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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20782588 No.20782588 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone done the testnet thing? I'm at the step where it says I don't have enough ETH in my wallet which is correct because I have it in Compound. You don't actually use any ETH in this right? But I still need to have it in meta mask to do this? I'd hate to pay like $15 in gas fees shoving ETH around if I don't have too.
Help a brother out /biz/

>> No.20782792

yes ive done it. you don't use real ETH retard. they send you GOETH, which is fake ETH, and you use the fake ETH for gas too. you have to connect your metamask to the testnet (on the top of metamask, where it says Main Ethereum Network, click that). there should be instructions about how to get the test network to send you the 32 test ETH to deposit

>> No.20782825

What's the point in doing it?

>> No.20782865

if you plan on staking on your own in the future, it's a good dry run to make sure you know how to do it. also it helps out their testing if you care about that

>> No.20783118

thanks, got it

yeah and didn't they also want to have a minimum amount of people doing this to launch the testnet at that date, if not it would go a bit later?

>> No.20783149

i cant get past the first part. i downloaded all the software, and when i copy/paste those lines into terminal, it says .sh deposit.sh or whatever doesnt work pls help

>> No.20783181

are you following this guide?

>> No.20783271

the part where you need to pick a client is not really part of it anymore right, that's just to give you an impression?

>> No.20783444
File: 2.02 MB, 1200x1029, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm off to sleep, but thanks for the help man you a true and bro and gonna make

>> No.20783478

paste the output