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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2075531 No.2075531 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you killed yourself? Edition

In this thread, we talk about jobs we do and how our lives are slowly being taken over by our work

>> No.2075541


but how do i invest in crypto then?

>> No.2075542
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>> No.2075545

Being a millionaire at 70 doesn't count, retard. Are you gonna use your money to buy viagra

>> No.2075556

> "See guys it doesn't matter if I've essentially just sold my entire life, freedom, self determination and self respect for a bit of cash because during my golden years while I'm waiting to die I will be a possibly be a MILLIONAIRE (but probably not because I'm not a CEO)"

>> No.2075560

Um, retard, age isn't anywhere on that chart. Indeed, most people age 18-28 who are actually going to get rich would be in the "Emerging Affluent" column.

>Maybe your poor reading skills are why you can't get a job?

>> No.2075562

Exactly, age isn't anywhere in the chart. It doesn't control for covariates. The millionaires being retired and deca-millionaires being especially retired explains all the differences easily.

>> No.2075564

isn't the reason you're on /biz/ to invest with your wagecuck money?

>> No.2075568

>The millionaires being retired and deca-millionaires being especially retired explains all the differences easily.
Hey stupid -- how many retired people do you know that still draw a salary?

The chart doesn't show how people GOT rich in the past. It shows what they're doing RIGHT NOW. Which you would know if you could read, since it says "Primary Source of CURRENT Household Income."

>Retired people draw pensions, dipshit.
>Stay poor, stay mad

>> No.2075578

I find it funny how business owning is a meme, as if wage cuck jobs appear out of nowhere

>> No.2075597

>I find it funny how business owning is a meme
It's a meme because such a tiny percentage of people actually make money doing it. The chart doesn't lie.
>as if wage cuck jobs appear out of nowhere
Doesn't matter where the jobs come from -- what matters is that they exist and that they pay a lot of money to the smart and talented people who do them. Enough to get rich, and even really rich. And there's a LOT of those jobs out there.

The point is, if you want to get wealthy, your odds are much better getting a job than pursuing a pipe dream like business ownership.

>> No.2075622

Sounds like a cope.

Only around 1% of the US population makes over $150k per year, after taxes they would have to wagecuck for ten years spending nothing to save a million.

Even if you were on $200k and invested in index funds you'd probably still be looking at 20 years of wagecucking to become a millionaire.

Anyone who is willing to wagecuck for 20 YEARS for a million dollars needs to take a long hard look at themselves.

>> No.2075664

>work ten years
>have a million dollars
You do realize that 99% of the U.S. population would take that deal in a heartbeat, right?

And the other 1% are deluded snowflakes like you that honestly believe in get-rich-quick schemes.

So who's the one coping?

>> No.2075684
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>tfw i have never had a job

>> No.2075698

That's if they saved all of their money. It would more realistically be 20 years for the top 1% of earners.

Yeah that's fine for the majority of the population but for some of us that would be a life of absolute misery. For me no amount of money is worth my freedom but that's just my personality.

>> No.2075712

Yeah man, you're free. Free as a bird.

Free to sit in your parent's basement.

Free to live a boring, shallow existence.

Free to be forever at the mercy of others.

Free to get sick and die young.

Congrats on your life; sounds awesome. I can see why a comfy life with money, travel, culture, and incredible experiences would be "misery" to you.

>cope better

>> No.2075742
File: 122 KB, 500x388, 44-価-normies-get-out-reeeeeeeeeeeee-6514744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this Reddit spacing

>> No.2075747

Lol I haven't had a job in 5 years and in that time I've lived on every different continent in numerous different countries.

When you aren't a wagecuck you can use the internet to make money, travel anywhere. Most countries are way cheaper than my home country so I save as much as if I lived in my mothers basement.

>> No.2075750

*every continent sans Africa.

>> No.2075768

>all this roleplaying
You don't have to pretend here, anon. We know you live a shit life.

But really, I think you'll find >>>/r9k/ more up your alley. They won't tell you to kill yourself, when honestly you should probably consider it.

>> No.2075878

Lets make a recap of this incredible deal of yours

>you have to make $150k/year after taxes AND
>you have to invest EVERYTHING

In other words, only less than 1% of US population is able to retire early if they work like mules for ten years. Have fun tomorrow on your way to work.

>> No.2075894

Dad keeps nagging me on getting a better job. Brags about how he makes more. Feelsbadman.

>> No.2075896

Dude this isn't an uncommon lifestyle.

reddit.com/r/digitalnomad is full of people doing this.

If I was gonna LARP I'd do it about something a bit more spectacular than making a moderate online income and living in some cheap countries.

