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20724029 No.20724029 [Reply] [Original]

I'll take 1 year worth of my salary out of my crypto holdings and just try to do my own business, get a gig, hustle whatever the fuck it is, I had enough of this sysadmon meme working 10-12 hours a day.

Putting my 2 weeks notice this week

>> No.20724381

i put my 2 weeks in and got fired kek ive never been more free

>> No.20724651



Remember, you get rich through the formula of Impact x Scale = Money, where impact is how much you improve someone else's life and scale is how many people's lives you improve.

Building luxury condos is very very high impact x small scale. Having a viral video is very very low impact x very very very high scale. Everything else is somewhere in between

Figure out what you can do that will make enough difference in enough lives to make you rich, and you're ahead of 99% of entrepreneurs.


>> No.20724676

send me a link to the high iq discord

>> No.20724730
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>high IQ

I like you.

>> No.20724761

Thanks for the wise words, very uncommon nowadays on this mongolian tranny forum

>> No.20724811


There's a whole book along these lines called The Millionaire Fastlane, well worth the buy but of course easily stealable in various ebook formats.

I highly recommend it if you're going to strike out on your own. It changed my life and it's not a very long read.

>> No.20724907

I quit my shit job specialized marketing for real estate and medical sales, took what I learned from the job and most importantly what could have been done better.

Started my own company from my living room, started scalping old clients from my previous job. My turn around metrics were 200 times faster (didn't have to wait for 4 levels of approval before an idea made it to clients) and satisfaction was way up.

I busted ass for 3 years and saved up, purchased a used fire house, threw in a few cubicles and furniture. Then hired my 2 best friends to work for me.

5 years on almost all of my old jobs clients use me, my old office shut down and I hired all the people I liked.

Now we are 15 people strong, pulled in 12 mill last year, and it was all for creating online ads and videos. So we dick around alot and have fun at the office. My two friends now are managers of sales and production respectively, and I am so happy over all. I believe in you anon you can do it.

>> No.20725135


Now this gentleman has set his life up right

>> No.20725179

Thanks I'll give it a read

That's impressive I always think if you were born with that personality for sales you're set for life. It may cost me a lot to learn the traits but anything is better than wagecucking to make the jews richer

>> No.20725289

Well I'm not that great at sales, but you tell a company like phyzer that you can generate an ad product in a week, and revise with changes in a week compared to two months. At a cost that is a few thousand lower than their current marketing contractors, but similar quality and scope.

They will pick you 100% of the time. I hired one of my friends as sales lead, because I know he is way better at pitching and schmoozing clients than me. So the synergy saved me alot of head ache.

>> No.20725443


Sounds almost too good to be true

>> No.20725758

Oh well it wasn't a total cake walk. During those three years of working out of my living room. I was in a shitty efficiency apartment, sometimes working 18 hours a day. I worked 6 days a week, I didn't spend money on anything I enjoyed doing save the occasional pizza and beer. My long term girlfriend left me because I was making substantially less money at first and having to be way more thrifty in my spending. I went into some pretty serious credit card debt at one point when one of my clients pulled the plug and I had no one to fill the gap for about 4 months. More than a few times I felt suicidal under the pressure and unsure nature of what I was trying to do. I had to sell plasma sometimes, and took on a temporary job working as a night clerk at a gas station so during that period I was getting 4 hours of sleep a night, and 2 ish hours in the afternoon before going to the gas station. I ate like shit because I was to scared to spend money on decent food, cause if I lost a client it could mean that was money I'd have to use for rent.

And to tell the truth hiring my friends gave me even more anxiety and fear, cause what if I failed them? They left decent jobs to try this thing with me.

And it could still all go belly up at any moment, and infact with covid shits been pretty tight this year. But I have to just hope for the best at this point and keep pushing because I've made it this far, and the fear of going back to that apt situation and 18 hour days makes me want to fight for success.

>> No.20725843


Damn dude. I salute you on your hardship and successes then. Could we stay in touch over email/discord/fb? Would love you stay connected on your journey

>> No.20725863

Is making an ad for Pfizer even that difficult? All drug ads are just footage of boomers walking dogs and riding bikes and shit.

>> No.20726068

Well it depends on the product. Plus not all marketing is external. The hard thing with drug companies is you often have to have FDA clearance on marketing, so you have to submit it to the FDA for audit. If you use the wrong language or don't follow the VERY SPECIFIC subtext rules, then you don't get cleared. So you either have to
1. Get an attorney to make sure it's always in compliance. (the job I quit had one on staff)
2. Get your own fda license to audit your own material (which is stupidly expensive, and time consuming).

But a work around I found was if I talked to the medical companies directly, they had compliance officers who would check the work for me for FREE. The pitch I had to make was I cost less, do more, but for that I need you to check my materials.

The other thing with medical stuff is getting a market gimmick that works towards the demographic they are trying to nail.

So for like boomers, yeah the old man and lady dancing in sunset on a network cable ad works. Cause boomers pay for and watch cable.

But with say millennials or zoomer. You'd have to approach in a way that hammers on ED in a more appealing way, like a Instagram ad that talks about erectile dysfunction, that then ties to a website about porn induced ED, that it is then actually mentioned phyzer products. Because most of us already have ad block in our brains and won't click on shit unless it means something to us, (unlike ads for Facebook boomers) so then they have to read a quick article that mentions Porn Induced ED, that has a subtle mention of a phyzer product with a link to those products.
So I'd have to make the insta ad, the bullshit site. Which I would be paid for after they go live, but the way to work in profit is getting ppc credits to my company.
So you click the insta ad I get 2 cents, if you click the web link ad I get another 4 cents. So that's only 6 cents if someone goes down the rabbit hole. So I'd have to rely on lots of clicks.

>> No.20726088

Bro how big are your crypto holdings. Just endure wage slave a little longer. Selling crypto before the boom is like seller BTC for 200 bucks in 2017. Il be at my job suffering. You at yours. We can do this together