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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20746819 No.20746819 [Reply] [Original]

Can /biz/ explain why?

>> No.20747061
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(((institutional investors))) know what's coming

>> No.20747169

Yeah it’s always worth keeping in mind that it’s not /pmg/ or TV infomercial-watching boomers driving PMs up.

Those (((people))) buying this shit and driving the price up have very, very deep pockets

>> No.20747251

Yeah its a total mystery I randomly decided to start buying last september no one knows why

>> No.20747258

Powell announced that they weren't going to worry about inflation any longer, Schiff and co ran with that, lots of old goldbugs are buying even more.

>> No.20747429
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Yeah no. For the most part corruption has become more and more obvious. If you don't believe the stock market is manipulated then lol. Same goes for crypto and getting a job.

In the 90's or early 00's even one of their own admitted that the stock market is manipulated. Which is why with more retail investors these hedgefunds and HFT's are likely pulling things their way to make you lose even in Canada where HFT's are illegal but at least a step in the right direction. Yes they know of you in the general sense.

Or for example silver prices being manipulated by JPM and all they got was a slap on the wrist and their underlings thrown in jail for like a year (when it was likely higher ups who ordered it).

As much as I'd like to get rich off stocks the odds are against me with the corruption that abounds. Can't believe there are people that sincerely believe they "own" the company simply for having shares only to get btfo'd when the company decides to create more shares or reverse split which only devalues your shares in certain cases. Or when they announce bankruptcy, somehow the company comes out unscathed at the end and can continue operating but somehow the "owners" aka shareholders get left with 0. Now tell me what private company can announce bankruptcy, have the owner kicked out, but somehow the business is still running owned by who knows? Now tell me where I can actually open up a private business, pay myself a salary of 30 million a year via bank loans, fail, announce "bankruptcy", and get to keep the whole business to myself (or kicked out I got rich anyways from scamming the bank) while repeating the cycle.

>> No.20747463

Dollar went down.

>> No.20747491

>The money supply has tripled since EOY
>And we have no idea why prices of commodities and assets are rising sharply

Such a mystery...

>> No.20747498

To Georgia?

>> No.20747538

same here I randomly started buying shiny boomer rocks three years ago. its a total mystery.

>> No.20747590

more and more people are realising the evils of Jews and their financial misdoings?

>> No.20747626

All you gold bag holders are going to get dumped on.

>> No.20747679

The devil did lose a fiddle made of gold...

>> No.20747688

It’s in all times highs for every currency except Israeli New Shekel, Somali shilling and somaliland shilling.

>> No.20747716

We all gonna get rolled on, like a fat ass blunt, nigga.

>> No.20747808

You gonna roll another naked short jamie?

>> No.20747983

should i just max out my credit cards and not even care anymore?

>> No.20748031

Wise choice

>> No.20748070


>> No.20748086

i mean the system is about to collapse, so who would give a crap amirite?

>> No.20748088

Schiff was just talking about some guy in weimar that basically did this and ended up owning a third of the economy. Probably a jew.

>> No.20748105


For those who aren't aware, this screencapped post was written in May and widely circulated in /biz/. The author came back and explained his views at greater length in June in this thread. https://i.warosu.org/biz/thread/19669109 See also these threads, which are still up. >>20675348 >>20597543 >>20603169.

>> No.20748134

What's great is that an oz of gold is still an oz of gold. Zero counterparty risk. The more you inflate, the more it's worth. Spot price doesn't even matter anymore. Why would people sell at a manipulated price? Look at premiums on ASEs right now. $13 premiums on 1 oz coins.

>> No.20748176

You forgot pic related

>> No.20748192


>> No.20748669


You know the fed chair was appointed by Trump, right? And people aren't going to blame the jews, people will blame the politicians. Some fingers will be pointed at democrats and some fingers will be pointed at the GOP and Trump.

Go back to /pol/ you rube.

>> No.20748724


The screencap I'm alluding to is in the post which I'm replying to.

