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20701283 No.20701283 [Reply] [Original]

Is it even possible to turn your life around past the age of 26?
How much money will it take?

>brainlet college drop out
>masturbate to cuckold, interracial, raceplay, wmaf porn 1-3 times a day
>kissless, handholdless, contactless virgin
>no job experience
>no friends
>no drivers license
>no skills
>no hobbies
>brainlet who can barely stay focused on reading for more than 10-15 minutes
>spend at least 8-10 hours a day on 4chan, minimum
>don't enjoy video games anymore
>don't enjoy anime anymore
>can't watch a show without losing focus

tired of living such a pathetic "life". how can i fix myself?

>> No.20701317

>Kicked out of school at 15 for weed
>No friends, shitty drunkard parents
>Spent 15-25 eating out of dumpsters and posting on 4chan all day and night while bouncing between mom and dad's basements
>Working fast food and going to tradeschool

>> No.20701318

start doing the exact opposite of everything you just listed here, since you clearly qualify all of it as failure.

>> No.20701324

Why don't you start by cleaning your room, drinking a liter of water, going for a 20 minute walk and then come back here.

>> No.20701363

10-day vipassana session, then keep practicing at home and find vipassana meditation circles in your area.
Then do the longer sessions (15 days to a month)
Note: this is on a free participation basis (you give what you want at the end of the session)

>> No.20701405


>turning 29 later this year
>brainlet university dropout but got a Certificate of Higher Education of 'international trade'
>masturbate 1 time a day/every 2 days even though I have a gf
>barely job experience, only worked like 1 year in total, in different shitty jobs
>no friends
>speak 4 eurolanguages fluently (three major ones and a useless one)
>spend a lot of time gaming and on 4chan
>living with parents
>want to emigrate but coronavirus is around right now

>> No.20701410

go for a run u fatfuck, clear ur mind and it will guide u

>> No.20701422


Oh I forgot about the money.

>1k€ in my bank account
>3k€ in crypto, started with 500€

>> No.20701449

Cheer up, Alex

>> No.20701459

Start with education/experience, then build from there. Though you've made a cunt of your 20s and have a lot of catching up to do, it's unironically never too late to unfuck your shit.

>> No.20701502

I was making close to minimum wage as a dishwasher at age 26. Also was a virgin excluding an embarrassing unfinished one night stand in college.
29 now, married with a pretty comfy job in IT. My life isn’t perfect but it’s far from over. It’s only just begun.
Don’t give up, anon. You determine your value in this life. If you say you’re worthless, then you are. But if you man up and decide you’re going to make it or die trying, then you will. Just keep your head up and have some self respect for fuck sake.

>> No.20701531
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Start by working on the things you can fix
>no drivers license
>no job experience
>masturbate to cuckold, interracial, raceplay, wmaf porn 1-3 times a day
>spend at least 8-10 hours a day on 4chan, minimum
Get a job and work hard. Don't half ass shit and you'll get promoted pretty quickly. Cut down 4chan to max 4 hours a day total. Learn to drive. Don't start nofap straight away because you'll just relapse. Fap to pictures only and do it once a day, this way you won't completely fry your dopamine receptors.
watch this video by more plates more dates: https://youtu.be/6zevBzZloP0
>brainlet who can barely stay focused on reading for more than 10-15 minutes
Highly recommend taking modafinil, you can buy it online pretty cheap. I'm on it right now.
>don't enjoy video games anymore
>don't enjoy anime anymore

Last point: just find a physical activity you enjoy. Can be literally anything as long as you enjoy it.

>> No.20701611

>Fap to pictures only and do it once a day, this way you won't completely fry your dopamine receptors.
I fap to clothed asian females in sexy clubbing outfits while having cuckold fatasies

>> No.20701658

listen to this when you sleep every night

>> No.20701685

Getting porn of all kinds out of your life is a good start

>> No.20701700

This is the gayest thing I've ever heard

>> No.20701721

Take hormones to turn yourself into a trap.
I don't think it will help but I was disappointed no one else said it first.

>> No.20701737

yeah I know but when you're self confidence is in the gutter it genuinely makes you feel like a different person the next day.

