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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20744061 No.20744061[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20744105
File: 257 KB, 750x669, 8F49B0C2-BA79-4D17-A23E-9A634D20C66E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of “based” posting is going to keep Elon from going to jail

>> No.20744121

says the african american who lives on public funds

>> No.20744148
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>> No.20744152

He's my favorite African American

>> No.20744160

Came in to post this lmao. His companies wouldn't exist without free gibs

>> No.20744168
File: 52 KB, 500x500, Elon Musk Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future (Unabridged).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commie tears are delicious.

>> No.20744180


>> No.20744183
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for free?
like the jannies?

>> No.20744184

that q is such a massive fag

>> No.20744188
File: 77 KB, 1024x654, 6BA0AE7F-51C9-478C-A88F-4D8090BDF433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk is controlled opposition.

Elon Musk is much more than just an average politically opinionated tech CEO. He is an intel asset. He is just like Jeff Bezos, Mark ZuckerBerg, Tom Hanks, Jack Dorsey or Bill Gates. They all have specific high-profile public image in their respective fields, however they are also active behind the scenes, all connected through the same entity of common intel agency. Intelligence agencies are especially heavily interested and invested in all tech sectors, especially space and remote-controlled cars, so just like they have journalists as assets that work for big newspapers to publish or spin specific story that CIA wants, they have tech CEOs, developers etc. that do CIA's bidding. When one of them shows a higher potential, then that person gets into smaller, close-circle of powerful people. Elon Musk is one of them. He is glowing brighter that supernova. Just research his involvement with companies and where they get their money from. Government subsidies are not to "help" company grow, but to make them govt's slave. Everything that comes from Musk is guaranteed to have backdoors and other hidden surprises.

Just search for "Tesla subsidies", or "Space X subsidies" and you will see. Musk would be a total nobody if he wasn't compromised, 100% controlled and propped up. Just like all these people I mentioned above. They are all part of something bigger.

Also, check Musk's ties with Michael Griffin, (head of NASA 2005-2009). Griffin was also working for In-Q-Tel, a CIA subdivision.

>> No.20744194

kill yourself q tard subhuman trash

>> No.20744197


>> No.20744201

100% this
>tesla so good the gubmint needs to give all buyers a $10K credit!!!

>> No.20744209

only people who hate q are literal Jews. What does that make you?

>> No.20744235

I doubt he was "hungry." But santa lmao

>> No.20744251
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A teenage Elon Musk once walked the streets of New York with emeralds in his pocket. His father, Errol Musk, had a casual attitude towards the family's considerable wealth, including the stones that came from the Zambian emerald mine in which Errol owned a half share.

Elon Musk enjoyed the fruits of apartheid slave labour, and he wouldn't be successful as a businessman without slave money. What does that make you feel?




>> No.20744289

This is really retarded. Capital is one of the greatest books ever written as a critique.

>> No.20744290

ahahaha it's fucking real what the fuck
i still hate elon but this is funny

>> No.20744299

as an actual corporate attorney i 100% agree with him, the SEC is the gayest fucking shit ever

>> No.20744309
File: 60 KB, 634x624, 232CB250-6C1C-4885-9975-C9B21449F240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy married to this communist whore is your friend, Americans

>> No.20744339

I saw that. Did he mean that we should abolish pronouns of was he making fun of me the left?

>> No.20744349
File: 224 KB, 1200x1579, 79C79C12-2374-4A98-892B-61434323EDFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews love Elon! Find out why on our 20 minute livestream

>> No.20744370

this guy is bluepilled as fuck

>> No.20744376

Why is the son of diamond miners attacking people who want to be handed money for doing nothing?

>> No.20744379

He is controlled opposition. I don’t give a fuck what he says. He is not to be trusted. No South African billionaire speaks for Americans

>> No.20744409

>the namefag calls an annoymous user on 4chan bluepilled

>> No.20744429

It means he not a sheep who follows some dildo antenna larper

>> No.20744479

>dildo attenna holder
That’s a new one! Completely random and nigger-tier but great job rabbi. 2 shekels have been deposited into your account

>> No.20744514

Also tell your boss the antichrist says FUCK YOU

>> No.20744570

There was nothing wrong with Apartheid.

>> No.20744582
File: 35 KB, 923x745, Fucking BOomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20744639

Ok sheep. Keep sucking off boomer Q. I bet you eat out pocket pussys

>> No.20744896

It's always hilarious when schizoids "reveal" all the connections rich and successful people have.
Yes, my dear schizofriends, that is what success means, relations to other successful people. Poor losers won't help you build rockets.

>> No.20744906

His poor penor going from Amber Heard to that

>> No.20745245

elon is a cuck

>> No.20745686

>Elon shit posts
What's up mein nieger!

>> No.20745720

This. Also, Starlink will (is?) be used to control people.

>> No.20745758

Why did he marry this ugly little goblin and gave her a kid to boot? It can't be love.

