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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20767434 No.20767434 [Reply] [Original]

Daily Wage Kek Thread
>8 more hours to go

>> No.20767917

I'm going in late because I'm poopin

>> No.20767996

"Working" from home kek

>> No.20768034

I'm working from home but I'm worried I'm gonna get grilled one of these days for not completing a whole lot of tasks.

>> No.20768083

What’s the point in looking forward to the end of the day I’m just going to read biz etc. repeatedly but on a couch

>> No.20768143

I just cannot stop shitposting. Wondering if this will get me fired.

>> No.20768205

I’ve spent an unreasonable amount of time on 4chan at work nearly every day for 4.5 years now and have only gotten promotions

>> No.20768206

Same here anon, they called us back in to the office just as cases started ramping up. My morale has never been lower.

>> No.20768266
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>on furlough for the past 4 months
>pretty comfy but very boring
>tfw recently foudn out employer is making me redundant starting next month
this whole time i could have been looking for another job aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.20768311

Also side note but just realized that between my student debt and mandatory expenses, I spend 60 percent of my check on that shit. Man life is fucking pain. Wish I could get it down to 50 percent.

>> No.20768347

>thank you Coronachan

Work from home life is so free and pure. God bless you all. I am loving life so much these days. Every day is a holiday. Praise kek.

>> No.20768352

4 down 8 to go for my part :)

>> No.20768425
File: 303 KB, 642x705, 1560497207293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh how great is the pain of remorse in this life? Still greater is it in the next. In hell, you will also regret the irregularities of your life, and will eternally exclaim with the rest of the reprobate, 'The summer has past, the harvest has ended and we are not saved'.

>> No.20768469
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is this you?

Also could do the same when I had no technical bosses, life was great. Now I have a technical boss and he does smell my bullshit excuses from a mile away.

Well at least I am waiting for others to do their jobs most of the time so that's that.

>> No.20768477


>> No.20768523

learn to think like a winner - dont poop on your own time when you can get paid to poop at work, and use work's tp instead of your own. win - win.

>> No.20768616

working from home, time to play another video game and whack off.

>> No.20768624


>> No.20768659


>> No.20768736

an employer is not your salvation, just a stepping stone to success. By design for profit companies will find a way to maximize profit off or your work, then dispatch with your position by making changes.

The days of working 40 years for the same company are long gone. Make a plan to succeed and get a job that matches your plan -gets you the experience and connections you need for the next step. Keep working your way up. Make connections at each employer, network outside of work.

Some government jobs pay less to start, but offer good bennies and retrirement. There are niche jobs that do pay well but you need a connection. Make a connection and get the job.

>> No.20768773

poor amerifat. i've already off, chilling on my couch, put up legs, eat something nice, watch nature docus, watch my money rise

>> No.20769343

yeah it is, but least i'm getting for now.

>> No.20769420

I have very technical middle and upper management. I am just somehow still faster at writing technical documents despite all the time screwing around

>> No.20769502

Fuck this is me.

>work as an accountant so all my bosses have been higher up accountants
>ask them for help on tasks I’m having trouble with, immediately get shit on.

>> No.20769517

This kek

>> No.20769556


my issue is that I complained that apparently no one is doing their jobs, suggested a solution, guess who's responsibility it is now to clean up after them

Maybe this is that "taking on managerial tasks to get promoted", maybe it's maybelline.

>> No.20769699

Quick update.
>7 more hours to go

>> No.20769726

In my experience complaining about other people’s work just makes everyone resent you. All of my raises have been because I asked for one, with one being because I tried to quit for somewhere that was going to pay me 30% more which they matched

>> No.20769743

remote working chads sign in

>> No.20769920

My job is so fucking sporadic. Literally like, last Friday I sat around and did absolutely nothing all day. Would wiggle my mouse for 8 hours. Yesterday and today is similar, putting off work - mostly just reading about finance and shit, other job opportunities. THEN, some weeks I'll have at my job I'm working fucking like 50 hours. Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.20770074

I do. It’s even sucks additionally more for me because I started this job during COVID which means I have to use a laptop instead of remoting into a desktop which makes my processing speed 2x slower and my boss shits on me for being twice as slow as people who’ve been there for 2 decades.

>> No.20770337

I know - I try to avoid complaining about specific people for this reason, but if shit is not working I cannot help and try to fix it. Which is why I have something to do now.

The annoying part is that it should not be my job. I feel my manager just has me do it because me sitting around waiting for others would make him look bad to his superior. Also punishment for opening my mouth I guess.

are you me

>> No.20770391
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I work in sales and make most business is concluded in Aug/Sep/Oct/Nov. The rest of the year can be very slow.