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2077602 No.2077602 [Reply] [Original]


VIDEO IS HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ziz_Wa7M1TY&feature=youtu.be [Embed]

I’m not gay, but $1 per MiloCoin is $1 per MiloCoin (kek confirmed 1.75 btw)


>Official MiloCoin website:

>Step-By-Step Guild on How to Buy MiloCoin:


>MiloCoin Video
youtu.be/rQu1-zil_z4 [Embed]

>MiloCoin Bitcointalk Announcement Thread:

>Skip right to the wallets, baby!

>Looking for some nodes? We gotchu!
(guide to add these addnodes on page 6 of ANN thread)

>Buy MiloCoin (before it’s too late)

>MiloCoin Blockchain

>Coin Marketcap

>Official MiloCoin SubReddit, because there is one for some reason

>Why haven't you done your part yet?
Start tweeting Gavin and insta'ing Milo. Lets Moon!
c-cex.com/?id=vote <--scroll to bottom and submit MiloCoin
support@coinexchange.io ← email them demanding MiloCoin get listed

Do the above and post about it in this thread, usually based anons will send you some MiloCoins

>Highlights from previous thread:

>Quick Rundown (what you need to know):
Mining has officially ended. Now is the time to buy, nothing will be pushing prices down from now on!

>> No.2077607

milo is a negro coin

>> No.2077613

>first post
>already larping

>> No.2077647


I still don't understand what these shitty celebrity coins are; like why would anyone buy this shit ? What features could they possibly offer that all other cryptos don't have ? A funny name ? It's like a joke right ?

>> No.2077671

This coin was built on the ideals that Milo has put forth, namely free speech and equal voice.

But you would have understood that if you had lurked moar.

>> No.2077784

>I still don't understand what these shitty celebrity coins are

Fuck if I know. It's basically a confidence scam to skim off a few BTC from idiots.

Isn't this guy a failed e-celebrity after he BTFO himself on Maher and then fell off the media circuit into obscurity?

Don't ever post this garbage here again.

>> No.2077787


Why are you investing so much time into this crap?

How much, exactly, do you stand to gain?

>> No.2077811
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>BTFO himself on Bill Maher

looks like somebody didn't watch the thing he just mentioned.

>Don't ever post this garbage here again.

Oops, forgot this is was your board, Mr. Anon!
Go back to pulling on Bill Maher's receding hairline while he bounces his malformed penis on your face.

>> No.2077848

Devs were suppose to announce who won sweet 10K MILO for best meme.

Delivering today ?

>> No.2077901

Hello coins pls


>> No.2078146

I've been with Milocoin since the start. But now I'm not :( This coin was retarded as shit and I should have seen it sooner. Hope the devs are happy with my $500 that's now worth absolutely dick

>> No.2078184

what's MILO's purpose other than speculation?

>> No.2078197
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>fudding a coin you have 500 bucks in

>> No.2078240


I no longer hold Milo. After the faggot devs said we had to wait until september, yea. no. and good luck selling now look at the buy orders :'(

>> No.2078349

they want to be pumped like trump/putin.

>> No.2078350

Sent ;)


>> No.2078371

One shitcoin to rule them all

>> No.2078439

Made 200% my USD buying below 600 and selling at 625. Thanks to all the retard baggies who hyped this garbage and didn't get out!

>> No.2078689
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anyone spare some coins for a filthy coinbeggar?


>> No.2078699

quick guys

new thread


>> No.2078760

Those ideas aren't unique to Milo.

Also you're threadly reminder that this fag gains nothing from endorsing a pump and dump so he never will. Eh I could be wrong he did out himself as a pedo so who knows.

Most people do not know or care about this faggy blowhard.

>> No.2079033


In case any anons feel generous enough until my payment gets verified

>> No.2079051


>he gains nothing from endorsing it

except the money promised him and his foundation?

>he did out himself as a pedo

he literally explained that he wasn't a pedophile, and how the thing people were discussing wasn't pedophilia. pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent kids. did you actually not know that?

>most people do not know or care about this

yes, that's true of virtually everything

>> No.2079063

No I'm not the ones parsing words in a desperate attempt to lend credibility to a failed celebcoin.

>> No.2079074


i don't have anything to lose, i got a measly number of free coins. i'm just correcting you where you're wrong because the pedo thing is just annoying, the only way a person could say that at this point is that they either don't know what a pedophile is or they're lying about the guy trying to him look bad because he didnt keep his le hate speech off their campus :DD :DD :D :DD

>> No.2079091

I really only don't like the guy because he's got that faggy disposition of always wanting to be the center of attention.

