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20794656 No.20794656 [Reply] [Original]

YFI is a quality of project that only comes maybe once every 1 to 2 years in crypto. Their vision is that eventually yStables will be used as the de facto settlement asset for all financial activity in crypto if not the world. Here’s an analogy. USDC is like keeping USD under your mattress. cUSDC is like putting your USD in a savings account at a bank. yUSDC is like putting your USD with a robo-advisor who then puts your USD in the highest savings account it can find and automatically rotates it to the best interest-bearing savings account across all the banks while charging you nothing. Currently, in the crypto space, stablecoins are used for transfers, margining, borrow/lending. They are used across DeFi and CeFi (exchanges and OTC). Anything USDT can do, yUSDT can do better. Why not trade FTX perps with yUSDT margin? Already FTX takes cUSDT as collateral. Why even have a BTC-USDT pair on Binance when you could have BTC-yUSDT? All that USDT OTC flow from China could be yUSDT. Lastly, why even borrow or lend DAI when you can borrow or lend yDAI (just think about that one). The implications are huge. YFI is a share of the network. 1 YFI could one day be worth billions of dollars. Buy 1 YFI, never sell

>> No.20795364
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1 YFI = Make it stack

>> No.20795384

The Chainlink of DeFi. Uniquely enabled by Chainlink.

>> No.20795401

Holy shit we are mooning.

>> No.20795428

Only 30,000 people can ever hold 1 YFI

>> No.20795522

There is only 1.6k YFI left on exchanges

>> No.20795558

Time is running out for you to get a 1 YFI make it stack

>> No.20795575

its literally dumping.

>> No.20795597

>yield farming is completely unique and can only be achieved by yearn.finance as represented by this single governance token

>> No.20795598
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>its literally dumping.
dumping upwards?

>> No.20795612
File: 12 KB, 618x129, Screenshot from 2020-07-29 12-59-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true?

>> No.20795613

Kek tomorrow aave or comp do the same thing you think I'm sticking with the guy who fucked a previous crypto project just because you hold bags?

>> No.20795638

>Is this true?

>> No.20795644

Just buy yfii


YFI with YIP 8 implemented
Thank me later

>> No.20795686 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 950x589, 56464564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kek tomorrow aave or comp do the same thing you think I'm sticking with the guy who fucked a previous crypto project just because you hold bags?

. > He hasn't listened to the recent andre cronje podcast

>> No.20795698

>Just buy yfii
>YFI with YIP 8 implemented
>Thank me later
YFII is a chink scam fork of YFI. Make sure you buy the real thing

>> No.20795719
File: 111 KB, 950x589, 56464564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kek tomorrow aave or comp do the same thing
. > he hasn't listened to the recent andre cronje podcast

>> No.20795780

And next week buy yfiii... And so on

>> No.20795843

I have 35.

>> No.20795997

>tfw only have one

>> No.20796761

yfiii already out

>> No.20797249
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>> No.20797361

Do I buy high sell low and sell my ampl for this???

>> No.20797367

i have 20. top 150 wallet. never selling :)

>> No.20797391

For people who don't know, YFI = You Fucking Idiot. They are openly making fun of you brainlets who buy into this shit.

>> No.20797446
File: 16 KB, 745x323, yfibrainlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a troll token and you're all getting baited like the low IQs you are.

>> No.20797477

YFIIII already out too

>> No.20797480

exactly, YFI is a pump & dump.

more protocols will come out replacing its need.

>hur dur automates farming defi yields for $100mil
its open source contract lol, there's already YFII -if a legitmate clone actually comes out YFI is doa

>> No.20797494

>exactly, YFI is a pump & dump.
>more protocols will come out replacing its need.
>>hur dur automates farming defi yields for $100mil
>its open source contract lol, there's already YFII -if a legitmate clone actually comes out YFI is doa
YFII is a chink scam fork of YFI. Make sure you buy the real thing

>> No.20797533

think for a second... who in his right mind would borrow you money for a 54% interest rate? why do you think those returns are impossible in normal finance? this is just a disaster waiting to happen but i'm glad you brainlets will lose your money.

>> No.20797539

And there are gorillion forks of BTC. Yet BTC remain #1

Your point?

>> No.20797561
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>think for a second... who in his right mind would borrow you money for a 54% interest rate? why do you think those returns are impossible in normal finance? this is just a disaster waiting to happen but i'm glad you brainlets will lose your money.

>> No.20797597

fucking same holy shit I wish I knew about yield farming just 3 days before buying in

>> No.20797604

You don't need a governance token for automated yield farming with code opebly availa me on the chain.
You got scammed.

>> No.20797621

>that shitty meme
DeFi liquidity is a joke, DeFi is a complete joke and a bubble about to explode

>> No.20797987

What exactly do you expect to gain from owning YFI? There's no Cashflow present or future associated to it. Adding a fee would decree its death as someone would make a clone with 0 fees.

>> No.20798103

To control the future of this defi monster

>> No.20799063

Ever heard the expression, imitation is the highest form of flattery?

>> No.20799626

so what is yfii? It is a fork but why do you consider it a scam?

>> No.20800206

because it invalidates their narrative that YFI is worth anything

>> No.20800650

my top defi bet...yfi is like linux...comp in Microsoft...lets go...

>> No.20801739
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>> No.20803210
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