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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20790197 No.20790197 [Reply] [Original]

>It is now more pofitable for whales to crash the price and accumulate than to gather rebase gains.
>Whales WILL always act in the most profitable manner
>Trade like a whale or get fucked frens.

>> No.20790208

investor wallets just dumped 50mil

it's over

>> No.20790241

>shitcoin with artificial pumps built in
Besides the blatant scams on here, this is the worst project I've ever seen.
at least it has a whitepaper and a logo, even if it is nonsense.

>> No.20790246

the bottom's in guys, you can stop fudding. hopefully you loaded your bags

>> No.20790292

If you crash the market cap people would have a higher insensitive to buy a larger percentage of the market cap. It's basically impossible to dump this coin.

>> No.20790304


How about you actually stop and think about things for a few minutes?

or keep buying.. i dont really care.

>> No.20790319

we can still take it lower one more day

>> No.20790346


Yes yes, the bottom is in on a coin that has literally gone straight up since its inception.

Who is the one lying again?

>> No.20790358


what would you like me to think about pajeet?

>> No.20790366


If you had 100,000 or more AMPL what would your next moves be?

>> No.20790382

100% LEND or OCEAN

>> No.20790407


nigger you have to remain in or out of AMPL.

Good job avoiding the question with your shitcoin shill, i will now ignore any response from you.

>> No.20790445
File: 51 KB, 360x603, Screen Shot 2020-07-29 at 12.21.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hmmmmm, looks like I've ony got until tomorrows rebase to figure it out. I think I'm gonna hold faggot....

this token is going to make me a millionaire by september

>> No.20790514

those are some huge nuts you got there anon

>> No.20790530


are you that new that you can't match ID's?

>> No.20790546

>ampl will be 6 billion dollars by september

damn i mean i hope so but doubt

>> No.20790553


Too busy buying dash desu i just assumed since you replied to the question you where the original anon

>> No.20790579


scared money don't make money

>> No.20790593

Damn I'm very jealous. I'm a 32k stacklet.

>> No.20790668


Nice stack. I'm assuming you bought before the market cap was >500m?

>> No.20790699
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>tfw you are a whale

>> No.20790704


Bought in at 80 million, holding since then

>> No.20791028

out of the ~30 investor wallets, following sells happened since last payout:


this guy sold 20 AMPL again. looks like testing the waters "am i, boomer, using uniswap correctly?" a second time. has 620k left.


this guy dumped all 870k he got, and he always dumps everything


sold 115k, has 184k left


sold 285k, has 1,2m left


sold 6 million, has another 6 million left


sold 250k, has nothing left


sold 89k, has 2,4 million left
so it's been 7.6 million so far. they haven't been too cruel yet, but yes, they have tons left and this they will get more every month. but all in all reasonable profit taking so far

>> No.20791086


based analytics

>> No.20791132

Not bad at all. I'm fine with this.

>> No.20791140

Well done anon. Helping your Ample bizbros.

>> No.20791225

I cant wait to buy below $1

>> No.20791316
File: 16 KB, 352x550, 192991135-352-k278173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone. I thought I would type this out because over the past few weeks since AMPL has gained popularity, I have seen many attempts at bringing this great project down and weak FUD being broadcasted all across the board constantly. I just want to bring a beacon of hope into everyone's lives with some good news. First, you should understand that successful people in life work in networks, and are very organized in many aspects of their lives. This means coordinating on projects to increase and maintain each others wealth. I am coming to you to reveal I am a top 30 public holder of AMPL, and I have close relations with 11 other top AMPL holders. We all had a vision, and that vision is very broad and grand. AMPL has the ability to change the world in so many ways, and we have taken this duty upon our shoulders to carry this project to it's full potential, for the benefit of mankind and so we can help others bask in the glimmering rays of financial freedom. I'm not a 4chan poster, but I used to come here many years ago. I came here on a personal request from someone asking for me to pacify to worry, angst, and frustration on this board. Here is the news. If you hold AMPL currently, you can will surely be experiencing financial freedom within 60 days if you don't sell. We are working together to maintain this beautiful cycle you have been witnessing, and we will continue to do so as long as possible. There is a lot of pressure from many different directions, but we are steadfast in our determination, and will not fail. Remember, this is beyond any on person, 4chan, reddit, or anything. Ampleforth will reshape the worlds financial system in years to come. Just have faith, patience, and be equipoise, for this will most certainly pay off in the long run. Don't fall pray to the nonsense fear inducing FUD which late buyers are desperately performing so they can buy a few cents cheaper. They have missed the point totally. Keep your eyes open, we are just getting started

>> No.20792045

So basically buy AMPL now thank you also check out RUZE if you want to be in early in the next elastic supply meme


>> No.20792159

Can you prove it? Send like 1 ampl to a random account.