Still this coin was DOA. Good luck though.

>> No.2079124

You guys have been using my image for every thread I've seen since I made it March 16th of this year.

And I've only had 220 Milocoin the entire time because I've been broke, haha. Donations totally appreciated.


>> No.2079143


Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. Scummy trying to get people to buy this crap that will never go anywhere.

>> No.2079227

Hey thanks a lot!

>> No.2079699

Too many single digit IQ posters in this thread. I'm not a fan of Milo but he can be a useful tool.
If you can't see the utility in this coin and it's similarities to gnt, ETH, humaniq, ripple, then you can't truly see and you're never going to make it.

>> No.2079705


Similarities to Ripple? And ETH? That's hilarious. Yeah, you're right about the single digit IQ posters. It's the posters who bought this piece of shit.

>> No.2079710


Get this literally NOBODY and his shitcoin off my /biz/.

>> No.2080096

you're the only one who made a meme, you're pretty desperate for those 10k shekels man. chill out bro. i'm sure you'll get your prize.

>> No.2080104

really it is your fault for thinking this would moon in a couple of months. if you think this happens anywhere you are pretty silly.
it was always going to be months, if not almost a year mission to the top top.

you're just mad you didn't make money. i don't know how. price is currently over 100% higher than what i paid for it.

>> No.2080300

I will suck your dick for milocoins:

>> No.2080507

So I guess I was the only one who cared enough to make few with my free time.

>> No.2080652

Does anyone else think the only way to save this coin now is if Milo himself talks about?


>> No.2080659

r u a grill?


>> No.2080785
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>> No.2081227
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>> No.2081729
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>> No.2081874

>Does anyone else think the only way to save this coin now is if Milo himself talks about?

No. I went over this already. Ideally Milo will endorse the coin, but it is not necessary to make the coin a success.

Start with the Privilege Grant donation. Have 50k MILO auctions every month for a period of 6 months, and send the proceeds each month to the Privilege Grant. The first auction or two will maybe result in relatively small donations, but it will prove MILO is no scam and draw attention towards the coin. Plus, the fact that the Privilege Grant is accepting our donations is IMPLICIT SUPPORT OF THE COIN BY MILO, even if we never get explicit support.

Next, if the Twitter Protocol is a real thing and in development, it will attract attention and give real utility to the coin. It maybe nothing more than novelty utility, but it is still tangible development that people will be able to see the results of.

Once the ball gets rolling on the above two items, hopefully we see steady increases in price/volume, which will further attract attention (especially from normie traders who don't give a fuck who Milo is or what the coin is about).

Milo's explicit endorsement of the coin is ideal but not necessary and I hope the devs are not relying on it to make the coin a success.

>> No.2081921

>Does anyone else think the only way to save this coin now is if Milo himself talks about?
It's kind of a catch 22. The coin needs milo to be successful, but milo needs the coin to be successful to mention it.

This is why we need to push through without him. The acknowledgement will come soon enough.

>> No.2081957

Yes, Milo doesn't want to mention the coin when it is still a zero marketcap shitcoin. It will look like he is complacent (or actively participating) in a PnD. If the ball is already rolling and gaining traction without him though? Well, then he maybe more willing to get on board and officially endorse or mention it.

Devs are putting the cart before the horse. They need to stop focusing on getting Milo's endorsement, and focus on raising money for the Privilege Grant and developing the Twitter Protocol.

>> No.2081972

>The coin needs milo to be successful,
no it doesn't. it just needs adoption from normies. conservative students, people fed up with PC culture and SJW & anti-fa etc.

exposure and adoption is necessary. memes on 9fag would even make it pump.

>> No.2082461
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>"memes on 9fag would even make it pump"
>meanwhile, we continue to reject any notion of posting about MILO anywhere except our "SEKRET KLUB" here on /biz/
>we even were openly hostile to a subreddit being created for MiloCoin
Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING?! We can't keep up this whole "we're better than normies" thing if we want this coin to succeed.

Meme Magic is only as effective as the amount of effort we put in to spread our influence. So stop jacking off to your egos and spread Milo to all corners of the internet.

>> No.2082492

>Start with the Privilege Grant donation. Have 50k MILO auctions every month for a period of 6 months, and send the proceeds each month to the Privilege Grant. The first auction or two will maybe result in relatively small donations, but it will prove MILO is no scam and draw attention towards the coin. Plus, the fact that the Privilege Grant is accepting our donations is IMPLICIT SUPPORT OF THE COIN BY MILO, even if we never get explicit support.

This idea should be implemented ASAP.

