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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 59 KB, 1041x1042, yearn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20747449 No.20747449 [Reply] [Original]

One way ticket to $50k, I got mine at a discount

>> No.20747574

easiest moon ever

>> No.20747583

congratz anon, we shall succeed

>> No.20748225
File: 321 KB, 939x939, yearn finance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, soon we shall prosper

>> No.20748291

When will the vote close and when will they reopen the pool ?

>> No.20748294

whats the suicide stack? 1?

>> No.20748581

Yeah it's around 1

>> No.20748836

Not sure, I just hold it, apparently any hour/day now, that's what they're saying on Telegram + v2

>> No.20749141

All I've got so far is this:

"Currently the only way to acquire YFI is by buying it off of Balancer or Uniswap. New YFI will be available for farming when/if a new distribution model proposal passes."

So in theory if it passes it may send Yearn into never before seen highs, that should mark a new chapter and bring a tone more people in + better sustainability

>> No.20749241

Can I get a quick rundown on YFI?
It got shilled on twitter so much that I ignored it but now I am in awe of the jumps it has done so far. I know it cant be bought and so on but how do I profit from it?

>> No.20749451

Single super autist dev builds LP aggregator contract that yield farms with your deposits across pools that are paying the best. Extremely fair token distribution of governance rewards tokens, probably gonna get capped at 50k (currently there are 30k tokens)

>> No.20749469

It can be bought. It couldn't be bought in the beginning because the initial supply was 0 and the dev held no premine, which is what he meant by that paragraph. You bought into FUD that was taken out of context.

>> No.20749504

Is this a better buy than AMPL? Memes aside gents. I have a lot of link but I set aside around 13 grand to play with defi projects. Been all in AMPL with it for a couple days but YFI is seriously tempting.

>> No.20749604
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See pic related.

There's a few good vids up on ytube explaining it in further detail

>> No.20749695

AMPL & YFI are both very unique. Top 5 in my opinion.

>> No.20749722

YFI has much more potential for upside, but it could crash and burn to 0 at any moment. I'm mostly in AMPL as well but I have some YFI. YFI could 5x from now in a single day if there is an important update, AMPL is just perpetually crabbing upwards.
YFI has had a major downturn recently when someone found an exploit to drain ALL FUNDS (announced and revealed to the dev instead of being used.) That should give you a general idea of how bleeding edge the product is - and there are MANY such possible points of failure.

>> No.20749824

would it not be better to earn future yfi by staking? better price action for holders imo

>> No.20750023

ok I've watched the video so what is the best way of getting into it? buying yfi directly off uniswap is probably the worst option.
and what is a conservative and bullish price target for YFI respectively?
also, how much $ per week does one get when staking like $10k worth of tokens currently

sry for brainlet questions like these but I've been spending too much time in ampl threads and completely missed this

>> No.20750046


ok so I should probably just take like 1/3 of my ampl and buy yfi then. Got it

>> No.20750225
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The best way of getting into it literally is buying right now. The farm has run dry already. Though they have voted to increase the cap, IIRC the plan was to go from 30k -> 50k, have the remaining 20k be set for distribution over an obscenely long amount of time and then burn the minting keys.
The meme target is 1 yfi = 1 btc. This might sound stupid, but 1. it exists because it's actually a realistic target and 2. the holders of yfi are so autistic on average that they might take it completely seriously and sell in significant volume when that is crossed.

>> No.20750424

This will hit $100k

>> No.20750495

how likely are upcoming updates?
will the expansion from 30k to 50k drop the price or make it moon more because more people get in? why did it dump the last couple of days? i'm too scared to sell my ampies for this because with ampl i feel like we have at least until 1.5bn MC before it gets obliterated by whales and investors

>> No.20750508

everything from decent coins to shitcooins was dumping during the btc/eth run

>> No.20750683

Very likely. A few days ago the dev promised an update in a few days.
The expansion means pretty much nothing in the short term since the inflation that results from it is minimal
Who knows why it dumped, but the timing matched the exploit being found and yield farming e-celebs publicly selling their bags.

>> No.20750866

doesn't this remind you of peak reddit? what the fuck..... massive turn off, a bunch of søyfags arguing about every small decision, man I hate democracy. they've seemingly choked the project to death after only a couple days of bureaucracy. I'll probably still put in a couple of ETH for the lulz

>> No.20750985

Not at all, they're getting proposals passed, and just voted to change the voting so it is based strictly on ownership of the governance token, not funds staked. It's a true community-run project and I think it's off to an amazing start.

>> No.20751636

1.5 billion is very optimistic

>> No.20751780

is this fud to try and lower the price so he can buy in? https://twitter.com/SpartanBlack_1/status/1287898472046190592

>> No.20751798
File: 79 KB, 1150x324, WhatsApp Image 2020-07-27 at 2.00.17 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be a doubter, anon

>> No.20751944
File: 128 KB, 1200x788, 1595778387493 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely not sure

>> No.20751953

He didn't say anything negative about yEarn, in fact he recognized it as the most advanced iteration in the DeFi revolution. He's not saying much other than that DeFi is a new thing and there will be a lot of creation and destruction, a lot of shit thrown against the wall.

>> No.20751981

Unless you have an extreme amount of capital, you ought to just buy a suicide stack of YFI now. Emission will not be steep enough to amass a millionaire' stack before the price climbs and TVL rises to compete for it.

>> No.20752087

Keep this in mind: AMPL is basically a game. It's an experiment, but it's also being played as a game. Once demand cannot match the expansion, price will begin to collapse. It won't happen overnight, but supply will expand and expand and expand to a point where price simply cannot rise anymore. The nightly rebases will be dumped and the slide will accelerate. This is just a game in supply economics. YFI is something revolutionary.

Yearn/YFI will become a standard for stable coins. yCRV, which is produced through the Yearn platform, will become trading pairs on exchanges, be used as collateral for intricate stable coins, and more. For example, right now on maker you can collateralize ETH to mint DAI but you have to put interest on that loan. If you use yCRV as collateral than it would pay for itself cause it’s always gaining interest. Imagine buying a hamburger and those funds you are gonna use are gaining interest to the moment you send the payment to merchant. Once the merchant gets his funds they are immediately gaining interest. This will change the way the world works and this is only possible through ETH and DeFi.