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20709894 No.20709894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20709928

Thought this wouldn't happen to me
But fucking the GF started to feel like a chore after a year and a half
I guess the answer is to try and invite another girl with us

>> No.20709930

True. I’m more excited to cheat on my girlfriend with a chick that isn’t as hot as her than I am to actually have sex with my girlfriend.

>> No.20709951


what do?

if i'll get tired of any girl i choose, WHAT DO??????????????????????


>> No.20709966

I did bang so many model tier bitches that I find them boring now and am starting to bang slampigs, matures and chubby older chicks and it honestly gets me more horny

>> No.20709972

Yeah im convinced love is a myth. The only hope is to have a religious marriage i guess. Keep things together for something greater than the pussy

>> No.20709976


>> No.20709981

this. sex always eventually turns into a chore. it fucking sucks.

>> No.20710002

I've had some really good sex with fat girls

>> No.20710005

As you get older, you have better things to do than bang your wife. M"y wife likes it when I cum in her after 30 seconds. Then we get up and make breakfast

>> No.20710015

True. and messed up.
Had 2 hot GFs. Always ended up rawdogging some 4's for fun or even going to hookers. The sex wasnt even bad with the Gfs. And the sex with one night stands and hookers was. But it was an addiction..

And the girls loved me, took care of me, cleaned and cooked. One was a model. Hot AF. Still I regularly cheated on her with mehhh girls.

Regrets max.

>> No.20710035

This may surprise you anon...but looks aren't everything. You need the attractiveness yes, but you also need the woman that will support you in a way no one else ever can. This way the attraction is more than physical. Generally speaking the hotter they are the more shallow they become.

>> No.20710052

Not only is this true but the bored / tired hot GF will be cocky / arrogant, and with many potential suitors waiting on the sidelines like vultures, the relationship will eventually become volatile and GF will inevitably cheat / whore out. In a normal society she would be stoned to death as a punishment/ deterrent
, but unfortunately that's not the case.

>> No.20710083

This too.
Fuck Im stuck with my 10/10 boring shit gf in a hotelroom in the middle of alps rn and just want to get some 45 yo mature slag to fuck her brains out.
Relationship are meme. Not even trad cath girls ar worth it. Its just an overdeveloped nerd fantasy

>> No.20710105


>> No.20710122

Absolutely based. Slampigs are the best.

>> No.20710128

You are a weak young faggot
No girl is ever gonna support you as much as you would like.
Men are always on their own at the end of the day

>> No.20710175

true for the most part, but it can happen, being on your own and depending on yourself is always what you should plan for anyways. Im just saying it can happen, buts it certainly doesn't most of the time on 10/10

>> No.20710191

This is true
If you pursue God women will pursue you
Women are not your purpose

>> No.20710210

always diversify

>> No.20710231

Because sex is for the production of children, not for easy dopamine hits.

>> No.20710289

I thought my 18 year old virgin half japanese waifu was so hot that I ruined my life by allowing her to get attached and begin dating. We've been together a year, living together for 5 months. She is objectively hot. But she has been gaining weight. And I just don't feel that sexual spark anymore. It's literally all gone. I can't fucking believe it. I can still feel it for girls less hot than her if I don't know them

>> No.20710303

Oh fuck off pastor
What the fuck should I do then with all this horniness Im gonna fuck a pie

>> No.20710310

try to get her into some kinks

>> No.20710326

Yep, "variety is the spice of life" is truer for women than anything

>> No.20710330

Degenerate scum

>> No.20710349

This only true if you’re ugly. I’m objectively handsome and tall and I’ve had multiple women completely financially support me. Women will die for you if you’re hot

>> No.20710370

Having a monogamous relationship with a woman and raising children with her lowers your testosterone so the problem takes care of itself. It's as God intended. Or you can keep cooming in random holes and wondering why you feel depressed.

>> No.20710377

This is the answer. Living testament.