>> No.2082515

Is there a conspiracy to scam alt right boards with these disgustingly pandering coins?

I'd give a dickbutt coin more legitimacy.

>> No.2082553
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Feelin' comfy sitting on 100k

I never looked at this like a short term investment - I'm content staking while the team does whatever needs to be done

This isn't the only basket I have eggs in mind you, but I'm feelin' fine despite all this FUD

>> No.2082652

Wow, what a coincidence all of these unique individuals decided to post in the thread at the same time shit-talking MILO with nothing but buzzwords and reddit-speak.

How natural.

>> No.2082754
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>Deluded name coin shill talking about buzzwords
It's easy to conceive why biz can consider gutter trash tier name coin retardation not worth even worth a look.

The only one of these coins that are only worth shorting in is trumpcoin in about 3 years for the next election cycle, maybe.

>> No.2082872
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>not worth even worth a look

But worth a FUD post, surely

You're a cunt

>> No.2083149

Yet you keep coming back to this thread.

>> No.2083972

Chicken is that you?

>> No.2084324

Hello Mr Delusion Fudder!

>> No.2084492

aww someone bought trumps at 50k and hates his bag. Get in to milo while we have faggots here willing to sell into the 300's still.

>> No.2084559

If it is they're idiots. Milo fans aren't big users of crypto. If they were going to be smart they'd make something that would target stormfront/daily stormer people instead as they actually use crypto because most fundraising sites boot them off and stormfags don't like Milo.

>> No.2085063
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taken from another thread

>> No.2085077

You screenshotted dubs for this shitcoins?
Just dubs are the best you can get???

>> No.2085087

nice dubs

>> No.2085476

OMG checked

>> No.2085492

Milo fans are the types of nerdy alt-Redditors who could easily be swayed into dumping cash into crypto on the word of their fag god

I'm beginning to wonder why it's taking Milo so long so mention anything about this coin to his cult followers though

>> No.2085497

Guys, please do your part & support Milocoin, it takes just a few minutes to do the following:

- https://www.reddit.com/r/MilocoinCentre/ Write, link something positive about milocoin or milo. Don't forget to upvote stuff
- Share the milocoin website or Ann to cryptorelated subs e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/altcoin/
- Voat is a similar website. Try posting about milocoin there too if you like

- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5WTKDkoG7WIDvnLewk26bg Subsribe to the official channel and like/comment/share videos
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvdObV1wvGJHR4uXwLP483w Same here
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg5DSm7aQ5M-ZR3-51c23yA Same here

- https://twitter.com/getmilocoin Retweet & Follow the official account
- Tweet about milocoin!
- Start tweeting and insta'ing Milo about milocoin and the milocoin privilege fund!

support@coinexchange.io <- email them demanding MiloCoin get listed
https://poloniex.com/coinRequest <- Use this online form to get Milocoin listed on poloniex
https://bittrex.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new <- Send em an email to get Milocoin listed on bittrex

Privilege Donation
Tweet, reddit, spam any other way you can this page: http://milocoin.info/privilege-donation.html

- Use your signature space on any forums you are using and leave a link to ann and/or the official website
- Talk about milocoins in other cryptorelated forums you are visiting
- Got a blog? Blog about milocoin. In return you will get some nice links & traffic :) (e.g I will link you from reddit and here in the ann if you tell me)
- - Spread the word with any other means you can think of

Useful Resources
- Milocoin Memes: http://milocoin.info/graphics.html


I love fag-donations: MBTuCZ5ZGoJhyiG237mNue8E8LWw8pVpYG

>> No.2086103
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Nice broken english Pajeet
Chut marike, bhenchod

>> No.2086959
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>> No.2087747
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>> No.2088112
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>not buzzwords
>gutter trash tier name coin retardation

>> No.2088947
File: 465 KB, 640x480, milo not gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you faggots.

>> No.2088966

Can't believe you faggots are still shilling this dead meme, you could have literally tripled your money with Ark Bitbay Pivx Digibyte gains etc each time even since they were so spaced out, but you faggots instead held your coin in a blatant pump and dump meme coin.

Does gay cuckoldry exist?

>> No.2089040
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>> No.2089159

Long term investing in a internet coin based on a fringe political activist celebrity.
>Not holding your bitcoins in the countless projects constantly tripling every day and with long term goals other then let's pump it to make our faglord proud even tho he has nothing to do with this and doesnt care


You should trade forex you would be great.

>> No.2089815
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>Thinking my holding a bag of MILO means I'm not invested elsewhere

Why don't you do something more productive with your time?