>> No.20701759
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>> No.20701767

get a bike.

>> No.20701897

This seems like some kind of like a demoralization/troll type thread. If you're legit, stop using this place, or change how it influences you.

>> No.20701930

>masturbate to cuckold, interracial, raceplay, wmaf porn 1-3 times a day
kys you mentally ill chinksect

>> No.20701982

Where can I study to grind my /biz/ skill

>> No.20702034

>cuckold, interracial, raceplay
unironically nofap. you have fried your brain on disgusting lowlife porn. you don't find joy anymore because you get it from jerking off.
>b-but I'll be healthier if I do it-
keep telling yourself that faggot

>> No.20702300

lol I bought my first house at 26, I had been working for two years by then after graduating at 24 and I married at 28. I am now 32 and have 3 children, 200k in investments and a boat.

You are so far behind now that I doubt you have time to ever start a family before you get too old, but if you start right now you might be able to at least enjoy your mid 30s to late 40s comfortably.

>> No.20702327

Where can I study investing senpai

>> No.20702339

Post proof or larp

>> No.20702350

>>no job experience
how do you afford to live? Social welfare?

>> No.20702413


>>Is it even possible to turn your life around past the age of 26

Yes. Let me give you one example. There was a young man called George Trosse, who was in and out of mental institutions in the eighteenth century. He even tried to commit suicide on several occasions. But, at the age of twenty-seven, he made a resolution to turn his life around. He started exercising every day, eating well, and developing himself morally and intellectually. He got into Oxford University, got a degree, started a family, and became one of the most respected clergymen of his time. He died at the age of 82.

Another example. Guillaume Budé, who became one of the greatest scholars in history, completely wasted his life until the age of 25. So don't feel, in the slightest degree, that self-reformation is too late for you. It is never too late.

>>masturbate to cuckold, interracial, raceplay, wmaf porn 1-3 times a day

First, let me say, don't make yourself feel guilty and ashamed for this; it will only drive you into a cycle of despair, and make the problem worse. Secondly, read the information on the website "Your Brain on Porn." Years of exposure to pornography, which perhaps began when you were very young, have warped and corrupted your brain. The answer is, stop masturbating, stop looking at pornography, and refrain from any sort of sexual contact, for a period of at least six months. By doing this, thousands of men have cured themselves of the most terrible and distressing paraphilias. It is perfectly within your power to recover a normal and healthy sexuality.

You will find it _extremely_ difficult, if not impossible, to stop masturbating without taking daily exercise. I recommend walking at least three miles a day, preferably four. Build up to it if you feel that you can't manage it at once. Exercise is miraculous in hastening our recovery from addictions of every kind; and neurological studies have proven that pornography is an addiction, just like any other.


>> No.20702461

lol faggot and you are behind on me. And I am behind others in that way. Low IQ way of thinking anon.

Life isn't a fucking race. It's a journey we all take on our own turns. There is no good or bad. OP is fine and young enough to change his life around.

>> No.20702533

is your famiry disappointed in u?

>> No.20702537
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Exercise is also the best possible cure which you can take for your depression. Hundreds of studies have shown this. It well outperforms any kind of drug. Exercise, as a cure for depression, was known as far back as antiquity, and recommended by Galen, the greatest physician in the history of mankind. So in the Renaissance; read Burton's "Anatomy of Melancholy" if you are curious to investigate this. Burton, who was a contemporary of Shakespeare, said that the nobility in his time tended to be jaded and depressed, because they led lives of inactivity. He gives us case after case of noblemen who cured themselves of their affliction by reforming their lifestyles. Nowadays, everybody lives like a 17th-century nobleman; we are all sedentary. Hence why there is so much depression. The modern studies simply re-confirm the ancient wisdom in this regard.

Concentration is something which you have to build, gradually. Do an hour a day of study; if you can't manage that, fifteen minutes; and if you can't manage that, five. Simply force your mind, on a regular basis, to concentrate on _something_ worthwhile and intellectual. I highly recommend reading Arnold Bennett's "How to Live on 24 Hours a Day." You can find it on Project Gutenberg. It is one of the best and easiest books I know on achieving mental discipline.