>> No.20749430


maybe if your timing is good

for all we know, this could very well go on for another two years

>> No.20749470

>world wide controversies and conflict
>people panic buy

>> No.20749485


Fucking kikes

>> No.20749531



>> No.20750066

>20 months no interest
sounds good to me ;)

>> No.20750183

The world is going to end. The stock markets are all going to go to zero. Its really going to happen this time for real. This isn't like the last time I said it!

>> No.20750454
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lmao and now you think we're forming a double top or what?
lmao this is the easies trade ever, everything you get under 2k you'll be happy about in a year or two from now

>> No.20750693
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>> No.20751004
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Looking for soul to steal on account of being in a bind on account of being way behind, yes.

>> No.20751006

With retail markup and 25% VAT my physical silver I bought the other month is now in a tiny profit. I thought that would take years.

>> No.20751029


>> No.20751067

Either party would have given full blessing to Powell to fire up the QE engine. There was no question about it.

>> No.20751143

undeniable facts

>> No.20751174

Start Here:

Youtube: "Money Masters"

>> No.20751202

And it didn't need to be Powell. Could have been Yellen. Could have been somebody else. I have to give Powell credit for trying to get interest rates up in 2018. He overestimated the ability of the economy to withstand it, at least at the speed he went for (four hikes that year), but he did try.

>> No.20751319

i bought an oz of gold today at ATH. i don't even care they will be my coins and jews will never have them

>> No.20751481

this is pretty much how I felt in March

>> No.20751725

Metals noob here. Damn this looks like a quality thread. It’s making me want to FOMO into boomer rocks. So what’s the best way to buy gold? The anon in that thread said gold American eagles have no capital gains tax as opposed to bars/etc, however based on a quick search it looks like they do. Or worse they’re taxed at a 28% collectible tax. Are they the best option for buying gold?

>> No.20752003


Read the three threads here. He explains his views further, including how to buy precious metals and how he recommends doing it. >>20748105 His name is Argyrus.

>> No.20752162
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>any hint of inflation
Wtf am I reading?

>> No.20752289

Every time I hear some reporter or pundit talking about how there isn't inflation or that its "elusive," etc., I just want to fucking slam their head into the wall.

>> No.20752700
File: 511 KB, 1125x1061, A28675F9-2539-4A1A-9C15-209DFEDE4738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to see this still kicking. that anon was a genius.

>> No.20752763

Fuck, I have SLV already but this guy is making me want to FOMO into SIL. 50 bucks already and it's guaranteed to open even higher tomorrow,

>> No.20752926

based somolians, sounds like a libertarian paradise

>> No.20752936

Read the Bible. There’s a group of people who say they are jooze, but aren’t really, they are some manifestation of malevolent force in this world and they do indeed control everything and cause a lot of evil.

>> No.20752945

because they stopped shorting with cash settled futures probably

>> No.20753150
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>> No.20753342

So whats the answer? sell my stocks which are all down ~20% across the board?

Im expecting another crash once all this stimulus stops

>> No.20753453

Inflation will keep it propped up.

>> No.20754505


Based, only thing worse than a Jew banker is a filthy janitor.

>> No.20754740

>TV infomercial-watching boomers
who makes the informercials telling boomers to spend all their money buying gold
>Those (((people))) buying this shit and driving the price up have very, very deep pockets
And why would they use their influence to drive up prices? What comes after pump? Do you think you will get your money out faster than their AI-driven automatic tools can dump when they finally decide to?

>> No.20754913

It's simple.
The dollar is being devalued.

>> No.20755135

A lot of trading pm desks were put under a Rico investigations when Barr was appointed. What we’re seeing is a big inflation of fiat and fewer and fewer fish crashing the pm prices.

Since the Rico announcement metals have gone up MoM, yes slapped down, but still trending up. This recent explosion is the (obvious) market response to the trillions in printing.

I wonder what the repo market impact will be since the liquidity payments is ending...it’ll likely force banks to increase gold reserves too.

>> No.20755423

Propaganda, plain and simple.