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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20714546 No.20714546 [Reply] [Original]

You know the universe isn’t kind enough to give the neets here a chance at unfathomable wealth right..

You guys need to curb your delusion...

>> No.20714567

Idc bro im in the legendary timeline link 77k eoy

>> No.20714648

Lol bro look at March 2020. Did you ever expect we'd have the fed going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr like they did? Clown world. At this point if link hit $1000 end of this year i wouldnt even be surprised and $81k is totally possible. Literally anything is possible now. If 4 months ago wasnt enough proof then idk what to tell you

>> No.20714700

>7.00 to 80k in 5 months
>Totally possible

>> No.20714722

That's the joke. Hearing about bitcoin when you could mine thousands on a laptop and mocking it. Hearing about eth <$5 and mocking it. Finally buying chainlink and then selling at $20 after it dumps from $50 only to see it moon straight to 1k, skipping right past $100, $200, $500, $900, $999, and then going beyond. The universe is not just unkind, it's cruel. Won't get me though. I'll be right there with the universe laughing at the weak handed retards who aaaaalmost made it yet again. At least they get a 1,200sqft house in the midwest and a used Toyota from it this time. A consolation prize if you will.

>> No.20714742

I meant $1k eoy 2020 and $81k 2026. I know $81k is a meme but really I dont even doubt it now.

>> No.20714745

of all the board biz does not wish destruction on others, other than making money to support themselves or their family. The only sin they've commited is greed, i dont see why the universe will punish us, except for the pajeets.

>> No.20714777

The universe doesnt need to give 4chan a chance. 4chan has accomplished many things in the past. You just need to keep your eyes and ears open and strap in for the ride, anon

>> No.20714838


>> No.20714928
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>> No.20714959

the universe will have the last laugh when we make it and still feel like shit

>> No.20714979

And here it is.

>> No.20714999

>I'm rich but I'm still unhappy
I never understood this mentality. How little perspective can you have in life?

>> No.20715012

Checked. Praise KEK.

>> No.20715028

Where can I learn how into crypto senpai

>> No.20715041

didnt read that but checked

>> No.20715054

It’s already happened pleb. Plenty of anons are already millionaires

>> No.20715117

1) fiat -> eth via cuckbase, gemini, localcryptos or something like this
2) eth ->hardware wallet. google ledger nano or trezor.
3) uniswap or some other exchange. Its 2020, use a dex
4) buy as much link as you can
5) hold

sinple really

>> No.20715333
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Thanks Anon. What's a dex?

>> No.20715351

But without it what will I have to keep me going?

>> No.20715363


>> No.20715422
File: 498 KB, 1280x720, sergshake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got all of the performance and security guarantees of blockchain on one side (which Sergey has said will transact more daily value than the current internet) and you've got all of legacy finance and value transfer on the other.
And then you have one toll road between them, with no competition. Just a man in plaid sitting in a booth taking fees for every single industry that interfaces with blockchain tech.
$1k is FUD. Praise Kek and praise /biz/.

>> No.20715511

damn nice digits ok i guess ill tell you more

A dex is a decentralized exchange. This is opposed to a cex, or centralized exchange. The benefits of DEXs are numerous (no KYC = no taxes and that you keep your coins in your wallet are two biggest ones), but for a long time they suffered from security and usability issues. These included poorly designed and unaudited smart contracts, centralized oracles (ps google something called oraclize to realize historical context of why link is a good idea!), and general UI issues. One time I accidentally pressed the wrong button on something called etherdelta and I lost 8 grand. A big deal for me at 19, in mid 2017. But the biggest issue was lack of liquidity... the DEXs of today have solved almost all of these issues, more or less. Tangentially, liquidity was really the biggest issue and more or less solving it is more or less the reason why defi is so hot right now.

Before I end this post. In crypto, you store coins in a “wallet”. You access this wallet with a “private key”. If you dont have your private key (like on a centralized exchange), the coins arent yours. Remember that

>> No.20715616
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you must be delusional or paid to post cl. there are 400 "fake ass oracle tokens" that just push text strings. lol there is a whole economy growing steadily in digital currency. oracles aint it

>> No.20715778

Damn, thanks anon

>> No.20715905

What are you even talking about

>> No.20716829


what do you even mean by "$1k is FUD" ?
You comment barely makes sense.

>> No.20716854

This is the based department how can I help you?

>> No.20716910
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>> No.20716997
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Just bought this watch with my link gains, You jelly faggots?

>> No.20717356

Checked. Praise fat Sergey

>> No.20717400
File: 43 KB, 640x640, F6AA3E4C-4591-4DFB-9BAE-D498C16EC7C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad anon, but check this bad boy out. Just picked it up today