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20740224 No.20740224 [Reply] [Original]

With globalization literally in its death throws and nation states set to become more and more isolationist, what the fuck is the point of bitcoin?

>> No.20740326

Wrong on both accounts, no wonder ywnmi

>> No.20740394


>> No.20740446

we need flags now

>> No.20740453

literally the opposite of what happening

>> No.20740506

>globalization literally in its death throws
Lmao I just got avocados from Chile for 0,50 europesos today. Nice, ripe avocados, from half-way around the world for 0,50. Tell us more about this death, anon.

>> No.20740535

All nations are going to need sound money after they've fucked their currencies from lockdown and gibs.

>> No.20740858
File: 192 KB, 1290x1399, Chad65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This the world is going to have to exit scam from the debt system into something especially if the (((elites))) want to maintain power. There are very real enemies that grow tired of (((them))) and their bullshit.

>> No.20740943

It kinda is dying though

It'll become a means of transferring wealth rather than wealth itself, that and other cryptos. Especially privacy focused ones where you can do it on the down low.

>> No.20740969

>what the fuck is the point of bitcoin?
Same as it's always been: Money laundering

>> No.20740971

are you delusional

>> No.20741016

peak delusion, once USA stops protecting the world with their military (its happening now) the seas will not be safe at all for global trade, good luck with globalism in a post-US protectorate globe.

>> No.20741129
File: 22 KB, 236x251, Bane4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a point to be made about international waters being patrolled by the U.S. to allow free trade to exist. Hope China is ready to deal with all the nigger babysitting they will inevitably deal with once they become/aspire to be the dominant superpower

>> No.20741179

Don't worry dumb zoomers raised by the internet are going to save globalization because they are too stupid

>> No.20741236

Money that works between two countries even if those countries don't share economies

>> No.20741629

Globalization will never recede unless someone destroy the internet.

>> No.20741656

no two countries would want to exchange a currency that any world power can easily pump and dump and manipulate brainlet

>> No.20741679

absolutely false, large nations are developing their own intranets because the global internet is dangerous to national security of all peoples.

>> No.20741699

pol is what you want.
Ok, China it is. Protect us and conquer africa :)

>> No.20741769

>China it is.
absolute delusion

>> No.20741868

*citation needed

>> No.20741914

>once USA stops protecting the world with their military (its happening now)
>USA stops protecting the world
>protecting the world
uhhh I hate to break it to you anon...

>> No.20741924

Thank you for giving up so easily whita boy pussyy

>> No.20741937
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To bypass those capital controls

>> No.20741952

what are you 13? lol USA has protected global trade since ww2 moron, without it the global stability will collapse.

>> No.20742094



>> No.20742631

not that easy to do
bitcoin blockchain is distributed around the world

>> No.20742649

stop boomer posting

>> No.20743523

That's even cheaper than in Chile, a nice one costs almost an euro here

>> No.20744307

>With globalization literally in its death throws
My friend, let me introduce you to multinational corporations!

>> No.20744435

>With globalization literally in its death throws and nation states set to become more and more isolationist, what the fuck is the point of bitcoin?
literally the opposite is happening you retard