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20720054 No.20720054 [Reply] [Original]

Used to be ISTP, but you fuckers made me autistic with crypto.

>> No.20720103


>> No.20720119

Used to be ESTP, then ENTP then INTP.

Fuckers made me introvert and hate society.

And I'm happier this way, I think.


>> No.20720136



>> No.20720145


>> No.20720162


You ruined it. Fucking niggers.

>> No.20720238

I'm INFJ-A. I'm basically a god among humans.

>> No.20720266

i tested as an INFP 10 years ago but i just took one and got ISFJ, wtf happened

>> No.20720290

Ewwww INTJ (T)

INTJ/P (A) master race

>> No.20720331

statstically speaking you're probably not an infj or intj, those are a rare breed.
also myers brig personality tests aren't scientifically valid
big 5 is more valid, but still debated
personality changes every 7 years, but you could still test similiarly
here's a fun assessment:
better to have a professional assess you if you really want to know

>> No.20720427

this biggest retard/delusional narcissist filter is a self-assessed intj or basically anyone brings up myer brigs at all
no joke the biggest unlikeable autistic phaggots ive ever met and all of them were poor retards under seven figures

>> No.20720455
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Net worth: 9 figures
Status: Married
Age: Late 20's

>> No.20720490
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huh. neat test

>> No.20720496

INTP master race. Fight me.

>> No.20720497
File: 37 KB, 567x396, 1591822966924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that MBTI is astrology for autists and has no scientific legitimacy whatsoever.

>> No.20720505

INTP is the architect. INTJ is the mastermind. Most of my friends are INTP and INTJ. You can be my friend.

>> No.20720511

larping phaggot or unicorn

>> No.20720532

yup, pretty much everyone who takes these looks up what the rarest personality type is and just tests so that they get that personality. it literally influences how they test knowing what the rarest personality is.
I.e. go to quora and see dipshits post things like: INTJ with 140 iq, perfect SAT scores and multiple extracurriculars should i choose harvard over stanford?
if intj personality type was a thing, they'd probably not post that shit and hate anyone who is low-key bragging larping

>> No.20720533

under 7? that's a pretty high standard their big guy

>> No.20720571

you guys are all fucking retards.

hey let me box myself into one of 16 different personality types decided by a survey i did by myself, of myself.

lmfao. fucking idiots.

>> No.20720575

what do you mean unicorn?

>> No.20720585
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>> No.20720587


>1. personality is not static you can change with effort
>2. get tested professionally.. avoid these garbage sites

>> No.20720617
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>> No.20720634

>3. if you're under 20 years old then these tests are absolutely worthless

>> No.20720652

based and scientifically validated

>> No.20720656
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>> No.20720678

type A
im a fucking tradwife lmao

>> No.20720700

that you actually have a 100m networth and youre posting here i know the odd 8 figure 2015er will pop in but theyre extremely rare 9 figures is just ridiculous tho i dont believe you
t.2015er chad XVG dumper

>> No.20720736

Lol alright

>> No.20720755

yeah I've argued this shit before too. The reason MBTI is popular with 4chan autists is precisely because they all score in the rarest categories. This is basically a totally random artefact to do with the arbitrary axes the quiz breaks personality down upon. If MBTI told anons that they had a personality type that was 10% of the general population, they would ditch it and keep testing random alternatives until they found a different test that put them in the most elite slice of the population.

It has nothing to do with accuracy and everything to do with feeling special.

>> No.20720791
File: 114 KB, 1095x755, intp autist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try becoming robot

>> No.20720795

I tested as INTJ when I was 16 or something, now I'm INTP
what does it mean

>> No.20720823

you're dying

>> No.20720833
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Tbf, you are reacting to a strawman of a caricature and it's all pretty far removed from the actual typology theory.

Jung's theory (which MBTI expanded on) has almost nothing to do with the popular conception of MBTI on the internet. At this point, MBTI has basically become a variation of the Big Five without the emotional stability scale. The test OP took actually adds it in with the "Assertive-Turbulent" scale.

INTJ is supposed to be a code for "Ni dominant, Te auxiliary". Each letter dichotomy is meaningless by itself.

>> No.20720852

Biz is an intj board. Be honest, most of you sought refuge here from /pol/ in 2016

>> No.20720868

I did the tests 2 years later and saw a change for the first time.
I am now closer to an INTJ-T than an INTJ-A after I became more emotional thanks to a therapy.

It's strange to see how the BTC crash and bear market managed to change my personality more than everything else that happened before in my life.

>> No.20721003

Did you become like this after losing your emotions from the last BTC crash?

>> No.20721004

this is news to me
former psych major here who took a course on personality psych
prof literally adminstered mbti, but didn't take it seriously and only used it as a means to generate convo with her patients/clients. (it's fun to talk about)

>> No.20721097 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate all of you, yet I am happier.

