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20734828 No.20734828 [Reply] [Original]

imagine a prostitution app

imagine pulling up your phone and in three clicks having an escort show up to your house

this is unironically a billion dollar business

>> No.20734871

Prostitution is illegal in most states though

>> No.20734903

>getting aids and robbed on demand
kys stupid nigger.

>> No.20734941

>leaving evidence on an immutable ledger that you partake in illegal activities
yeah sounds like a great business idea

>> No.20734964

you can literally built it with Dether


>> No.20734978

i already have problems with fucking pajeets being weird creepy cunts delivering food or driving me around

i cant imagine the bad experiences u wouldve have with a rung lower than them

>> No.20735003

sounds like an easy way to report whores

>> No.20735031

Billion dollar? Do you think people would pay for sex that much when it is already a pretty expensive commodity?

Now, lets say we throw sex robots into this situation. I'm talking like good sex robots that can change appearances and be almost as good as the real thing. Then you have a trillion-dollar industry.


>> No.20735121 [DELETED] 

No one gives a fuck, only human trafficking gets real heat on it anymore.

>> No.20735143

people are FIENDING for sex

simps and normies are paying onlyfans girls millions

instagram whores are being DM'd by powerful people for sex all the time

if this world was brought out into the light and allowed open sale / bidding. shit would be insane. top instagram whores would bid their services for thousands. it would be insanity

people are already paying millions a year for videos / pics. if it was sex it would be at least 50-100x maybe more

>> No.20735343


You need to understand the economics of simping. The cost of producing a photo divided by the number of copies of that photo you can make is quite literally zero. Comparatively, you can only fuck one person at a time so selling sex doesn't scale. Hence why the price is so damn high. Selling nudes is an equilibrium between selling sex and sitting on their asses. The only reason why it works so well is because it scales to any number of customers. If you want to get rich off selling sex, you need to scale it up.

If you thought this through anon you would have realized this.

>> No.20735598

such a cruel law to americans

>> No.20735665

I’m curious how one might industrialize sex but I’m already disturbed by the question

>> No.20735890

thats true if you wanted to scale sex like photos. but you dont have to because the premium on sex would be so much higher

how much could a top instagram thot make by selling sex on instagram versus photos

sex with a top instagram whore would be like $100k

she could probably bid her services worldwide and fuck once a month and make insane money

>> No.20735939


bad analysis. selling pussy doesn’t sell for the prostitute, other than the wealth of the client, but it definitely does scale for the pimp/algorithm

>> No.20736059

also i forgot to mention. you wouldnt even need to sell sex. you could sell intimacy

how much would a simp pay to cuddle a instagram thot for an hour or spoon or something. you could literally remove sex from the equation. simps would pay tons just to "be with" an instagram thot

>> No.20736075

this is it, we're reaching maximum tier degeneracy societal standards and im here to see it happen. what can possibly save this country at this point lololol the damage is already done. you can't unfaggot and unwhore the zoomie generation, their brains have long been brainwashed into thinking pic related is normal.

>> No.20736132
File: 57 KB, 763x366, robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m curious how one might industrialize sex
i know the answer to that

>> No.20736285
File: 181 KB, 720x960, 1595531178584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a wardrobe full of sex toys

>> No.20736426

time to upgrade with a universal robot arm!
why settle for the meager pleasure your hand or a woman can give?
these arms can move with the fury of a thousand revenge cheating whores... you can just lay back and relax no need to strain yourself.

>> No.20736577

Instagram whores already get fucked by arab billionaires in Dubai and co. It's a known business.

>> No.20737472

this is the freedom they keep talking about