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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20754924 No.20754924 [Reply] [Original]

what does making it feel like? everyone in my family is a broke ass wagie debtslave.

>> No.20754990

The funny thing is that no one ever truly feels like they're done and made it. We're programmed for challenges and if we dont have any in life, its dull and boring and stupid ideas get into your head. Its far better to dream than to look down from a pedastal and be empty.

>> No.20754993

It feels like a dream at first. When you wake up after sleeping in instead of going to work, and you realize that no, you're not late, you're free, it's downright fucking incredible.

The freedom of financial independence is a wonderful thing, anon, but you must use your newfound time to pursue hobbies and other endeavors to keep yourself from growing bored with your new life.

Also, therapy is highly recommended because depression is still a major factor and if you succumb to your mental illness then all your work will be for naught.

>> No.20755072

This. I want to open a business of some kind if I make it. Like...something that I can call mine, even if it's super small. As long as it's not losing money, something to keep me busy would be nice.

>> No.20755092

Therapy is for trannies

>> No.20755125

Is there any greater cope than this?

>> No.20755179

you feel numb, after going through shitcoin stress and you actually make your first million. you feel absolutely nothing.

>> No.20755432

I wish it upon you to get infathomably rich so you can understand the issues that come attached. Biggie was right, mo money mo problems.

>> No.20755437

Thats how it should be though. Years of stress and that will inevitably make you numb.

>> No.20755576
File: 110 KB, 744x523, 69D65E90-6098-444C-8BAA-B30F406C0566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not autistic but I like autistic things. When I make it I’m going to start a company that purchases old and unused western rail lines. Many of these rail lines move through remote snowy passes, idyllic mountain meadows, historic ghost towns and other points of interest. I’ll have full service trains with sleeper cars, dining cars, and recreation like gambling. A casino on rails. They will provide a luxurious route between ski mountains, bed and breakfasts, resorts ect.

>> No.20755788

it's better to dream and meet your challenges living life filled with abundance and without the constant background pressure/concern of getting money to meet payments at the end of the month. Losing that millstone from your neck doesn't necessarily turn you into a hedonistic nihilist. For the most part it's liberating and saves you awful lot of time otherwise spent on wagecucking. If you're worried that you'll be bored then you might be a person of poor imagination. Know thyself

>> No.20755959
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I made it, after 19 years of wagecucking, with some crypto gains. I'm not rich, but my bills are paid without working. My biggest problem is making myself engage in productive tasks, like working in the yard, exercising, and learning new things. If I don't make an effort, I tend to drink, smoke weed, shitpost, and eat garbage all the time. That behavior wrecks my health and motivation, but when there's nothing pushing back except my own willpower, it's hard to overcome sometimes.

>> No.20756064

Sounds like a fun way to lose tremendous amounts of money. If I make it I’ll take a first class sleeper car

>> No.20756143

How much do think you need to feel comfortable? I’m sitting on a mil but I feel I need to tripple it before I can retire as middle class.

>> No.20756193

You kinda just sound like a shitty person. Hope you can get out of your funk

>> No.20756224

Around 2.5M

>> No.20756346

Ya that sucks you need to get away from them they must be toxic af

>> No.20756365
File: 243 KB, 920x319, 38383C71-BC13-4BDE-860D-D9669DD32DDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, thanks

>> No.20756462

I need roughly $1000 per year after donating plasma twice a week to never work again.

What do I invest in?

Why not just 15k in JNK?

>> No.20756483
File: 235 KB, 1280x809, fdsfdsfasdfas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some sacrifices and have retired poor, although still hold a fair amount of crypto. My first year off, the lease on my car was up and I didn't know what I was going to do, so I didn't get another car. I spent the following year taking the bus everywhere, which at first was horrifying. But I got used to it. I found you can get used to not having most things that people "can't live without". So I retired on less than a million (no wife/kids). Haters will call me a poorfag or whatever, but I don't work and I'm not a leech.
You don't have to be an asshole about it. I have a lot of time on my hands and avoiding bad habits is difficult. There's a reason so many people's lives are ruined when they stop working. It untethers you in good ways and bad. I would never go back to wagecucking voluntarily, but being out of it is like taking the lines off the road. It's a lot more effort to keep going straight.

>> No.20756692

It's hard to get up at 5 in the morning when your sleeping in silk sheets - some boxer. The point where the struggle starts to pay off is the favorite time period of many successful peoples lives. But I think that's because the rose colored tint of nostalgia. I'm about 15 months from that point if everything keeps going as planned.

>> No.20756766

When covid is over every person will want to be stuck in small compartments with large groups of strangers so I think you have a hell of a good idea here.

>> No.20756837

What if it took you to a land full of realistic AI bots you could do anything with?

>> No.20756873

How does this anon sound like a shitty person? He only said the truth of how he's living, he's not hurting people or doing anything that would make a person shitty. You sound super judgemental and confused. This anon is literally living the dream of millions of anons.

>> No.20757218

That sounds great. I hope you make it anon

>> No.20757265

bullets are for namefags