I don't know, maybe I was deluding myself with the ENTP stuff, I was an digital nomad, hell, cryptonomad, it was fun, then I got a tech job and need to belittle people to feel superior and then kinda withdraw from them.

Then I did an LLC and hired filipinos/indians and won contracts and somehow that is fulfilling.

I don't fucking know, maybe if I willingly spent money in the USA i'd be happy, I like to live like a scrooge because the value of living abroad is so much better, SO much better, ffs, and it's authentic and they actually care about me while american frens/ppl suck in general.

and /pol/ is pretty much right imo.

tl;dr don't live/move to seattle.

>> No.20721145
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I fucking hate all of you, yet I am happier.

I don't know, maybe I was deluding myself with the ENTP stuff, I was an digital nomad, hell, cryptonomad, it was fun, then I got a tech job and need to belittle people to feel superior and then kinda withdraw from them.

Then I did an LLC and hired filipinos/indians and won contracts and somehow that is fulfilling.

I don't fucking know, maybe if I willingly spent money in the USA i'd be happy, I like to live like a scrooge because the value of living abroad is so much better, SO much better, ffs, and it's authentic and they actually care about me while american frens/ppl suck in general.

and /pol/ is pretty much right imo.

tl;dr don't live/move to seattle.

>> No.20721155

What's even the point to exist if you're not an INTJ?

>> No.20721260

you would think INTJ's could figure out how to get what they want and make decent money but instead 90% of the people who claim to be intj are literally the most annoying fucking dilberts in the world working in middle management, writing technical reports or doing some boring mundane task and hamsterwheeling for 90k a year

>> No.20721373
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Astrology is the most valid among all of them.

>> No.20721485

I've always tested ENTP. Only other one I'd accept is INTP.

I think it's a personal preference that I'd rather be extroverted but it kind of falls into place for me. Extroverted Intuition is the preference I have for approaching the world; draw connections between external things and draw loose conclusions. That internal map is constantly being refined. I'm a thinker over a feeler because I don't like exploring my emotions because I don't like to look at my base motivations because they are ugly, perceiving because I take in info with as little prejudice as possible so I can make a clear judgement, I mean to me it's the superior way to experience the world. I just wish I wasn't so damn lazy. Specifically when it comes to things I don't care about but should

>> No.20721556

INTJ chads checking in

>> No.20721612
File: 21 KB, 250x226, 1589215023687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you trannies are either

>lying faggots not honest with yourselves
>fucking girls with mood changes on their period

Some of you are both

I discovered this test like 6-7 years ago and have always been INTJ-T last time I did this shit was like 2 years ago

>> No.20721617

You sound like someone who is unwilling to face himself. How could that possibly lead to a "superior way to experience the world"? The whole purpose is to refine yourself. You won't be able to do that without taking an objective, cold, hard look at yourself. As within, so without.

>> No.20721719
File: 199 KB, 926x890, 1539126514517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is news exactly?

1. Jung's theory has little to do with the pop-culture conception of the types. Jung had a psycho-analytic conception and that's all been lost to the mainstream.
2. MBTI has become a variation of the big five (it clearly has)
3. MBTI types are supposed to be a coding for Jung's types. The code is not very useful in and of itself.

I too have taken a personality psychology course at uni years ago. Who hasn't? What did your psych professor misinform you about?

>> No.20721837

Do other INTJ sometimes wonder if they were born like this or became an INTJ through multiple deadly/toxic events in their childhood which forced them to focus on their survival instead of their emotions?

My feelings now have a bigger impact in my decision making when they were almost non existent before, and I don't make my decisions only based on my logical thinking but try to take both thoughts and emotions into account.

I may have lived like an INFJ for a few months this year after I lost complete control over myself and just did what I felt doing completely disregarding all my plans.
It felt very chaotic and very fulfilling at the same time.
I didn't get anything I had planned to do done, but did completely unrelated things and couldn't stop it until I had a very strong dream of my death which woke me up from that state.
I still have this dream occasionally since that time or get the idea of this event while I am awake, when I don't get things done.

Is it possible that some people who are INTJs were originally INFJs?

>> No.20721864


>> No.20721866

kek i left 4chan for 3 years and went from intj to entj

>> No.20721886

nigga who cares, just live your best life

>> No.20721920

I was told that it was invalid test, and I'm pretty sure it was in the textbook as well and widely agreed up at the time (~5 years now).
Invalid as in you're not testing what you should be testing for.
An example would be like: Do you prefer hands on work? Do you make decisions based off of how you feel?
You can be a feeler or a thinker and answer yes to the above.

>> No.20722125

Fair. I just tend to dwell exclusively on the negative when I do so I don't like to do it. There's just parts of myself that I don't find acceptable. I haven't found a way to love my ugliness with the good.