>> No.20792275

I hope they dump their tokens and we retail investors grab their market share as much as we can .

>> No.20792454


There will be a huge sudden sell off within the next 8 hours. Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.20792516

based if true
based if false too, nice pasta

>> No.20792625

Why do you think so ?

>> No.20792672
File: 23 KB, 154x158, Peon_face_WC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone. I thought I would type this out because over the past few weeks since AMPL has gained popularity, I have seen many attempts at bringing this great project down and weak FUD being broadcasted all across the board constantly. I just want to bring a beacon of hope into everyone's lives with some good news. First, you should understand that successful people in life work in networks, and are very organized in many aspects of their lives. This means coordinating on projects to increase and maintain each others wealth. I am coming to you to reveal I am a top 30 public holder of AMPL, and I have close relations with 11 other top AMPL holders. We all had a vision, and that vision is very broad and grand. AMPL has the ability to change the world in so many ways, and we have taken this duty upon our shoulders to carry this project to it's full potential, for the benefit of mankind and so we can help others bask in the glimmering rays of financial freedom. I'm not a 4chan poster, but I used to come here many years ago. I came here on a personal request from someone asking for me to pacify to worry, angst, and frustration on this board. Here is the news. If you hold AMPL currently, you can will surely be experiencing financial freedom within 60 days if you don't sell. We are working together to maintain this beautiful cycle you have been witnessing, and we will continue to do so as long as possible. There is a lot of pressure from many different directions, but we are steadfast in our determination, and will not fail. Remember, this is beyond any on person, 4chan, reddit, or anything. Ampleforth will reshape the worlds financial system in years to come. Just have faith, patience, and be equipoise, for this will most certainly pay off in the long run. Don't fall pray to the nonsense fear inducing FUD which late buyers are desperately performing so they can buy a few cents cheaper. They have missed the point totally. Keep your eyes open, we are just getting started

>> No.20792685

What if it moons to $2-$3 . Even if they sell , rebase will account for it . But if we sell now and price gets higher , we get rekt . Right time to sell was yesterday , now is the time to buy .

>> No.20792691

stupid money don't make money either

>> No.20792724


kek, true i guess

>> No.20792911

Well I sold the bottom again. Mist the rebase.

I truly am the bottom specialist.

>> No.20792951

No, that's not what I meant fuck

>> No.20793514

Remember kids, sudden sell off soon.

>They think the next rebase will be positive

>> No.20793576


You gotta give more info or a reason, cause right now you just sound like a faggot

>> No.20793587


Read the original post faggot

>> No.20793875
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>> No.20794163

Keep it in ampl, even after the supposed bloodshed of yesterday someone with 100k ampl would have got a rebase of 8k

And if ampl pumps back to the price of a couple days ago that 8k will be worth 16k usd

>> No.20794742

Dont say I didn't tell you topkeks

>> No.20795054

Can't wait you AMPL fags to experience a negative rebase and watch this ponzi death spiral to nothing.

But go ahead and hodl, i'm sure that will work.

>> No.20796053

Soon 1T mcap

>> No.20796549

Won’t get shaken out that easily, let’s ride this shit into the dirt

>> No.20796627

>$65k wiped out in 2 days
are you gonna hold back to $80 mil market cap or will you sell as soon as negative rebases start?

>> No.20796697


Prolly sell at like 1.15, will still be up 6x then.

>> No.20796733

First guy panic dumped 4 hours ago.

>> No.20796786

Eyo scared money don't make money tcha hwait boya. Yeah I'm borrowing couple thousand more to finance buying another home, tchyou kno, rent it out. What? The CDOs are going belly up? Na man this 2008 not 1920, housing only goes up forever.

