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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20729344 No.20729344 [Reply] [Original]

>Be elite / insiders / rich
>Orchestrate scary worldwide event
>Massively profit of your short positions, as panic is now justified
>Damage economies (muh lockdown), force people out of jobs, fuck up their savings and earning possibilities
>Scoop up / long bottoms of stocks, commodities and crypto
>Moon it all with help of new protocols, bots and AI

This was plan all along, wasn't it?
In any case, I am happy for all of you who make it. Even though being left without savings, positions and shit job, after 3 years into crypto, feels quite tiresome.
Well, I figure that's the way she goes.

>> No.20729382

>Figures things out
>*shrugs* oh well
Good goy

>> No.20729405

Why cant burgers accept the virus is real

>> No.20729422


>> No.20729519

Uneasy to cope otherwise. Positions I was holding would have brought me freedom if I were to keep them for some more time.

I'm not claiming it's not, as I guess it was likely manufactured. However, all msm and politic narrative around it, from time's perspective definitely has a theatrically-manipulative fearmongering vibe to it.