>> No.20722153

Yeah, the test is complete garbage. I've always disliked it. Hence the second image I posted with the expanding brain meme.

Iirc in the intro to Psychological Types, Jung clarifies that his theory has limited usefulness and it remain as something for professional psycho-analysts to toy around with for a potentially deeper perspective. The theory is based off of Jung carefully analyzing the mindset of various artists, psychologists, philosophers, scientists, etc.

The test that Myers-Briggs came up with is an abomination in comparison. Otherwise, all they added were the types codings and they tried expanding a bit on the full manifestations of functions within each type.


I get that you probably don't, just like explaining this shit because so many people talk about this without knowing anything about it.

>> No.20722251

The key is to optimize all six dimensions of health: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental. They are in this order for a reason. If you make an unwaivering commitment towards optimizing your health, then you will reap the benefits, and an entirely new experience of reality. Know thyself, love thyself.

>> No.20722403


>> No.20722455

It's hard to do when I don't know who I am and who I want to be.
It's like I am torn between two possibilities which I could be and each tries to win over the other.

If I chose only one it means giving up on the other possibility, but I don't want to do that.
The only answer I can find is to be both at the same time or to switch between them for a period of time.

>> No.20722511

nigga what the fuck are you going on about? are you that weak and retarded to let some test and a letter combination impact your life? what the actual fuck, it's just a cool gimmick, and you aren't supposed to choose, it just 'happens', or if you actively try to choose then you're the 'chooing' type, whatever, who gives a shit
damn man you got some troubles

>> No.20722626

It doesn't really have anything to do with the test.
Just the result of recovering my emotions after more than 2 decades...
But yes I still need time to sort this out even if I am in a much better situation than before.

>> No.20722657
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Woah, cool it with that emotional instability.

>> No.20722679

but why are you talking about deciding between one type or another nigga? as cliche as it sounds, just do what you enjoy in life. If you enjoy thinking about that, then go ahead

>> No.20722724

literally, have sex

>> No.20722795
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kek I fucking love this. degenerate personality types seething

>> No.20722843

When I do what I feel like doing I dream of my death and feel like a machine with no free will and when I do what I think I should be doing I feel dead inside instead...

But yes I do enjoy thinking about that.
At least when I do that I don't feel sad and don't have to experience my death!
Then all I have to do is to continue to think about this subject..

>> No.20723017


Same, brother.

>> No.20723177


I disagree. Almost no one does any self-reflection, so anybody who does a bit through MBTI, I find to be a good thing (SOMETIMES). I've found cringey try-hards before and also people that just wanted to learn more about themselves/other people.

>> No.20723607


I don't know, what are the other appropriate insults for you in this situation?

>> No.20723651
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who /ENTJ-T/ here?

>> No.20723693
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bi sexial women agree that my penis is pretty nice

>> No.20723879

INTJ should be hanging himself with a rope and platform made of his own brain.
Ignorance is bliss

>> No.20724132

At 99% emotional stability there really are none lol. It's my understanding the meyers briggs is inferior and outdated, and that the big 5 traits are the most scientifically valid tests.

>> No.20724602

Don't you have emotions?
I somehow managed to get 43 on emotional stability even though people who don't know me may think I am a psychopath.

>> No.20724718

Is there a way to develop dark triad traits to manipulate people to get what you want? they always say you're born with traits that is developed through childhood, but there's gotta be some way to learn these OP skills even though you will never be as good as natural chad.

>> No.20724792

First of all grats because all S and F types are NPCs so it looks like youve awakened.

The I and E portion is functionally useless unless you are an extreme introvert or extrovert. Most people have times where they feel social and times where they dont.

Final nugget of truth. INTPs are losers and ENTPs are Chads usually but what the difference between I and E usually is showing here is the amount of conscientiousness. ENTPs actually do shit while INTPs just think about doing it.

>> No.20724855
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>According to terror management theory (TMT) neuroticism is primarily caused by insufficient anxiety buffers against unconscious death anxiety.
At least now I understand why I got this score.

If you start focusing on how to manipulate people this will infect your complete subconscious thinking process in a toxic way and warp your personality.
You will never be able to be more efficient than a narcissistic person who manipulates for the purpose of surviving from his ego death and spent his whole life optimizing his process.
The end result is that you may have one small victory for a huge energy cost but will lose the war in the next step, because you can't keep up with a manipulator 100% of your time.

Narcissism is the result of being denied your true identity in your childhood when very young and surviving by deciding that love does not exist and your only life mission is to make everyone as miserable and unhappy as possible, as it makes you less miserable by comparison.
I don't think anyone healthy would want to become like this.
You can't get what you want from someone in particular but if you honestly ask for something someone else may give it to you.
If you want to receive give freely with no expectations..