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File: 38 KB, 2048x1000, ampleforth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20780807 No.20780807 [Reply] [Original]

Last dump before Ampleforth hits 1bn cap

>> No.20780846


>> No.20780852
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>> No.20780858

Lol the copes

>> No.20780891

1bn zimbabwe dollars cap

>> No.20780895

a dump to sub-100M marketcap, bon voyage nigger!

>> No.20780897

1b is FUD.
This will have a bigger market cap than BTC within a month

>> No.20780952

be fearful when others are greedy

>> No.20780970



>> No.20781107

funny thing, as price went down, the marketcap went up
I wonder if the "team" is unloading their bags...

>> No.20781168

You are retarded and don't understand the coin

But even if you did

It's still a sell

Imagine buying a useless token that will be worth $1, for $3, thinking that there are enough people that will join before it goes to $1 that your tokens will 'inflate'

>> No.20781280

What time is the rebase?

>> No.20781365

In 4 hours

>> No.20781579
File: 9 KB, 250x249, 1578192505085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 5k ampl and rebased it into more than 50k now. I haven't sold a single yet and I'm not going to.

>> No.20781680

holy based

All this shitposting is bullish as fuck, see you guys at the bottom of the next cycle

>> No.20781736
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>last dump
it's part of the protocol retard. it has to dump. it's a programmed PnD

>> No.20781777
File: 161 KB, 720x504, weak-hand-pukes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based whales for shaking out the faggots, pajeets, retards & niggers

>> No.20781806

Not buying your bags

>> No.20781866

How long have you been holding?

>> No.20781905

fuck it im all in on this dip

>> No.20781976

Same here bro, around 20k ampls and not selling any time soon. See you when we make it!

>> No.20782007

I love reading posts like this. I can just imagine how much you will suffer when you see what the rest of us see. You're fucked and you fell for an obvious scam.

>> No.20782040
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I bought my first amples in late may and filled my bag in june. I was one of the first anons to post about it on here, got in day 1 on the geyser, and I've just been sitting back and watching the retardation in AMPL threads since the FUD started.

>> No.20782129

I'm really envious of your, I didn't start browsing biz until last week and immediately bought into AMPL as soon as I understood it. I just want to make enough to fix my teeth, my life would be so much better if I could eat.

>> No.20782219

why cant you eat?

>> No.20782284

I grew up in extreme poverty and didn't know how to take care of my teeth until they'd basically rotted out of my skull so I have a mouth full of broken and rotting teeth that I can't afford to get fixed.

>> No.20782315


I will continue buying every dip until the whales stop paying for retarded FUD.

>> No.20782322
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Is it a good move to get in now and put a sell order around +30% ?

>> No.20782486
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I hope you make it fren

>> No.20782523

Kek is with us. People do not understand how much AMPL has to do with LINK. If you are not into AMPL you have no idea what defi is all about.

>> No.20782607

Seems like a reasonable strategy. 30% would put us around the mcap ATH. Maybe do less if you have weak hands, just in case it doesn't go past ATH before it dips again

>> No.20782649

I hope so too. I don't think I deserve it but surely there is a light outside of the tunnel for not becoming a worthless drug addict like the rest of my family or my father killing himself on my tenth birthday while I was sleeping next to him. This is life though.

>> No.20782856

Best of luck to you. You aren't your parents, you get to make your own decisions, carve your own path.

>> No.20783178
File: 224 KB, 320x510, moot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you ever regret not going for full AMPL?

>> No.20783226

>just want to make enough to fix my teeth, my life would be so much better if I could eat.

Nigga go to Croatia or Thailand. My FIL got literally 100% of his teeth replaced with implants in Thailand for about $6500, 4-star resort stay included. Five years later and not a single problem.

Same with Croatia, my Mom got 4 fillings and a crown for under $200.

Whatever you think you need to do this, you probably already have. Dentistry in North America is an outright fucking scam

>> No.20783267

Such an unfunny reddit line

>> No.20783307

I do now, but at the time I bought there was so little noise being made about it that I thought I would have a few comfy weeks or months of geyser gains before others found out. But it took off like a rocket and I was stuck with major impermanent losses so I just held.

>> No.20783351

I read your post in another thread and have taken it to heart. I will get a passport and look into getting it done in Croatia. I need implants if I want to eat with my back teeth again and I know those are expensive but my dental bill as estimated by my dentist here is around $60,000.

>> No.20783462

>I need implants if I want to eat with my back teeth again and I know those are expensive but my dental bill as estimated by my dentist here is around $60,000.

Yeah, fuck that. You should be able to cut that by a factor of 10. They actually do better work in Thailand, according to the father in law, who shopped around before picking there. Apparently they have hospitals there with lobbies that are like 5-star resorts, gigantic 6-storey atriums, it is fucking wild. But if Croatia's a better flight, go for it.

The only thing you lose is of course convenient follow-ups, so do lots of research and find a guy who's got a great review history.

You're gonna make it.

>> No.20783489

>I was stuck with major impermanent losses so I just held
diamond hands, i sold at 4 after getting in to the geyser on day 4. big mistake

>> No.20783490


Man, my denture plate broke yesterday and I was hit by some ancient anxiety. I'm going to straight up not give a fuck and use my money on crypto instead. Yeah, I'm missing 4 front teeth, who gives a shit? Bull run imminent, fuck this dogshit money printing.

>> No.20783491

Unironically hoping the best for you, familia. Definitely consider work in other countries for low cost of health care as other anons have said.

>> No.20783517

Thanks, my biggest driving force in life is spite and it's made me appreciate my progress thus far enough that I no longer let my past dictate my future.

>> No.20783534


>> No.20783553
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>> No.20783554


Damn bro, you have no idea how incredible it'll feel getting them fixed.

>> No.20783623

I know I'm a bitch but the idea of being able to fix my teeth makes me tear up. I'm not stupid and I understand AMPL may not actually be my ticket but I have faith in something for once and hope it pans out.

>> No.20783661
File: 135 KB, 502x477, FUCKYOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally financially ruined