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File: 37 KB, 1753x590, 9D0120C7-A5A5-4934-B868-08463F9FAA1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20773099 No.20773099 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine holding anything other than the 3rd primitive cryptocurrency. #3 CMC rank this December

Imagine holding some kind of altcoin any praying for it’s usecase to be adopted; championed by a 27 year old “business developer” straight out of university.

Ampleforth is the decentralized censorship resistant asset that we’ve needed after bitcoin. And it’s here today for you to own a permanent % of all it’s elastic supply at under a paltry 1B marketcap. This is going to 10B by this December, the math does not lie.

>> No.20773434

Still don't now what does Rebase mean
Hlep newbby here

>> No.20773604

checked and amplepilled

>> No.20773631

Not gonna lie, im holding but sweating. Stil much profit to be made.

>> No.20773647

just buy it and watch what happens

>> No.20773651

its dumping.

>> No.20773671

bitcoin isn't great, but it's won

this is an alt

all alts die

>> No.20773689

Imagine being a pajeet with no money trying to fud AMPL because they're jealous not making it and only invest in their own shitcoins

>> No.20773693
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One of the sexiest charts I've seen in a while.

>> No.20773698

Twitter isn't great


how many people are using decentralised social networks

no one

give up

>> No.20773700

fuckin wew

>> No.20773710

It will flip XRP and eventually BTC

>> No.20773792

Linear progress is the most healthiest one there is

>> No.20773820

what. lol

>> No.20773866

retard maxi detected

>> No.20774111

Don’t worry everyone knows that ampl will surpass tether. Ampl will over take usdc by the end of the week

>> No.20774188

Am retard
Need spoonfeeding to live
I bought some ample and threw it in the gyser.
Was that stupid?
Do I get rebases while in geyser?
Should I pull it out and just keep ample in my wallet?
Halp plox

>> No.20774317

Why are there so few announcements of other exchanges noticing this coin

>> No.20774767
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It’s really cool that we’re all going to make it, didn’t expect it to be this coin. Get wisdom, brothers!

>> No.20774956

Throw 10 bucks in and a 1.5 weeks later you get angry when you see your accnt is 18-19$...
Market cap dips are when to buy.

>> No.20775021

Geyser is a hedge against losses when price goes under 1$.
Half the losses. When price is rising with market cap expansion, geyser can hurt your gains.

>> No.20775039

Its a nice niche but it won't get to top 10 any time soon. The only thing it really adds vs Ethereum or Bitcoin is that instead of its price changing the total number of coins changes which is basically the same thing except it has the effect that the price remains close to a dollar. It's a neat trick but not enough to get anywhere near bitcoin or ethereum. Normies just won't jump on it.

>> No.20775115

Why are people selling such large stacks of this?


>> No.20775156

The real question is how is it fucking possible that there's so much buy pressure keeping it at 1.70 all day. It's insane.

>> No.20775298

>basically the same thing
kek retard

>> No.20775322

To make money and buy back in before the next P U M P E R I N O

>> No.20775339

i think whats happening - is that the first hype cycle is coming to an end. now we wait for the next one which will take this to 1B+

>> No.20775360

It didn't even reached the 1.5$ resistance let alone the 1.10$

>> No.20775614
File: 127 KB, 1592x796, ampl-toasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20775709


>> No.20776087

give me more hopium, ample bros. i'm sweating niggers and kikes here

>> No.20776123

Rebase tomorrow is gonna sink this ship. There are tons of whales trying to slowly exit but its looking like times running out lmfao

>> No.20776734

> It's great... till it wasn't.

>> No.20776770

AMPL would actually work well if you couldn't cash out.

>> No.20776807

Imagine holding this retarded ponzi. This will probably end the "defi wave" before it starts by destroying every one holding it.

>> No.20776831

lmfao ur right bro first time whales selling never seen ampl at this price either hope these noobs get out b4 its too late

>> No.20776863

what about the issue that what it does is completely pointless?
novelty value for retards?

>> No.20776909

holy shit someone post the iq chart

>> No.20776944

People buy it because number go up.
People will ""try"" to sell before number go down.
This is going to cause a massive domino effect with the rebases.

>> No.20777012

>People buy it because number go up.
>People will ""try"" to sell before number go down.
>This is going to cause a massive domino effect with the rebases.

exactly same as any other coin normal then

>> No.20777067

Except other coins don't have rebases.

>> No.20777199

i don't see the use of it. it's a novelty.

>> No.20777248

checked, rebased and amplepilled, doing God's work anon, keep it up big guy!

>> No.20777330
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There are people reading this RIGHT NOW who sold their RSR for AMPL!!!!

>> No.20777354
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>> No.20777844

except other coins' market caps go up due to buying

>> No.20778554

Except it's a stable coin that benefits from actively compounding while the market expands while staying near 1$ to be used for spending without having to constantly change prices of products.
Whenever this token is above 1.09 or below .96 you can expect predictiable volitility to attract liquidity, further benefiting the holders.
Imagine holding tether all this time.
DAI regularly fluctuates harder than what this "stable coin" is designed to.

>> No.20778726
File: 5 KB, 300x168, lmao1241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously thinking Ampleford, which is literally just one year in crypto, a team of 7 people, made a company worth $481 million dollars.

Hello Ramesh and Pajeet.

>> No.20779719

If it goes to rank 3. This would literally be the most autistic thing to ever happen to this market.

>> No.20779768
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Holding AMPL is financial suicide.

>> No.20779826

It's technically not an airdrop, this has been discussed many times. Weak fud

>> No.20779847

The memes after the inevitable downfall of this will be glorious.

Literally bitconnect tier. Check out the telegram full of 10k eurphoric brainlets. That should tell you everything you need to know about whats about to happen.

>> No.20779911

Yeah, can't for you to explain to the irs how every positive rebase wasn't a taxable event.

>> No.20779954

they havent made a company idiot. does uniswap own the liquidity we put in?

>> No.20779975

Because it's not a fucking airdrop you lobotomized sack of meat

>> No.20780021

Jesus Christ I thank the Lord my grandpa decided against living his life in the US. What a nightmare.

>> No.20780068
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stupid faggot

>> No.20781020

Anon, you're going to want to sit down for this...

>> No.20781072

bait? that's a log chart you dolt