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20726975 No.20726975 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20726982

come on bro. In the past 2 months AMPL has paid me 3x what my employer has, and always on time. This shit is virtually unfuddable

>> No.20726991

>he doesn't know about the investor pool

>> No.20727000

Please god dump to 1 cent

>> No.20727006

If you really need this money... start paying attention immediately or you are going to be living in your car.

>> No.20727076

whats going to happen? brainlet here

>> No.20727095


>> No.20727116

>logo is literally a pump-and-dump curve
Why did anyone fall for this?

>> No.20727160

lets FUD it some more it's getting too hot, don't buy it guys, we need some days for it to cool off thanks

>> No.20727171

Imagine not holding SUTER and AMPL right now

>> No.20727186

>he doesn't know

>> No.20727213

i know more than you do Varunesh

>> No.20727307

>he doesn't know whats coming
this is going to be hilarious

>> No.20727310

So the ponzi fud and tax fud didn't work, so now this is what you're trying. Not going to work either kiddo.

>> No.20727337

Investors are freed from the 30 day sell freeze and they're going to dump hard.

>> No.20727357

you know that the investor pool is going to disburse millions of ampl to glass handed vc who have always immediately sold when their funds are released, right?

>> No.20727608

Shadowlink-tier fud

>> No.20727612

This has 1 view...
Who is the real Satoshi Nakamoto? founder of Bitcoin | Nick Szabo is Satoshi, Proof

>> No.20727622
File: 54 KB, 1000x376, 1293712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm just going to go ahead and kill this thread right now. Here is the token release schedule:


The Series A investor pool unlocks on a linear basis, 5% a month to be exact, which amounts to 2.5 million tokens per month. You can see this from the attached image. So, in the span of an entire month, only 2.5 million tokens from this pool can be sold. This is a horrible attempt at fud, and every single time I see a thread about this, I'm going to post the token release schedule.

>> No.20727651

ampl price target : 15 cents

>> No.20727653


Is that 2.5 million tokens up to date with inflation from all the rebases? Make sure it’s not actually 25 million this time around

>> No.20727673

After the rebases t's closer to 30mm tokens unlocked tonight. There will be nothing left by morning.

>> No.20727679

Ample is S-Tier unfuddable at this point, don't even try, you are embarrassing yourself anon.

>> No.20727719

People who FUD are literally bloodsucking evil handrubbing Jews.

>> No.20727735

you take that back, i'm trying to groom a legion of stalwart bagholders for the good of everyone

>> No.20727918
File: 44 KB, 680x630, 5 scientific reasons to kill yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMPL the official shitskin coin

>> No.20727941

wait so you still think I don't know about the token distribution and investor pool?

>> No.20727946

ya your programmed ponzi shitcoin that is about to self destruct is unfuddable. watch this.

>> No.20727963

you don't seem to or you would have sold this turd already. it's an IQ test and you're failing hard AF. this will be fun to watch

>> No.20728053

Damn op nearly got me to sell

>> No.20728080
File: 160 KB, 1200x1200, 1594551968875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>devs have 20% of total supply
>investors dump 1/5 of the total supply every month
>geyser scam so you can't sell whenever you want
>can't use them in financial smart contracts because they disappear overnight
>awful stablecoin because 90% of the time it's outside of the fixed range
>shitty useless gimmick, you always buy a percentage of the total mcap on any non-inflactionary token, so it's nothing new
there are literally 0 reasons to own ampl besides "numbers go up xd"

>> No.20728091

So basically, if we get through this hurdle it's another 30 days of positive rebases?

>> No.20728146

Oh and before I forget, in 12 hours I'm going to come back here and have a good laugh. Although this thread most likely won't be around by then.

>> No.20728149

I made a bit of money but pulled out my initial investment and left the profits in.

See what happens

>> No.20728151

Pretty much, yeah. These tokens get unlocked every month and it's never been a problem. OP is just pissed he missed out.

>> No.20728154

possibly. Just sell before dump. Buy before rebase and get 30 more days of gains. Ez

>> No.20728172

Number go up is the only real reason to own any coin or token

>> No.20728221

You're lucky, I wish I was doing this for 3 months. 12 days is enough for me. See what happens.

