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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2074486 No.2074486 [Reply] [Original]

We mooning, and this time we going all the way. Look at the 24hr volume, MC, movements and support since last week.

$1 next week.

Buy 100,000XRP for 20k and you will make 100k. Sell your car. Take a loan. Buy with credit cards.

>> No.2074506

why won't it dump?

>> No.2074522


>> No.2074547
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>> No.2074561
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So according to those numbers ripple would have to have a market cap of over $40 billion next week to be at $1. You shills are pathetic.

>> No.2074575
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>He thinks there are 100 billion coins in circulation...

>> No.2074576

>tfw i always predict correctly but no capital

>> No.2074580

c-can't cripple the ripple?

>> No.2074582

Can you do basic arithmetic?

>> No.2074611

i just bought at it 12350 and it immediately tanked down to 12301...should i sell or hold?

>> No.2074630
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You moron. Wait until Monday at the very least, if you're such a fickle faggot.

>> No.2074638


how do i know it won't be down 20% by then like posw?

>> No.2074649


>what are fundamentals?

>what are technicalvodoo?

>> No.2074669
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Piece of shit wallet was a meme

>> No.2074864

What does ripple have to make it worth buying?

Hard mode: no buzzwords

>> No.2074865

7.2/10 made me chuckle

>> No.2074874

Japan bank adotion.
Korean listing on their version of Coinbase.
How long it takes to wire money overseas? 3 business days? With XRP it took 8 seconds and cost pennies.

>> No.2074881

Why cant the banks just do the same thing without paying fees to ripple?

>> No.2074888

fucking christ are we still going through this? why didn't they do the same thing over the past number of decades instead of paying SWIFT. what would they do? assemble a team of individuals from each bank to run the project? what is ripple?

>> No.2074902

Do I get in at 12? Or is it gonna go down a bit?

>> No.2074911

i don't know, it's not like the last time, it's grown a lot more steadily to this point.

>> No.2074916

you listed 3 reasons....that basically every other coin has what about xrp first releasing to the koreans or dgb going onto more gaming platforms and streaming sites. But no, the zipperheads will surely keep your coin safe.

>> No.2074920
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They can, they will.

No Japanese bank "adoted" (gives an idea of the intelligence of shitcoiners) XRP, they are making use of the ripple protocol to run their own network:

>the 47-member consortium used technology from blockchain start-up Ripple for a cloud-based payments platform called RC Cloud. The platform allows member banks to do real-time money transfers in Japan as well as make cross-border payments at a significantly lower cost.

The Japanese banks aren't using XRP, no bank will ever use XRP, they may use blockchains, they may use the ripple protocol, but no bank anywhere ever is going to dump billions into XRP, XRP is pure shitcoin

>> No.2074921

Why would they pay fees to ripple until the end of time?

>> No.2074923
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Ripple is the gift that keeps on giving. Ripple is fucking Jewish Santa Clause. Ever since the bull market started it never really stopped its rise for very long.

Never doubt the jews.

>> No.2074937

you act like it's one guy, it isn't. SWIFT network alone services over 11 000 banks, some will have close ties some won't. now what's going to happen? 11 000 banks split the fees among themselves? do 11 000 banks send one guy each to work on it? do those guys work at no profit?

>> No.2074966

You already got BTFO here..>>2074920

Why are you responding to me?

>> No.2075004

you asked. i didn't bother with that because i assumed anyone in ripple was aware it was in testing, were it to be adopted the price would be through the roof, that is the bet here.

the consortium itself is old news, was formed last year, following that march 1st article there the price was still half a cent, more entities have since joined including the 3rd largest bank in the world and the UK central, our aussie banks are working with it as well and have been for years. more banks are onboarding and it's gaining a lot of traction, the deeper they get the more difficult it becomes to fuck it off and create their own version.

i understand you guys think you've missed the ship as it is now the second largest coin on the market by cap. but what is happening is that you're so caught up in crypto you think it's already big, you feel like this is too mainstream and can't go anywhere but down. you might be right - if the banks axe the project it will plummet. just keep in mind there is more confidence in this coin than anything bar the bitcoin, the market says it has a lot more hopes than whatever shitcoins you're hoping to get overnight rich from.

>> No.2076319

They sell their technology to banks. If banks want to make their own blockchain they would have to invest millions more when they can just buy le technology

>> No.2076455
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This is a scam for sure, just look at the name of the website,"borzalmas.hu".
Just translate it!

>> No.2077136

fuck you op. I bought 940 ripple last night and i've already lost $9 since. Feel like i got myself into another posw type scam.

>> No.2077163

That literally only makes sense in your retarded head.

>> No.2077168

What is Quorum.

>> No.2077199

I rather buy humaniq and str with 10x more potential returns nigga

>> No.2077225

>lunch money
Who gives a fuck about your $9, I'm in this to double my savings or lose them all.

>> No.2077245


it just went up $1.50; a soda if you will :)

>> No.2077324

That's not true. XRP is used as the bridge currency and it's "real" in the sense that it's not an IOU, it's a cryptocurrency. Everything off-chain are IOUs. The transactions are faster and cheaper if you used Ripple's public ledger
as the intermediary and not just interconnected Ripple-tech ledgers. That's the whole fucking point you drooling retards.

>> No.2077808

How much we looking at for Monday?

>> No.2077827
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14,000-20,000 SATs, IMO.

Might put all of my BTC into play now, since that appears to have plateaued.

>> No.2078151
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They aren't using the public ledger, they're setting up their own ripple network

Which is the only way any bank will ever use ripple

Face it, you got BEANED

>> No.2078303

>Its down a couple tenths of a percent fuck you
Leave crypto immediately noodle hands.

>> No.2079455
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we're cleared for moon mission numero dos lads

>> No.2079491


what numbers should we look at to sell?

>> No.2079492

I'll dump before Consensus.

>> No.2079508