>> No.20745783

Haha your pedophile friends will all die

>> No.20745795

Also Elon Musk haven't read Marx, especially the Critique of the Gotha program. If he had, he wouldn't write this.

>> No.20745819


Fuck you Grimes is an absolute angel

>> No.20745824

Suck my dick mossad. There are many Jewish families in Valley Village, California

>> No.20745859

Hoes mad. I eat lamb like you for dinner fuck off you viagra pulled Q cuck. Go circlejerk about Q Boomer larper in /pol/

>> No.20745858
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>> No.20745869
File: 298 KB, 750x414, 206F1A75-D9EE-495E-87FC-3122B3CEBC83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your glasses back on.

>> No.20745899

>hoes mad
Please anon teach me how to be a nigger. You kikes are so great at acting. :)))))))))))

>> No.20745923

If Musk write this now, it is an indicator that the deep State is considering making negative propaganda on Marx. Of course it will work, but there is always a free and cheap possibility to know what it is about. Whether people will want to you about, it's their choice.

>> No.20745926
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>> No.20745931

Ironic words from someone whose company wouldn't have survived this long without government subsidies. Free stuff for me but not for thee.

>> No.20745953

Tesla wouldn't make profit without "emission credits"

>> No.20745964


>> No.20746199

spot on

>> No.20746375

Thats dumb. Why build a trillion dollar infrastructure that wont even be in orbital periods that cant even target major cities initially, when mobile towers already blanket the globe. This is biz at least make your conspiracy theories have a little basis in financial reality.

>> No.20746896

Hoes mad x24

>> No.20747020

this cringe faggot is always attacking gibs and communism when he himself and his shitty company take governmental subsidies of billions of dollars. wtf is his problem?

>> No.20747129

Nono. Elon Musk is a self made man. R-right?

>> No.20747256


takes a special kind of idiot to be so devoted to an economic doctrine that he isn't able to acknowledge one of the best criticisms pieces against it.

Not like he is a billionaire capitalist himself who hoards his wealth from the work of others.

>> No.20747363

>goth artsy chick quotes a communist in her yearbook

stop the presses

>> No.20747481


Elon is the king of gibs me dats

>> No.20747501

Yeah, but one of his companies provides the government with a taxi service to space. You sit on your ass and look at tranny and cuckold porn. That’s why he gets subsidies, and you get depression.

>> No.20747563

Take. Your. Meds.

>> No.20747599
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>cuck porn
that's a pretty specific insult. are you sure you're not just projecting?

>> No.20747608

Most of you faggots are failures in life because you're stupid, they fact that you think you could be right about anything is frankly embarrassing, most of you deserve to wallow in poverty.

>> No.20747642


>> No.20747696

imagine still being amused by this faggot's twitter trolling. grow up

>> No.20747814


Don't waste your time with users of this board. Unless they have read Kapital, their opinions of the market and macroeconomic theory is null. You should spend that time calling out Elon for being so bold to accuse Kapital of suggesting everyone get shit for free, which couldn't be further from the truth. The sooner we force billionaire tards to justify their existence in facts, not just because, the better off we'll all be when they realize their existence from an economic standpoint is a poison on society.

>> No.20747887
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>a taxi service to space
wow i love musk now. more billions to meme space exploration and israel please

>> No.20748102

Well this obviously. But people will realize this only when they will be in serious shit. My guess is in the next financial crisis (2028-2034).

>> No.20748143

was forced to read it in college. read enough to know its shit

>> No.20748155

He got dats from his wealthy family, from his exploited workers, and from the government (so the workers throught tax).

>> No.20748177

The shiny rocks thread is down the hall to the left

>> No.20748248

Lol no. No college force to read Das Kapital in the whole world. You are lying. Or perhaps they forced you to read a chapter, among the around 30 chapter the book has. Also, Das Kapital is in 3 volumes, and even 4 volumes if you include the theories on surplus value. That's around 3000 pages. No college "force" their student to read this.

>> No.20748705

youre right, i didnt read the whole thing. it was for an elective class and we had to read a few chapters every week which was more than enough to see gaping holes in the assumptions
its also hard to get these self proclaimed 'marxists' to explain their shit ideology since no one has a consistent idea on what marxism is

>> No.20749176

People keep posting this, but nobody follows up with the fact that she deleted this after like 4 minutes and his post is still up. Make whatever assumptions from that as you will, but definitely seems to me like he snapped his pussy back in line.

>> No.20749205

Kettenglied Nationalismus

>> No.20749222

if you have the option to receive gibs and you don't take them, then you're a sucker
wise ancaps understand this

>> No.20749321

checked. But realistic ancaps also get that too many hands in the cookie jar lead to blood conflict and that no cookie jar should be the goal

>> No.20749360

i mean didn't elon get his wealth from his parents It's kinda the same thing

>> No.20749380

Elon is the best billionaire.