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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20737195 No.20737195 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's a woman with self respect and modestly. A woman who is naturally beautiful and has the confidence to not always need reassurance. A woman with a strong constitution who will always put her offspring before her career. Those are the traits I want my spawn and their mother to have.

>> No.20737227

I really wish this board had jannies

>> No.20737447
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Give me the fucking microphone.
Listen up.
I'm sick and tired of all you loud ass entitled whores running your mouths.
Every single day you come out here, you make the same damn posts. "incel" this, "have sex" that.
Well guess what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna take my mouse
I'm gonna click on the post number
I'm gunna start typing in the reply box
I said I'm gunna start typing in the reply box!
I'm gunna call you a slut
A roastie
A cock carouselier
A post wall dried up DOG MOM
I'm gunna BEAT DEBRA
Then I'm gonna solve that captcha
The one with the fire hydrants
The one with the stoplights
The one with the bicycles
The one with the cars
The one with the busses
The one with the CROSSWALKS
I'm gonna click submit
I said I'm gonna click submit!
I'm gunna derail the thread!
Take away you entitled rostoids right to vote
That's right, I said I'll repeal the 19th!