In regard to your financial situation, I suggest that you get gold, silver, and mining stocks. I have been explaining to /biz/ for months that an inevitable currency crisis is on the way, and economic collapse. You can read my posts about it here. >>20597543 >>20603169 >>20675348. Anybody who listened is now up 200%. The best way to buy mining stocks is to purchase the GDXJ and the SILJ on the stock market. I believe that, in the present financial environment, gold and silver are the trade of the century, and I sincerely hope that you get some before it is too late.

I pray God for your success, and implore you never to despair.


>> No.20702549

This reads like bait but in case it isn't: it depends on what you mean by "turning things around". If you mean getting a job, building your skills & wealth, and cutting harmful pastimes out of your life, absolutely still possible. Nothing about aging inherently prevents you from doing those things (don't believe the youth brain plasticity meme, there are plenty of people who continue to learn throughout their lives). Now on the other hand, if you mean to start a family one day - you're in the red zone. You've got maybe 10 years max to get your shit together (realistically 5). If continuing your genetic line is important to you, you have to make a change NOW, so keep that in mind.

My advice would be twofold: first, focus on your employment. Even if it's a minimum wage memejob, supporting yourself financially lays the foundation for further growth. Second, stop using the computer for entertainment. It will always be able to provide something more appealing than real life. This will also give you more time to develop yourself enough to achieve objective one. Good luck.

>> No.20702567

Good posts

>> No.20702650

Yes, you absolutely can. At your age I had more sexual experience but I also had an extensive criminal history and severe substance abuse problems.

You can 100% pull it together. Finish college this semester while everything is online, it'll be easy to get back in bro.

Also, go get yourself an ADHD diagnosis or something similar. Plus you can use text to speech programs to get back into the reading mode.

Stop watching porn and masturbating and all your weird fetishes will go away.

>> No.20702686

Just go to the fucking gym it actually helps losers like you.

>> No.20702693

>brainlet who can barely stay focused on reading for more than 10-15 minutes
>spend at least 8-10 hours a day on 4chan, minimum
How the fuck are you able to browse 4chan 8 hours a day if you can't read for more than 10mins? This site consists of nothing but written posts next to some frog images. You know, stuff you have to READ.

>> No.20702743

yea but book dont have pictures

>> No.20702813
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>masturbate to cuckold, interracial, raceplay, wmaf porn 1-3 times a day
limit yourself to one good 2 hour session per day and workout for 5 minutes every morning before showering
>brainlet who can barely stay focused on reading for more than 10-15 minutes
try reading twice 10 minutes a day something that interests you (whatever it is, even if it's considered useless by most people) and you'll be able to focus better and for a longer period of time after several months
workout + reading is a good start and it will take you only 25 minutes a day

>> No.20702828

I was like you, now I'm at day 85 of nofap. You need to microdose lsd

>> No.20702854

It's a LARP to have a wife and kids at 32? Or is it the 200k that stocks you? 200k is nice but that's nothing unbelievable

Make money and go live in Asia anon

>> No.20702868
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Dont listen to anyone man, Im literally in the same place as you, BUT im taking my LAST shot at life
>Almost 27
>Accountant that hates his job, wasted 6 years of my life studying because thats what i was supposed to do
>Got destroyed emotionally beyond repair by my ex
>Low ambition, who doesnt like to study

BUT, ive discovered that i want to become a firefighter in an accident that i was involved in, now ill train and study as hard as i can cause I KNOW thats something i would like to do and die for, MY LAST CHANCE, ITS IN MY HANDS to change my destiny and ill do my best to acomplish it, if i fail the task then ill just give up and become just another brick in the wall, i will join the mindless and sad masses till the day i drop dead.


>> No.20702979

4chan posts are short and to the point, the language is easy and the author is often funny or intriguing in some way or the other, and you got a random chance to find a gold nugget of an information, making your brain push you to read more.

Books on the other hand are often written with very low information density, the author is writing it for work rather than pleasure admit shows, and there is rarely any randomness in the information, you always know what you will get hence no element of surprise.

