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File: 233 KB, 1555x888, ETHEREUM CHART 2017 TA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2072387 No.2072387 [Reply] [Original]

Weak Hands = Panic Selling = miss out on gains
Buying back in high after selling low = loss of ethers
Holding through the FOMO and FUD = 10x your holdings so far.


>> No.2072400
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>> No.2072408
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I was certain that ETH would moon after people cashed out their BTC. Still waiting

BTC has peaked and come back down but nobody bought ETH or LTC? Where did the money go?

>> No.2072418
File: 235 KB, 582x600, 1494349907171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lost 40ETH doing this

>> No.2072425

Altcoins with innovative technology experience longterm growth, not clones of bitcoin (shitcoins)

ETH has already experience a lot of growth, for a coin with such high supply

On to other things for investors i think

>> No.2072447


It's been like two weeks since the price went up 100% give it some time you impatient fucks. Big news is coming this week and we will see another price increase when that happens.

>> No.2072517

An auction was started for teslamotors.eth

might be rumor but we've already seen cbsnews.eth sooooo

>> No.2072545

This cannot be stated enough. Patience anons. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.2073438

complete noob here, do i need to download a wallet or can i just keep the ETH in coinbase?

>> No.2073445

jaxx is easy to use. control your private keys

>> No.2073455


>> No.2073463

What does this mean?

>> No.2073478

Someone paid $600k for exchange.eth


>> No.2073518

tbqh i think ethereum is about to experience its biggest pump yet

im thinking atleast a 200-300% increase, so much stuff coming and news

i have that gut feeling

>> No.2073717

Me too anon. Something big is coming.

>> No.2073745

tfw when bagholding ETH
ETH is the patricians choice

>> No.2073764

Does anyone have experience with Bitfinex?

I already bought 20 ETH at $17 but want to buy more on margin to make it a bit more interesting

Does leveraging $500 10 times sound like a good idea at this price? Or is that too risky?

>> No.2073815

it's not risky at this price, it wont go under 83$, the buy wall is too big

but leveraging itself is always risky

>> No.2073851

Yeah, doing it now

I'm prepared to lose $500 but I think on balance it's far more likely to increase 10% than decrease 10% in the short term

>> No.2073885

perhaps it could be the upcoming event on the 19th planned months in advance?

newcoin morons

>> No.2073906

>t. pretentious faggot

>> No.2073920

OK, I have ETH in my margin trading account on Bitfinex (only 0.5 at the moment)

Can I leverage this ETH against itself? As in, can I use this 0.5 ETH as collateral and leverage it 5 or 10 times? How do I do this in Bitfinex?

>> No.2073984

Bitfinex allows 3.3x leverage.
You can use ETH as collateral to take a position in ETH. You should note that if it loses value, if eth dumps, not only do you have a position open losing money but the underlying capital is now worth less than before bringing you closer to liquidation faster.

>> No.2073987
File: 37 KB, 1023x206, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully

I have no idea how to use Bitfinex

I just placed pic related as a test but I have no idea:
1) Whether this trade is for ETH to rise in value against USD or vice versa
2) What margin rate this is - nowhere on the site does it say this as far as I can find
3) How to close this position

Any help would be appreciated. I just want to leverage my existing ETH for extra gains

>> No.2074005

On polo it says there are not enough eth to lend out, wtf does that mean? I am using eth as collaterol

>> No.2074027

Users provide the ETH you're being loaned so there's only so much available at any given time.

>> No.2074190

I have 1.1 BTC and 4.5 ETH in Gemini, should i sell some of the BTC to buy ETH?

>> No.2074197
File: 279 KB, 650x419, chardee_macdennis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to risk selling again until ETH makes me rich.

>> No.2074231

If you're shorting (selling) ETH, then you need to borrow that ETH to then sell on the market.
If you're going long (buying0 ETH, then you should be borrowing BTC to do it.
Make sure you know what type of position you're taking out

>> No.2074242

Hold at least 25ETH to secure seat on the spaceship.