holder, 1.5% of the supply of each DFO is held by the community as a whole. basically the token holders own a small stake of every single DFO on the network. it isn't like an airdrop or something where they give you the tokens, they are held in a community trust see this image >>20815525

>> No.20817089

hey guys i'm fucking retarded please help

this is the first coin i've bought that isn't through coinbase
transferred eth to metamap, used uniswap to buy buidl

...where did it go? i have the wallet address that the buidl was sent to, now what? is this money down the drain? how do i access the wallet?

>> No.20817110

add it as a custom token in metamask via its address

>> No.20817153

1. Go to buidl etherscan page
2. Copy the public address on the right side of the page
3. Open metamask click "add token"
4. Paste the address you just copied
Now you can see your buidl

>> No.20817197

thank god

>> No.20817211

congrats anon, you made it

>> No.20817273

remember to make sure youre buying V2 buidl and not V1

this is the correct address:


>> No.20817424

Wtf is token of precision on custom token in metamask

>> No.20817447

= money

>> No.20817498

You mean decimals of precision? It's how many decimal values that a coins divisions are calculated down to. In other words 10^-(# of decimals of precision) = smallest amount of the coin you can buy. But metamask should autofill that for you if you paste the correct address which is here >>20817273 By the way it's 18 for buidl

>> No.20818075


>> No.20818621

When you calculate all the numbers together to make them all relative with eachother. Think back to Algebra-I

>> No.20818662
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>> No.20818730

Imagine being in this early....and selling for peanuts!


>> No.20818784

rip to that anon

>> No.20819093
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no thanks senpai

>> No.20819129


You are presented with diamonds and you dismiss them as worthless. sorry for your loss

>> No.20819162
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>> No.20819219

token holders will vote on when, if at all, to release other tokens. it will be a slow drip, and even at max supply, it’s a low amount compared to most other projects.