>> No.20703037

>that feel when ending a 15 day vippanasa session with a degenerate cuckold porn fap...
feels bad man

>> No.20703039
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>Goldposter also has strong self-improvement philosophy for life in general
BASED, you are doing the lord's work my man

>> No.20703154

Start fasting, 24 hours daily. Develop a workout regime, workout fasted then eat your meal. Calisthenics is fine, maybe a dumbell or two would help. Strengthening your physical body makes you all around stronger. Quit the porn, and masturbation. As for your cucked brain. You need good NLP (neurolingistic programming) you can find the alpha male shit. Watch this and never watch or think about being cucked again. Your dopamine receptors sound cucked too. Take mucana prurians extract, and ashwaganda too. This will help with mood stability while your brain literally returns to a somewhat natural state. Look not everyone is the same. Sometimes "natural" things to others come like a heartbeat. Others have to think directly about what their doing. There are perks to both, but it's easy to have fun when you have your "mindset" make it hard on yourself.

>> No.20703381

you got me on it.

kinda in the same position here, but hispanic-nigger.
> french, english and spanish pays the bills
> bachelors degree in electromechanical eng (hate it bad)
>11 years of experience (IT)
> no saving
> no debt
> no kids
> feeling the urge to meik it

>> No.20703596
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made a couple of mistakes last week and didn't hear this saint...

listen to him, imagine if I had put 10k in gold

>> No.20703617
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>> No.20703638


Could you please summarise your latest advice on what are the best precious metal mining stocks to hold over the next five years for someone with a medium risk appetite?

Your input here is greatly appreciated fren.

>> No.20703666
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The virus is a great opportunity to get your life together. Don't give up!

>> No.20703745

top facebook thread

>> No.20703751

GDX and GDXJ are decent but if you want some real profit (and risk) go for individual miners and junior miners. AG,EXK,FSM,PAAS have made me some decent profit over the last few weeks.

>> No.20703755

Take care of yourself. Make a plan. Work and save moneys. Keep an eye on /biz. Everything wil come to you anon. You are not an exception. You are just like every other guy you see out there.

>> No.20703774


Sup bro.

At 25 I was in a jail cell under false allegations thinking I was gonna catch 5+ years. At 29 I found myself with half a milly portfolio and a top tier fiance.

Ok here's my advice:
>100mg modafinil per day during week days
>megadose B vitamins, vit C, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 fish oils
>exercise 3x per week minimum
>each night before you go to bed, write a list of tasks / goals you aim to achieve the following day and allocate a specific estimate of time it will take to do that task. At the end of the following day if you have any tasks which have not been completed, write down why and what you will do the following day to rectify that
>building upon the daily tasks, set mid-term and long-term goals - quarterly, annually, 5 yearly
>read "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius

Basically you have to learn to love your fate and realise that there is nothing you can do about external uncontrollable factors such as your height or lot you have been allocated in life. But you CAN determine how you react and adapt to those factors. Embrace it. Every time you find yourself set back remind yourself of the phrase: AMOR FATI - "I love my fate", and MOMENTO MORI - "One day I will die". Those two phrases will be the driving mantra of your existence from now on. Literally every single time you find yourself reacting negatively emotionally to a scenario remind yourself - AMOR FATI MOMENTO MORI.

>> No.20703815


See my post on /pmg/ earlier today:

"I still stand by the ten miners which I gave in this post three days ago, although a few have already begun to take off, and are considerably higher now. All of them are going much higher. >>20603169

Newrange Gold: +31%
Euro Sun Mining: 22.3%
McEwen Mining: +0%
Fireweed Zinc: -9%
Wallbridge Mining: +0

Discovery Metals: +27.27%
Callinex Mines: +0%
Silver One: +5.33%
Dolly Varden Silver: +7%
Great Panther Mining: +3.7%

Mean increase: 8.76%

Compare with,

SILJ: +2.69%
GDXJ: +2.51%."

(Remember that you should never put more than 1-3% of your net-worth into any one small-cap miner.)


Thank you very much.

>> No.20703910

>BA + MA
>Underemployed, Getting fired
>300k+ Debt
>Live with Parents

Start now, don't be like me.