>> No.20710384

What the fuck man was that girl your mom

>> No.20710385

She eats my ass, she gives great blow jobs now. For whatever reason sex hurts her, no matter how wet she gets. Most of the time she prefers oral shit. She's gotten so lazy about it all. We used to fuck like crazy when we were first together. Now I find myself getting attracted to her 60 year old mother or 30 year old washed up sister

>> No.20710389

i had a 8 months and a 2.5 years relationship, sure I was thinking about what would happen if, but I always had sex every single day we were together, and couldn't wait for it

you all are just degenerates, maybe stop watching porn if u actually get "bored" and look at sex like a chore

or you just have low test, one of the two

>> No.20710411

But I dont feel depressed.
I feel depressed when I am stuck with one girtl that aleways get so clingy that wants to have a kid with me

>> No.20710421

Men are wired to desire quantity.
Women are wired to desire quality.

>> No.20710438

Not really, they just age and women age fucking fast.

>> No.20710449

It was multiple and they pretty much acted like my mom in terms of taking care of me. Women r bigger simps than men if they find you extremely physically attractive

>> No.20710901

The only accurate answer in this thread thus far. There's a reason polygamy exists for successful men; humans evolved with the vast majority of men dying childless while women who reproduced vastly outnumbered men. For all those who can actually attract women out there, you shouldn't be entering into a bilateral monogamous relationship; it's fundamentally unnatural for the alpha male. You can still have a monogamous GF but have side pieces just for sex; she will be jealous but still accepting if you are actually dominant but in this scenario you MUST keep her at the top of your emotional attention hierarchy and she should be convinced of it. Just be upfront about all of this and don't cheat; if you understand women and attract them you should be able to pull this off. Good luck bros.

>> No.20710905

>but you also need the woman that will support you in a way no one else ever ca
I was at a point in my life where I hit rock bottom and no one fucking cared rightfully so because I was the one to blame and take action. I eventually took action and build my life up from ground up again. But I realized you are essentially alone on this world with the exception of some family members that may can be counted on. Everything I strive for in life and why I am getting out of bed every day is because of inherent relentlessness and drive. Why would anyone bring in the girl you currently seeing into that?

>> No.20710931

I have a sex doll and I still am not tired of fucking it. How shitty must girls be if you tire of them before you tire of a doll.

>> No.20710944
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I find this thought comforting actually. Shows sex isn't an end in itself

>> No.20710981

20+ years of my hand op, our relationship is still great

>> No.20711140

lol he fucks a doll...a DOLL...

have fun cleaning the goop out of her rubber cunt loser

>> No.20711158

lol mad jelly

>> No.20711383

Make children, smashing is a mean not an end

>> No.20711468

i’m average looking as fuck and ive had women act this way for me. attraction isn’t entirely about looks anon, you know that

>> No.20711560

This, this, this. All you fucking neets read and re-read again and again.
It begins fading almost immediately.
Her goal is simply to become your financial parasite while you fantasize about every other woman on the planet. Redefine your own system, this one has failed you.

>> No.20711704

Fornicating with more than one person damages the reward Center in your brain and makes you incapable of pair bonding you guys have been successfully patholgized

>> No.20711756

All you incels posting the fantasy of her "supporting" you have been cucked by the system that only benefits them. What is she going to do? Pat you on the back when you make a million dollars and say "good job", then go piss away your money on purses and shoes? Because that's the definition of support you're using. "Emotional support" yay, you did good wagecuck, now give me your credit card so I can pay for a hotel room to fuck tyrone and dayqwan.

>> No.20711886

Build assets that support you, because this is so very true. Men are only loved if they produce something.

>> No.20712016

This. We got a bang it out in the morning, bang it out in the evening life going. It doesn't get old, best way to start and end the day desu

>> No.20712122

6/10 guy here. can you not do this please. the slamoigs and fatties are our future wives and the less chad cock they take before we betabucks them the easier it is for us. be a bro and go fuck models.

>> No.20712183

dunno man. sounds like you're living inside a jew.

>> No.20712185
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I miss her bros she'd wear these really cute aprons

>> No.20712253

I know several boomers who get babied by their wives even after 40 years of marriage

>> No.20712297

>have fun cleaning the goop out of her rubber cunt loser
>implying that isn't 1000x easier than having any sort of relationship

>> No.20712298

that's because they were weak faggots feeding into their wive's pathological need to control something. those relationships are miserable

>> No.20712308

that is true

>> No.20712336
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Just got dumped by a girl so ugly I am embarrassed to post her on the internet, even though I managed to rope her into supporting me financially for 2 years LOL


>> No.20712341
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Hotness matters not.
Tire of smashing you will.

