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20779608 No.20779608 [Reply] [Original]

~150% and we’re just getting started.

>> No.20780337

Can you redpill me on Harmony please.

>> No.20780378


>> No.20780402


Thank you, just bought 100k!

>> No.20780421

former google employees dev team
partnered with Binance, launching BUSD on chain soon
first sharded chain
they have a bunch of youtube videos explaining what they're doing each week

most fudders are mad that they bought it before the actual chain was created

just buy a small stack and steak

>> No.20780523


These are the investors

- The market clearly still values smart contract platforms among the highest in this space. basically all of them are dog shit. What happens when the market gains awareness of the real fucking deal?

- It's the first sharded proof of stake chain in existence that allows for 1000s of public nodes and as many shards as required for tps. block time has been 8 - 10 seconds so far. finality in that one block. This is what ethereum community has been hyping about for YEARS. It's been done already 1-2 years in advance by harmony.

- EVM compatible, dApps from Ethereum will be able to swap over trivially (as stated by the french guy on the CL team forgot his name, when asked about chainlink porting). Massive gain in traction as this unfolds 1 by 1. Similar to Chainlinks constant announcements of integrations.

- their delegation mechanism allows for 1 click staking, reducing supply velocity for 1 epoch / 36 hours at a time & more for validators staking over time (good for price). people can do this right now. over 50% of the current circ supply is locked.

- Coinbase potentially listing a fucking 50mil mcap coin? does this strike you as typical?

- BUSD(Binance USD) launching soon.

- Talks of DAI porting over (awareness)

- ex apple ex google etc team in silicon valley with mad connections, who understand the importance of marketing & brand. clear transparency constant community engagement, their brand & community focus is great. (vital for price appreciation)

- Meme magic will distribute into Harmony when CL ports

- It will be hyped as silicon valleys ETH 2.0 who beat Vitalik to it

- On top of all this it's fucking 50mil mcap / 40mil if you double it for supply increases

I haven't seen an opportunity like this since early LINK. The only variable i'm seeing in the way is the economy fucking up the crypto market. Everything else is perfect

>> No.20780554
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Fuck off Steven. Stop shilling your failed project on biz

>> No.20780650


How do you stake it?

>> No.20780760

Really easy.. either thru a chrome plugin or via the full node.

How to stake:
Live Staking Dashboard: https://staking.harmony.one/validators/mainnet
Post on how to get started staking: https://medium.com/harmony-one/the-definitive-guide-to-harmony-open-staking-6c78976a7d63
Super easy passive income. When this blows up you won't be sorry you took the time to start staking it.

>> No.20780827

Hey look it's the schizo ADA bagholder that makes up imaginary founders. Stephen is a PHD scientist anon.. like he would waste time here with retards like you. Glad you have a high estimation of yourself, it will be fun to watch you fail.

>> No.20780929

I hold neither, but I did see your hilariously exposed failed fud campaign exposed stephen. when the founder of a project is shilling and fudding on biz you know a project is dead.

>> No.20781665

how does shit even work if theres 1.26 billion tokens

>> No.20781937

>he knows exactly what is being referred to

>> No.20781964

kek at this thread