>> No.20703956

Everything is unironically true here. One step at a time is the best thing I can tell you. Exercise has been the best thing for me but the type depends on you. Lifting is therapeutic for me, and I've heard runners get a high after they acclimate to the lifestyle too. Be the icon you are, lad

>> No.20703976

Any platforms you recommend? I'm just getting into /biz/ and have alot of studying to do

>> No.20704082

Idgaf what anyone says. It takes 2.5 years to turn your life around under almost any circumstances.

If you want to succeed faster, work harder. Pray not for an easier life, pray to be a realer nigga.

>> No.20704109


>pray to be a realer nigga

This King, these faggots expect a good comfy life to be handed to them on a plate without even beginning the journey to improving themselves first. PREACH KANNG

>> No.20704137

>masturbates to porn
And you wonder why you’re so fucking weird and awkward. Fuckin loser

>> No.20704170

Based. No more demoralization OP.

>> No.20704192

just work on any shitty wage cuck job and work on the drivers license, then start monkey branching into other non-skilled jobs that you somewhat dont hate

>> No.20704256

>masturbate to cuckold, interracial, raceplay, wmaf porn 1-3 times a day
stop watching porn for a month, masturbate to vanilla sex fantasies. stop watching this degenerate fetish shit.
>don't enjoy video games anymore
>don't enjoy anime anymore
>can't watch a show without losing focus
good. stop all of that.
>spend at least 8-10 hours a day on 4chan, minimum
get off off of 4chan and focus on tackling these:
>kissless, handholdless, contactless virgin
>no job experience
>no friends
>no drivers license
>no skills
>no hobbies
>brainlet who can barely stay focused on reading for more than 10-15 minutes
Start with forcing yourself to sit down and read a book, work on getting your driver's license, and get the fuck out of the house to go on a walk once a day.

>> No.20704317

Join antifa kek

>> No.20704447

why would u fap to cuckold porn though, its mostly white women and black man

>> No.20704582

You have lived your life in comfort, you have a roof above your head and your parents prepare your meals. You have never been challenged in life. The best thing to do, is to leave your comfort and live on the streets, then you will be motivated to improve yourself and to achieve your goals.

>> No.20704737


Thank you. What is your background? And do you hold link?

You're the only person I want to use a trip as your posts are based.

>> No.20704816

Less jews in china

>> No.20705040
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Can you get Modafinil online or OTC in the states?

>28yo 6'3" chadlite
>all the same shit but im white
Just signed up for electrical trade school, My father has been telling me for years to just try something. We're all gonna make it man.

4chan, the last bastion of good men. Thank you for this fren.

>> No.20705068

You should join the air force. You sound like a perfect candidate for ROTC.

>> No.20705178

Adding to this >>20702413
Porn fetishes reveal our beliefs and inner problems.
If you masturbate to cuckold it means you think this is the only way you can get sex and you put women on a pedestal.
Interracial is a similar belief that you don't deserve sex and there is someone more deserving of it from a different race.
You have to change your beliefs to change or remove your fetishes.
Change your perspective and mindset to change your reality.

You deserve to be happy and you can be successful.
All you need to do is to decide and accept that you are not a failure.
Everything else will follow when you make this choice.

>> No.20705546

Thanks, I put some of my remaining cash into miners around the time of that initial thread, but I am mostly all in in Link and took a position on BTC.
It's hard to compare crypto and gold/silver, but I expect there will be a delay for the price increase of silver/gold which is a slower market compared to cryptos.

It may be possible to make a profit of both the BTC and gold/silver coming bull runs, but that's my personal thinking and it's a lot safer to buy mining stocks now than risking losing everything on cryptos for inexperienced people.

>> No.20705761

We are strangers not frens get off of this place. Just stop using all electronics for like a month and go in nature you already know what to do.

>> No.20705875

Get a therapist and spill your guts. You need some real life accountability. You are never going to find salvation in the same places where you have been duped into creating a hell for yourself.

>> No.20706419

I'm 28.

A couple of months ago: Live in a third world shithole(still do lmao). Hated uni, had to redo half of my university classes because I went depressed and would play too much vidya gaems and masturbate. Dad died of cancer. No friends. No driver's license. Working retail.

