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20742396 No.20742396 [Reply] [Original]

I have been working from home since March. I guess like most of you out there in similar boat, I don't really do much. Some days I only do like 10 minutes worth of real work a day. Should I let my manager know that I am not really doing much work? Or is that kiss of death? I am afraid that if this goes on too long, eventually, someone is going to realize I am not doing anything. However, if I raise this issue myself, I am afraid that I might just be the first dude to get let go. I don't know what to do.

>> No.20742441

mid 100k/year salary - working from home 90% of the time since mid March....literally surfing /biz/ and link twitter.

we need to moon...i need to quit this wage life.

>> No.20742502

>we need to moon...i need to quit this wage life.

70k slary/amsterdam, working home since march, doing less but still grinding,m do what i have to do and then leave

>> No.20742512

the real redpill is when you realize that most people aren't really doing anything of value and they are getting paid for it
just keep your mouth shut and collect those paycheques, retard.

>> No.20742601

I know I am a retard. I worry too much. What I am worried about is if I don't say anything, someone is going to realize I do jack shit, and I may get downsized. So I can preempt it by raising this issue to my manager. But if I do so, my manager may simply downsize my ass right then and there, since he's just heard from the horse's mouth that I do jack. Seems like I get screwed whatever I do...

>> No.20742620


the higher up you go in the workforce the less work you do. everyone knows this but no one will address it (and thats a good thing).

do you think your boss wants to do more work? can you imagine him/her being comfy with their workload, everything going fine, only to have some mid-wit peon complain about the LACK of work?
>However, if I raise this issue myself I am afraid that I might just be the first dude to get let go
you 100% will be

>> No.20742651

its not your job to say anything. stay in your lane.

>> No.20742669

to survive in the corporate world you need to learn to lie through your teeth
talking to your boss about how you're not doing anything would be very ill advised

>> No.20742687


>> No.20742729

Your manager is probably doing fuck all. Don't rock the boat and risk opening Pandora's box.

>> No.20742742

I have several employees that work from home. I know they don't do much most days, but they are there when I need them to do something. That is where the value is. I've been working remote for 7 years and I usually work 1-2 hours a day making about 82k/yr

>> No.20742785

What do you do OP? I probably only do about 3 hours of actual work a day. In the office it's maybe 4 or 5. Although I do report in directly to my manager(s) and they can track nearly all of my output.

>> No.20742832
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>from home
>surfing da web
>wage life

>> No.20742856

I am a programmer/analyst (glorified code janitor).

>> No.20742892

My friend is a Stanford graduate and he works as PM for BOX. He doesn't do jack shit and he automated his emails and various other tasks. In fact, he paid me to write some scripts..this is life..corporations don't care about you, they will use you eventually throw you away.

care for yourself and your health.
use this atleast 3 hours x 4 days to learn something new

>> No.20742910

Sounds like you've got it really good m8. No way I'm telling my boss. Fuck the system. I'm an analyst too but in a different domain.

>> No.20743029

I don't work at all lol

>> No.20743031

Thank you frens. I guess I should just keep my fucking mouth closed and go with the flow.

>> No.20743163

attaboy OP
remember, unless you work for a small company where you know the guy personally, your boss is not your friend
he's not going to pat you on the back for being honest with him

>> No.20743269 [DELETED] 

Dear anon, your manager already knows and he has been preparing to downsize your ass.

>> No.20743294

wtf fag here
im working all the time because Im paranoid they will fire me if I dont
wish I could go back to the comfy wage cage and just clock out at 5PM

>> No.20743438
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There's something called the "gray man theory" that I try to apply to my professional life as much as possible. Basically do everything you can to blend in. Don't be an idiot slacker but also don't try to be a hero. It's rare that you'll get any benefit from going above and beyond if you're a wagie. They'll keep expecting more from you and everyone will use you as a way to offload their responsibilities.

>> No.20743462

Dpnt worry Op nobody is working here and never did

>> No.20743481

The vast majority of people working from home do about 20 minutes of actual work. Our clown economy is about to collapse, just ride it out.

>> No.20743518

This is 100% true

>> No.20743576

Just do a tiny good deed each week or day when opportunity arises brodude. That way you pay it forward. It's hard to actually help others at all really. Listening (in person) without commenting is mega-difficult and it can help people big time.

>> No.20743595

Maybe I am naive or just plain stupid, but it's just amazing that things ever get done in the corporate world. Has the world always been like this?

>> No.20743691

You think he doesn't know yet? Lol. He's just waiting for an opportunity to downsize your ass.

t. manager

>> No.20743853

If/when the recession/depression starts ripping through white collar companies...
Prepare to have even more "free time"

>> No.20743880

I’m pulling 200k a year and I’m spending my time researching scams to invest in and preparing for interviews to get me an even higher paying job. Working from home has been good so far

>> No.20743957

Yep, how can they _not_ know that? THat's why I thought maybe I can talk to my manager about my work load (or lack thereof)..

>> No.20743995

How much work you put in a day at home? is it measured in minutes like me?

>> No.20744237
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>look up highest paying salary my area (e.g. £70k)
>subtract my salary ( £50k )
>calculate percentage difference (33% difference)
>calculate 33% of working day, so around 3 hours
>subtract 3 hours from each working day
I'm not the only one who does this, right?

>> No.20744484

I wasted 10 years after high school and now can clearly understand how cucked I am for destroying my chances at having a job that's either meaningful enough to do every day for 30 years without losing your mind and soul or high paying enough to give you lots of leeway and freedom to take time off.

>> No.20744825

Op, I suggest you take this opportunity to start generating intellectual property for your company. Internal pet projects. Can be anything...how-to, workflow diagrams, training materials. Basically try to distill the things a new person would need to know. If you can program then make little tools to optimize your job and the jobs of your coworkers.

You should also be working out daily.