>> No.20712354

No I'm too autistic to get tired of smashing the same girl. It actually got better and more comfy every time and every time i nutted in her she became more attractive too.

She got tired of me though, I miss her so much bros.

>> No.20712375

Dumped my gf yesterday. Having a really peaceful Sunday. Her tits were getting saggy anyways.

>> No.20712399

This will fuck up your relationship.
I've been there before.

The key is to stay single and have a rotation of woman perpetually competing for your commitment

>> No.20712435

(just answering in case your gf sees my post with a (You) so you guys can fight and spice it up a little)

>> No.20712637

>Anon who wrote that!! Is that another girl??

>> No.20713352

Comes down to soulmate or slampigs for life

>> No.20714030
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We are not evolved to have sex for enjoyment with the same person long term. We only enjoy sex long enough for reproduction to occur. Contraceptives changed the fundamental way we view sex.

>> No.20714105

To add to this.. If you have a lot of sex with a girl using contraception and never father a child, you're brain at a subconscious level will view her as infertile and lose attraction.

>> No.20714148

Thats a shame

>> No.20714152

Based ben nevis?

>> No.20714175


>> No.20714253

I literally pin test and can't be fucked with sex. Have to treat my gf well, catch her when it suits her, try a few times and then if permitted spend 10 minutes giving myself a wrist fracture for the joy of then having a few minutes of penis action requiring a wash after. Versus jacking off the second i feel like it and being done in a minute.

>> No.20714304
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Do I need to buy physical silver, or are there stocks I can invest in?

>> No.20714365

Decently good looking and charming entp anon here. I've been with around 50 women, half of them 8+. Had some ridiculously beautiful girlfriends. It's all fleeting pleasure frens. Taking the Buddhapill made me happier than all these women combined, even as lovely as some of them were.

>> No.20714397

Made me kek, but it is true

>> No.20714456

you must be unattractive as fuck if you're jacked on test and have to ply your woman to have mercy sex

>> No.20714495

Because if she is worth even a damn then she will become a family member you can count on.

>> No.20714517

All Jap girls scream during sex, somewhat annoying. They aren't hurting, you need to slam repeatedly all full depth and speed. She shouldn't be able to walk when you are finished.

>> No.20714519

Top fuckin kek I audibly lol'd

>> No.20714530

Nah, even did some college modelling way back when. Get told once in a while that my gf is punching, i don't mind, she's a great person. However i just don't see sex as that worthwhile most of the time.

>> No.20714532

Sounds like your gf just has a very low sex drive and/ or isn't into you. No offense, but it's one of those two. All my exes had the same or higher sex drive than me. My last ex was addicted to my cock (her words, not mine) and would literally beg me to let her suck my cock. And it wasn't just the honeymoon phase. Even after 2 years of dating we had sex most days.

>> No.20714586

Probably low sex drive, she was a virgin when we met at 21, which is a vital feature for me. As said i don't particularly mind.

>> No.20714627

you sleep with different variety of women so you don't get bored. a just 18 year old who has very little sexual experience and then sleep with a 35 year old. maybe get both together and have a three way

there's so many fetishes to experience, some that haven't even been invented yet

>> No.20714694

> As said i don't particularly mind.
That's good. My last ex honestly had a too high sex drive for my taste. It almost felt like a chore sometimes.. She would get annoyed if I didn't want to have sex.

>> No.20714704
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Holy shit you and most other guys in this thread are literal egoistic children.Guess what, relationships arent only about fucking each others brains out.
Both sites have to take care of the relationship. Dont commit to a women you cant relate to and cant at least somewhat talk to about decent topics, if you want something different than a slam pig/cow to breed.
You have the mindset of a roastie who gets smashed by 20 different guys each year. Yeah, its definitely more fun to fuck different people short term, but you will end up alone and miserable.
Pic related also applies to many men

>> No.20714765

These guys are assholes, tbey will probably get divorced with a year if they get into a real marriage. Then the I will never recover financially meme will become reality. Most of these guys are getting STDs too.