>> No.2075903

I was arguing AGAINST the wagecuck lifestyle.

Read it again.

>> No.2075919

Then what are you doing here? Not enough folks to jerks off with?

>> No.2075949

I'm here for the cryptos.

>> No.2075960

this is probably full of people who actually don't live like this but just shitpost like most people here on /biz/ maybe 1% of people who post actually do have something to brag about

>> No.2075982

>implying the only reason to post is to brag

>> No.2075985

I've met plenty of people who live like this.

Go and sit in any cafe in Chiang Mai and you'll be surrounded by remote tech workers staring at their laptops.

>> No.2075996

>being this retarded
I specifically meant people on this board and people on that subreddit. No doubt people live like this, but they don't shitpost on the internet

>> No.2076484

Reddit is trash you should have stayed there

>> No.2076750

>Work at Wal*Mart, Cap Team 2 Supervisor
>Started off working in Lawn and Garden, then went to Electronics, became Toys Dept Manager, now at my current spot.
>Will be there for 2 years on July 21 this year
>Unload trucks and stock shit
>Make $15hr, Work 4 10 hour days, get 3 off

I hate my people under me because they are old and slow, come from a different country and dont know english that well, or are dumb asses that don't do shit with their live.

Also hate my store location because its "rich bitch" area full of retards that can't read or do stupid shit in store and cry over dumb shit.

Last month I was asked about becoming an Assistant Manager. If I do this, this will be my ticket out of this store and might be able to go back to my home state where its way cheaper compare to here.

But I'm tired of working at Walmart and all their stupid/lazy people. About a year later I have stop doing a lot of stuff I enjoy and just sit on my ass at home for 3 days not really doing shit. Got side projects I want to work on but Im, well meh about it.

>> No.2076851

Wagecucking is literal death.

Im a NEET making 200 EUR a month and i blast it all on escorts, I dont give a fuck.

I also got 20K EUR in bitcoin which I trade sometimes.

I live with parents and it sucks, but whats the point of living alone in some shithole rent when you aren't Chad to fuck hotties.

>> No.2076881

>worrying about being a millionaire
>while thousands upon thousands are happy with $100K tops and never have to worry about anything.

>> No.2076921

So how is that different from being a wagecuck?

>> No.2076935

>So how is that different from being a wagecuck?

You work when you want, where you want. You don't have a boss, you can diddle your taxes.

>> No.2076940

Very Spanish mentality.

>> No.2076960

Sounds a lot like my wagecuck job. I work from home and actually work maybe 15 hours a week. No desire to travel and I have all the job security in the world and probably earn more than you. I get paid whether I work or not.

Explain to me again what's so good about your lifestyle

>> No.2076970

Oh and it's supposed to be a full time job. I'm a software developer/technical consultant so with my background I could begin freelancing whenever I want to, if I wanted to.

>> No.2077044

>tfw considering becoming a film extra
>already have a job with flexitime so I can just book off time whenever
>friend said he'll take headshots/reel for free
>would earn at least £86 a day rather than £55 I normally do

Swapping one kind of wagecuckery for another I guess.

>> No.2077085

Learning about crypto and it's decentralized nature has made me very optimistic about the future desu. A future without big banking dominating world economies looks bright.

Sure I'm a wagecuck but I'm investing in crypto and waiting for a better future.

I also escape wagecuckery through religion and various hobbies. Reading extensively is especially important to combat the anti intellectualism being pushed on us proles. Read widely. Physical exercise too... what motivates me is that there are many who would love to see me and people like me weak and dumb and without children and without any higher values.

>> No.2077119

I'm working on a master's because I now realize I'm a mediocre human being and need something to stand out with because I can't produce profitable ideas

>> No.2077156

>try to be nice so people like me and I can have an easier time
>coworkers start trying to push me around, supposed equals act like they're my boss, talk over me, talk down to me, etc
>I don't take their shit and tell them something
>they get assmad, cry to the boss
>boss likes me, joke's on them; I'm the best worker and the boss and customers know it and acknowledge it
>have to work in shitty environment with people I hate

Is there a job with no coworkers? Bosses are fine. My managers always like me and are nice to me. But god damn, I hate having coworkers.

Trying to get a better job in general but get turned down everywhere. If I'm going to suffer, I want to be paid well for it.

>> No.2077428

What the fuck does that mean?

>> No.2077468

So, you work from home, don't have a boss, work 15 hours a week.

I don't think you're a wagecuck m8.

>> No.2077499

Or you could just post your travel videos /blogs and make money from them
Easier said than done i know

>> No.2077514

>Because I've never wanted one

>> No.2077519

You're just lazy and spoiled.