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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2074310 No.2074310 [Reply] [Original]

Just a few days ago i told you scumbags that i was a gangster for going all in Florincoin. Most of you were laughing at me.

The Florincoin blockchain stores important data for the Decentralized Library of Alexandria (DLOA), a project that aims to replace spotify, apple music, youtube, steemit (comment integration in the future), and the rest of the shitty centralized services.

It even shits on LBRY, its younger competitor that got a lot of undeserved attention, since that piece of trash was heavily premined by the developers. Not only that, but you need a customized browser or an extension in order to use the lbry: protocol. It's terrible

We'll meet again at 100M marketcap, you fuckheads!

>> No.2074312
File: 185 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170513-122251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happened after a few days...

>> No.2074315

Oh, and i forgot, LBRY has a marketcap of $70M (counting the total supply) while Florin has $9,4M LOL

Ignorance at its finest

>> No.2074318

That notification bar gave me cancer bruh

>> No.2074343
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>> No.2074353

Well if you're not larping then congratulations. Here's hoping we all find our meme rockets and live decadently ever after in Lamboland.

>> No.2074355

Fuck I remember you. I almost bought Florin after reading what you wrote but I hesitated and it went up 100% in the next 24 hours.... did you just pump it up yourself or how did you know it was going up?

>> No.2074363

You win this time, OP.

>> No.2074365
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>> No.2074369


Nope. I just knew that it was undervalued as fuck.

And still is. Even Tim Berners Lee (the absolute god of the internet praised this project in a conference. )

The next updates are going to be mind blowing.

>> No.2074372

Should I dump 500 RLC for this?

Yay or nay?

>> No.2074378


/biz/ doesn't deserve your hot tips, let them bathe in their grand delusion that is ETH.

>> No.2074379


It's yay or yay

>> No.2074383

Also do they have a usable product released yet? I know LBRY Credits does.

>> No.2074387


>> No.2074390


alexandria dot io

Also, take a look at this: alexandria dot io /browser/002004

>> No.2074395


Thats a funny way of saying BitBean, anon.

>> No.2074401

Thanks, anon. Will do.

>> No.2074403

That's a strange way of saying diversified shitcoin portfolio.

>> No.2074436

Is it going to moon again?

>> No.2074446

>basically in browser LBRY

fucking christ, I would I wouldn't have put 40k into it, but jesus, I'm just glad someone shitposted about it instead of another shilling thread for coins we already know about.

>> No.2074493


How does a n00b buy it? I'm guessing I have to have bitcoins and than buy it with bitcoins?

Why is everything so reliant on bitcoin instead of standing alone. It's annoying.

>> No.2074511

>Why is everything so reliant on bitcoin instead of standing alone

I wonder what would happen if you punched that question into Google?