>> No.20714798

can anyone explain what makes people enjoy sex more than joing i find sex gross and less satisfying

>> No.20714807

Didnt happen, this is a psyop

>> No.20714974


>> No.20715033

This is why one shouldn't have sex until marriage. For that way sex is not for pleasure or a crutch to keep eachother happy, but instead is for the purpose of union and child rearing.

>> No.20715153

For men pair bonding is lost at several more partners literally confirming male design for harems.

>> No.20715174
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That's true. That's why you smash as many girls as possible, then when you get into your late 20's you fucking pray you find a nice girl to settle down with.

Being in a committed relationship is all about knowing you could both fuck other people, but you choose not to because you care so much about that other person's feelings. I think a lot of people just never find the right person - but when you do, you literally can't bear the thought of them becoming heart-broken after finding out you cheated. So you suck up your horniness/ego/etc. and you just don't fuck anyone else.

Yes sex with the same person for 1, 5, 10, 20 years will get stale. Everyone knows that. But it's a trade off, just like everything in life. You just need to find someone who's worth it.

>> No.20715244

also find a girl with small tits so they don't sag too bad

>> No.20715377

Marrying someone purely because you were infatuated with them is brainlet-tier. Marriage is something you should be thinking about before you even start dating someone, and it should be the first thing on her mind as well. If your relationship is based on your initial physical attraction to each other (which will obviously fade over time), the marriage will inevitably fail.
You should get married solely because you want a family with someone who shares your values and life vision, and that's it. Otherwise, you're much better off paying for escorts and the occasional tinder date.

>> No.20715462

Weird thread to ask in, but you can buy silver futures contracts, or invest in silver mining companies, or in index funds based on silver or mining companies.

>> No.20715691
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>> No.20716789

yeah this is pretty true

t. in a relationship for over 2 years

>> No.20716900

Based and checked

>> No.20716982

Glad to see this thread going, something different besides braaps and how much x for the some whore

>> No.20717081

Take this advice from a guy who's slept with close to 100s of different girls from native American to preppy 10/10 California blonde barbie.

The highest performing version of self is one who is on a quest to conquer. Indirectly this spills into sexual relationships. Power is a natural aphrodisiac, and you can observe this from monkey to fishes to wolves. It really is best, to have a rotation of women competing for your attention.

Eventually you will discover the "one" girl who might be worth it. You'll be performing on a social level that far exceeds normies, to the point that other men of power will understand the secret code that you speak. Women will reject you, not because you lack something but because you are so advance it scares them.

It's the same as when men gawk at hot girls in public, but don't have the balls to strike up a conversation. You can call her a slut, you can hate her, make fun of her..but you will never be on her level. "priced out" so to speak

Anyways, from a societal point of view I've read books that places the blame on the church and government for coning men into thinking marriage is key. Afterall, if the top 1% of guys were holding 80% of women, wars would break out.

>> No.20717226


So marriage was a social construct to help maintain power amongst those at the top in society, and to keep the masses moving forward. Thats what the books say...

Still, for every person on the planet their exist maybe some 50-100 girls that are perfect for you.

I'm going off tangent, but with relationships its sad to say that for most relationships after the 3 year mark it turns into who can tolerate who the longest.

Now im not saying to fuck every slam pig you come across, because that isn't good. Trust me on this, but its not a bad idea to "sample" the flavors

>> No.20717271
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Smashed the first time and found all the ugly scars from above the glutes where she had an operation to add more ass however that works. Found it difficult to get hard without her giving me a handjob+titjob+mouthjob to get hard when before just the thought of smashing dat puss was enough to get me diamonds. Not sure what I regret more: being being such a horn dog that I would smash the most plastic and fake of women, or losing my innocence and getting these carnal desires.

>> No.20717317

Just some random thoughts....but for every the most loser austic ugly fuck..it's possible without surgery to turn yourself from a 3/10 into at bare minimum a 8/10 within the time span of 2 months.

You'd break down and start crying, you'd lose your friends, your family wouldn't really like the new improved version of you, but you'd definitely be a 8/10 if you work on yourself.

At this level, it becomes an every lasting game of cat and mouse trying to be the most supreme idealized version of yourself.
This is what bruce lee was after in regards to martial arts..his unfinished fighting style.