>> No.20796793

Next cycle should pump to 2.2b mcap

>> No.20796863

so glad I got out yesterday, this is going to be a bloodbath

>> No.20796877

Sad mentality. You missed the train and want others to lose.

Through rebases my avg price is 15 cents ( 7 rebases total + day trading)

At $1 I am up 6x

>> No.20796892
File: 57 KB, 364x273, chumppill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like you couldn't see this coming.

>> No.20796907

show me the logarithmic MC chart you stupid cunt.

>> No.20796921

Based finally a good fucking post

>> No.20796957

14 days ago Ampl was at $1.30.
Since then it touched $3 multiple times and now it’s back to $1.30. What do you call that? It’s way protocol is suppose to work? Did you buy in without reading the white paper?

Low iq fags call this dump. Zero knowledge fags call this panic. Losers call this Lol. I call this opportunity. Screen cap this

>> No.20796985

I was thinking the same thing, just two weeks ago we were hitting the same levels but there wasn't as much attention on it.

What did buy pressure look like two weeks ago though? Were there a shitton of buy orders ~$1.30 that pumped it back up?

>> No.20796994
File: 239 KB, 712x400, The-Stress-of-Money-and-How-to-Cope.blog_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"look at very specific measurement of muh investment's performance!!!"
>still lost 33% of total value in 2 days
confirmed ngmi

>> No.20796995


im with you, ready to get debased all the way down to $0 MC

>> No.20797052

sold my whole stack 10% away from the top relative to marketcap, just bought in 10% of my stack

>> No.20797054

It was very similar to this time around. Volumes had started to dip. Market completely gobbled up all the sells. And within 48 hours we were back to $2

>> No.20797089

Amplniggers are done for. It will never pump again.
Thanks for making the whales literally 100x profit with your absolutely beyond delusional ability to hold bags at losses.

>> No.20797104

So this is going sub 1. How can we profit once it's there? Shill me your game plan biz.

>> No.20797125

Did you also say the same thing when BTC was $200 or ETH at $3 - it will never pump again? If you saying this to buy in then know what 1.25 to 1.35 is a great buying opportunity

>> No.20797156


Its hard to find any kind of volume indicators on this because of dexs, I'd want to see some kind of order book or buy walls

>> No.20797178

People say negative rebase is bad. It’s the most important feature of AMPL. For money to be successful it requires trust. Ampls negative rebase provides accountability to the supply total which is one aspect of trust in Ampl.

For those afraid of a negative rebase we have to sit a full 24 hours across every exchange under 1 dollar.

>> No.20797199

uniswap.vision niqqa

>> No.20797319
File: 26 KB, 1039x456, whales dumping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah ty

I am not sure about the theory about this going back up right away like last time. There is some insane selling volume that wasn't around last time.

Granted, market cap is a lot bigger too but who knows. I probably will hold

>> No.20797401

Imagine making investors rich lmaaaaooo
The delusion

>> No.20797495

This is a test for AMPL holders. People need to be able to cash out large sums or it's DOA. People that don't really believe in the project will sell but this is an important test.

>> No.20797554


>> No.20797580

You dumb idiots said this at a $20M cap. $50M cap. $100M cap. $250M cap. $500M cap.

When will you learn you have no effect? I dumped 20x my initial at 100x but I AM NOT SELLING THE REST TO YOU. You hear me?

>> No.20798320





>> No.20799172

Who the hell is going to be buying in this low? If this thing drops below $0.96, it's gonna get ugly. Look what happened the last time a negative rebase happened back in March. It'll be a lot worse than that once the moonbois realise their AMPL is reducing in value AND size.

>> No.20799219

this. nobody has experienced a negative rebase in a bullrun yet. its losses AMPLIFIED from whales retreating

>> No.20799483


>> No.20799601

I will be buying upto 50 cents. I planned it that way.

Again, AMPL is not for everyone. Trades differently. I love it. Plenty of other coins for other folks. My target in next 60 days is two fold

- Accumulate as many AMPL as possible - as cheaply as possible, hopefully around 1mn ampl

- Long term value is $1 - so I hope I retire with that

- I want my avg price to be around 10 cents

I keep it simple