>> No.20728237

>there are literally 0 reasons to own ampl besides "numbers go up xd"
Same for any coin. You think I'm buying Link for smart contracts or whatever bullshit? No, it's because the numbers will go up.

>> No.20728247


>> No.20728249

Question: why is tomorrow the date OP is suggesting for a dump? Releases don’t happen on the first of the month?

>> No.20728539

I've been FUD'ing this shit for weeks too ngl..
But it just keeps going up and up
Give in bro

This coin isn't meant to hold.
It's volatile and you can make big gains on this

>> No.20728603

its FUD you noob. THey can at most dump 2.5 mill

>> No.20728604

Lol 2.5m you could dump 1m tokens and only move the price 3%

>> No.20728622

How is it not meant to hold? It provides liquidity and can function as a stable coin Anon. One, which holding, makes you richer in case the total crypto market cap increases. It's a stable coin that makes you richer AND is not subject to inflation. Imagine still not buying it. Are you retarded?

>> No.20728647

Just let it fucking dump so then everyone can buy it again for cheap you fuckheads then it'll pump hard giving everyone positive rebases again. At least until this thing is a stable coin.

>> No.20728708

too good to be true? probably is

>> No.20728718

A Stablecoin removes volatility. Ampleforth does not try to remove volatility from the system. In fact, by design it allows volatility. Ampleforth is not a stablecoin zoomer

>> No.20728746

I really is an ingenious idea.
Do you expect market cap to go up? Then buy it.
If you expect it to go down, then sell it.
Judge for yourself

>> No.20728767


>> No.20728842

Whatever. I am fine with it not being a ponzi because it doubles as investment in the expanding cryptosphere while also trying to center around a certain price. As opposed to stablecoins. Which is what people who FUD AMPL as "but everyone will want to sell for other cryptos" don't understand. There's literally zero reason for this to enter a death spiral, especially once people understand that it's an investment.

Pretty happy with my bag, even if I bought in late. Hope it works out.

>> No.20728871

what brainlets think: it rises in value because everyone wants to buy
the reality: it rises in value because nobody wants to sell

Hence why it also moons with such a small volume of only $10mm.

>> No.20728897

24 hour trading volume is a little over 80m anon

>> No.20728924

I forced myself to sell a little so I can sleep better at night. Still 85% AMPL in my folio.

>> No.20728931

Was like $10mm just a few days ago. It's all relative. Point still holds in the bigger picture of things...

>> No.20728934
File: 278 KB, 1374x902, 7A4B9403-07AE-43E2-A640-28C3A823FB26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak fud

>> No.20728943

read this sold everything. thanks anon

>> No.20728952

it is suppose to be $1

>> No.20728966

>whole last week over 20 million volume
reading is hard.

>> No.20728987

so u telling me you buying a stable shtcoin worth 1$ for 3$ ?

>> No.20729000

ampl isn't a stablecoin

>> No.20729009

Literally had $10mm on CMC 3 days ago.

>> No.20729061

yes because the money printer goes brrrrrrr

>> No.20729095

>checks AMPL on CMC

>> No.20729318


CMC doesn’t add uniswap volume.. if you think this has got to 6-700million on 10mil volume then lol

>> No.20729419

>Why seething the most bullish signal in crypto, the thread

>> No.20729455

$30mm is still low for a top 40 token. even if you ignore wash-trading, etc.

>> No.20729485


>> No.20729677

Ampl never stops pumping. We're past rebase values again.

>> No.20729804

coingeckos shows the true volume. and it is in the 80's now.

>> No.20729863

the other top 40 tokens volume is inlated thanks to scammy exchanges pumping up the volume with bots.

Kucoin is not scammy and shows true volume. There Ampl is the 3rd highest after bitcoin and ethereum.

>> No.20729866

This OP has been posted everyday for the past month.

>> No.20729876

Jesus fuckin christ the cope on ampleforth is soooo entertaining

>> No.20729883

Alright. I'm happy being wrong as long as it means I'll make it... Also thanks for the information about KuCoin etc.