Most girls can be won over. It's not so much physical as it is with your energy, charisma, how well you carry yourself. Even if you are a 5'4 Indian guy you could win over a blonde barbie.

This just simply requires a transformation of yourself into such a higher being of the self that you become "exotic"

>> No.20717361

>Women will reject you, not because you lack something but because you are so advance it scares them.

Extremely well said. I didn’t comprehend this until college when a 6/10 wouldn’t hook up with me because I was “too attractive.” I wasn’t confident because I used to be short and after I bloomed I kept chasing 7s because The confidence wasn’t there but I kept getting rejected more than I should’ve by 7s. Would always have more success with hotter women when I seldom went for it. Didn’t make sense until I heard that.

>> No.20717378

You're also a shitty person.

>> No.20717433

95% of men will fail in the process of reaching their true max. Because it scares them so much.
The fear of failing, the fear of the unknown, laziness, the fear of rejection, what if im not good enough, thinking that you can't win, thinking that what if you do win and you're killed.

All of this requires soft forms of an ego death in order to achieve your true potential in regards to not just relationships but in life. As they say, the harder the battle the sweeter the victory.
Women will stand on two primary poles (as do men) whores vs good girls. You can turn a good girl into a whore, but good luck turning a whore into a good girl.

As women ages, they all fall into self preservation. Wanting a partner who can be with them to the end. So it's wise to choose a long term partner you connect with mentally.

>> No.20717499

>As women ages, they all fall into self preservation. Wanting a partner who can be with them to the end. So it's wise to choose a long term partner you connect with mentally.
Problem I have with older women is I'm just not that attracted to them. I'm not talking about wanting kids, but, I like girls in their 20s. 30s they really start falling apart.

>> No.20717583

brainlet take
outside of religious context family based courtshop marriage is literally soft eugenics along with maintaining dynastic ascension

no control for pedigree + dysfunctional relationships + fractured extended families = stupid atomized powerless slaves with impulse low control basically consoomer coomers that have had rare recessive qualities like abstraction and creativity bred out by marrying lower caste out of "love" and lust. we're legit moving towards a society exactly like idiocracy

>> No.20717602

family based courtship*
low impulse control*

>> No.20717674


anon please post a pic of her

>> No.20717701

Is it worth it to spend so much time on self improving to get girls for someone who became a wizard because he did not care enough and wanted freedom more than sex?

>> No.20717818

>Problem I have with older women is I'm just not that attracted to them. I'm not talking about wanting kids, but, I like girls in their 20s. 30s they really start falling apart.
You have to be incredibly selective with who you choose then. Just like you are looking for a specific car with a specific option in a certain color.

At around age 26- early 30's girls will on the hunt for a man who they can settle down with. Their biological clock will be off the charts as they start attending their friends baby showers, and talking about how their getting "so old"

If you settle with a girl in this age range it's heavily dependent on who she is as a person, in wanting to keep her looks as good as she was when she was 20.

Typically girls will just let go. I find that girls that are very active in their life will continue to do so when you are dating. Girls that are "hot" in their late 20s early 30s are most likely going to stay that way throughout their life.

Still they come with problems (insecure that they don't look as cute when they were 15, insecure about you being attracted to other girls) It becomes more about you handling her.

A friend of mine is dating an asian girl with 4 kids age 35. She looks like she's 23, and has guys offering money to fuck on her instagram. About 2k was the lowest I've seen.

She stays in shape, goes to the gym about 3-4x weekly. She doesn't eat a lot of food, and is on a vegan diet.
Also, my friend is a bit of a scum bag. He will casually mention women hitting on him to get her jealous. They've been together now for 6 years. He's about to propose to her..he tells me sex is ridiculous hot but again it's not without problems..granted I think he likes the drama

>> No.20717966

It's not up to me, to say to you, how to live your life. Though please remember we only have one life to live on this floating rock.

I'm living as a "wizard" now haha, haven't been with a girl in almost a year. Freedom is supreme and will always be supreme. Pussy comes easy as does buying a can of redbull, but only once you master communication.

You can improve yourself in isolation, it's not easy but it is doable.

