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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20793633 No.20793633 [Reply] [Original]

>he didn't buy XRP at 10c
>he didn't buy XRP at 20c
You are here
>he didn't buy XRP at 50c
>he didn't buy XRP at $1
>he didn't buy XRP at $5
>he didn't buy XRP at $10

Just a reminder that if fell for the FUD and don't have a suicide stack, this board will laugh at you for a year when we moon without you

>> No.20793652

Lmao you pathetic Ripplets never fail to make me laugh with your XRP moon threads. Face it, most Linkers will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad Ripplets ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers.

>> No.20793661

This shit will be back at 17c by next month

>> No.20793668


>> No.20793675

XRP is absolute shit. I own 10000 units I got for 19 cents during the covid crash and even I know it's garbage.

>> No.20793690

Sui stack is 25k

>> No.20793691

XRP is actually the comfiest of all the coins right now. For whatever reason /biz refuses to see the writing on the wall.

XRP to $1 by EOW.

>> No.20793716

25k is a make it stack you idiot

>> No.20793768

Hm is a suicide stack?

If you are a /pol/ack you know that messages like these means you must buy.>>20793652

>> No.20793847

Before you buy, let me tell you a story.
I was visiting New York to see one of my friends. We went to a strip club, and while I was there, I saw Garlinghouse, surrounded by women. He was throwing tons of money at them, but not just bills. It was stacks upon stacks of $10,000, sealed up with the white paper bands, like he had just come straight from a bank.
I went up to him and congratulated him on the success of XRP as of late (this was about 3 years ago), and he started laughing. He took a hefty swig from a bottle of Dom Perignon, and said, "Yeah? You think I care, goyim?"
Confused, I asked what he meant, and said that he had obviously put a lot of work into XRP and he should be proud.
"I don't give two fucks about XRP, kid."
He was about to say something else but one of the strippers tapped him on the shoulder. Brad pulled out from his pocket the biggest ziplock bag full of cocaine I've ever seen in my life. It looked like one of those gallon bags, almost bulging at the seams. The stripper ran off into a back room with it.
He then pulled out a Zippo lighter.
"You wanna know what I think about Ripple?"
He picked up his bottle of champagne on the floor, pulled about 20 stacks of bills from a duffel bag, threw them on the floor, poured champagne all over them, flicked his Zippo, and dropped it onto the pile. Almost instantly the whole stack caught.
I stared at him, speechless.
"It's called a 'PUMP and DUMP,' kid."
He laughed as he watched the pile burn before losing interest and going into a back room with his entourage of strippers following carrying duffel bags full of what I assume was money and coke.
This is the man you are supporting by buying XRP.

>> No.20793896

Larp faggot

>> No.20793960
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I already bought anon. A while ago all ready ;)

>> No.20793981

Just make sure you're still holding Chainlink. Then you'll still make money when XRP is still worth 20 cents EOY.

>> No.20793992

Will XRP surpass Tezos and Kyber Network by eoy? I missed out on those two when they mooned. I'm not going to miss out on XRP.

>> No.20793998
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>> No.20794015

What will price be on Saturday? That when I get paid, $500 usd enough ?

>> No.20794029

20 cents

>> No.20794035


>> No.20794806

This is the average XRP chad

>> No.20794814

Actually sold at 3.20

>> No.20795041 [DELETED] 

Sold mine at around $3 too, made some nice gains with literal shit in 2017 like Cirpple and Litecoin. Then I went all in Link and the rest is history.