It's just that when you come out of this shell to chase women, it becomes a drug. It's addicting..with money it just gives you greater freedom.
I've fucked more women in a broken bmw with a missing door panel than my other buddy whos a trust fund baby.
Women don't give a fuck about wealth, they just want a guy who can give them an adventure. A guy who can give them a roller coaster of emotions.
Show the girl indirectly that you are cooler than her and you won. It's that simple.
I'd say ultimately there needs to be balance and only you can find that for yourself.

>> No.20718028

Sounds like you guys are just bad at sex lmao

>> No.20718067

More women are bad at sex than men.

>> No.20718101

How would you know this faggot?

>> No.20718115

oof vegan diet
thats going to be tragic vegan girls age horribly and ive seen a couple get thinning hair

>> No.20718202

At the upper tiers of dating and being your best self you are going to be 'attacked' by others on a similar plane. It gets scary though I say use common sense.
When dealing with pornstars, strippers, and women who are escorts that you want to date. Know that you are treading on dangerous territory. It's not the pimps that you have to worry about, or the psycho who has a "idgaf about me" type of world view. It's her. Girls at this level at ungodly when it comes to seducing men.

After all they are training like a Chinese student in a dojo. I find these girls are best to practice your social skills if you want to get good fast.

Spending time dating these girls is like going into a hyperbolic time chamber. Afterwards you'd know exactly what to look for in a significant other.
Men that get jealous:
The best way to disarm jealous of men:
ignore, amplify their statements "ya dude you're right im such trash haha", redirect "dude you're so right how can i be so cool like you.

Finding guys who are better than you in any area of life can do a 5-10x. You may get shit on in the beginning but its only a matter of time before you start winning.

>> No.20718221

It did happen. It's normal for your gf to constantly want to fuck you if she's attracted to you. I feel bad for you if you find that hard to believe...

Good luck bro.

>> No.20718434

>Emotional control. Don't explain your philosophy, embody it.

I've found that if you force yourself to behave a certain way, the awkwardness will eventually fade as you begin to truly embody the traits of the type of person you want to be. At first you're just practicing, but like anything else you get better and better at it until it becomes natural and a part of who you are.

Walk into a room with dominant body language and a grounded mental state and anything you do thereafter will be seen in the frame of a king among his subjects, something you could never convince someone of in words.

Mix a little mystery with everything.. And when you explain, be not too explicit, just as you do not expose your inmost thoughts in ordinary intercourse. Cautious silence is the holy of holies of worldly wisdom. A thought declared is never highly thought of; it only leaves room for criticism. And if it happens to fail, you are super unfortunate. Besides you imitate the Divine way when you cause men to wonder and watch.
If your friends had control over your life: Pretty much everything you do would be to serve them. You'd work a basic shit tier job, and you definitely would not be fucking women hotter than them. At best you would be their greatest side kick.
>“Most women are boring. Everytime I’m with a chick post sex, it usually involves us sitting on their bed watching tv”
• Wanna be pretty boys offer no advantages to the nice looking guys. They are both the same. Likewise being fashionable does not correlate to you having sex appeal. It just means you are dressing fashionable.
People that are more serious about their personal lives will naturally develop a not giving a fuck attitude, simply because they do not have the time to address the haters or negative opinions of others. They are simply to busy with living their lives (sleeping with models, partying, doing hardcore drugs in moderation, and making money)

>> No.20718441

Because men are told from every possible angle that they're not good at sex, so they overcompensate (or are prime alpha and don't give a fuck but being in shape means they're fucking like a champ anyhow)
Women only ever have to show up. If they have a bad time they blame the man. Or accuse them of rape.

>> No.20718462

>Gary spends his entire time picking out the right presents, thinking of others before himself. He daydreams the looks on his lover face when he showcases his gift.
^^^^^^fucking loser beta male faggot^^^^^^^^^

>> No.20718493

>Chad Chaddington thinks of all the great shit he’s about to buy for himself like an amazing massage chair or a new video game system. He spends his time shopping with a joyous grin. Only after he has sat in his massage chair for awhile does he think about what to buy for his girlfriend
^^^^^^^the prince^^^^^^

>> No.20718582
File: 72 KB, 229x182, McCloskeyLevel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McCloskey level trigger finger