Now: Lost 70 pounds out of my fatass, working out at the gym for almost 2 years; Finally finishing my classes; Studying for public exam to do something I actually like, law enforcement; Realized my degree might be trash because I have no connections, but learning and slowly improving and earning through trading crypto;

It can always improve.

>> No.20707308


Good posts.

>> No.20707379

start fixing each item on your list, easiest ones first, see how far you get

>> No.20707430

>Is it even possible to turn your life around past the age of 26?
>How much money will it take?
i totally turned my life around at about 28.

Yes you can do it anyone can. you just need a worthwhile direction and a lucrative career plan and path. go to school. or get into training, whatever. find something your interested in and enjoy, and then find the career that includes those things as nearly as possible. a career that is in demand and will be in demand whatever that is. you have to figure it out.
no., sitting at home trading crypto or being a pro gamer twitch personality is not a career.

>> No.20707901

>Working fast food and going to tradeschool

on the right track man, hope u succeed

>> No.20708083

Ah FuCk BrO I just fucking relapsed to this picture

Whatever you do, consider possibly maybe all inning on Loki

>> No.20708217

Dude my life started at 26.
I'm a Spic, had never left my third world country, had slept with a couple girls but mostly disappointing sex.

I then decided to pursue a masters degree, got a loan, went to Europe.

37 now, banged tons of hotties from many different countries, 8 years at my job which I love. Great salary, tons of paid vacation, remote work when I want to.

No debt. 80k in bank+funds+other investments
30k in crypto.

I have no hobbies either other than watching netflix and browsing biz, But I'm ok with that.

No wife, but I don't think I want one, I don't want kids either. but still banging 20 y/o hotties. Life's good

>> No.20708290

Oh and I traveled pretty much all over the world already. otherwise my bank account would be much bigger

>> No.20708397

>Great salary, tons of paid vacation, remote work when I want to

hey man, may I know what degree? something IT related?

>> No.20708422

yeah I did a masters in software engineering.

>> No.20708478

>spent the last 6 years in prison
>Sex offender
>Just now getting into the stock market

>> No.20708717

where would you recommend to start to someone who wants to make such a switch but is already working in other field (non-technical), cant study uni full-time and has almost zero experience (not even programming basics)?

>> No.20708856

luckily for you many IT start ups don't really care for a degree nowadays. I'm talking about specifically about the nordic countries, where I live. You'll have to do some research and see if that also applies to where you're from.

So, just look into what you'd like to do, I've heard something like UX design is not too hard and pays well. I myself am an integration engineer and that does require tons of experience.

A lot of demand now for React, JS developers. Languages like java or c/c++ will always be on demand.

Go to LinkedIn and see what job offers are there and what they require. Then do some udemy courses. And practice, practice, practice.

>> No.20708980

midwits who are already married and have their ugly little children tend to look down at other people who haven't yet, i've noticed

>> No.20709024

Thank you for this fren

>> No.20709051

This is the definition of epic.

>> No.20709066

Any good courses you recommend?

>> No.20709084

thank you very much for this advice, hate the field I let myself go in and cant imagine to spend my whole life in it, gonna take your advice and hopefully in 2 years maybe I could leave the fucking office job where its more about how you present your work than what you actually do

>> No.20709133

best of luck anon.

>> No.20709173


For javascript. For other languages I'd be lying if I said I knew any good ones, just browse and check reviews and number of students :)

>> No.20709217

You need to make small changes. start exercising and getting as much sun as you can everyday. When these small changes start to stack you will seem less pathetic and people around you will see that youre helping yourself. People respect those that help themselves and you'll start to get more support and even more help (people like to help those that help themselves) this will lead to friends and a compounding effect of change. So if you stop playing the victim and ACTUALLY WANT to change you will. You're addicted to your pain and sadness and it wont be easy to break it but small habit changes are the first steps.

>> No.20709280

You honestly can turn your life around with only $500 extra from an e-commerce business alongside a legit job. Look into phlebotomy/EKG certs. In 1 or 3 months you’ll get a degree with a guaranteed position because people have been quoting like mad, and you can really never have enough of these guys. Average pay is $18 an hour and you can get additional certs that’ll carry you to 60k, like a surgery assistant where you sit in on important surgeries and help the surgeon. You’ll always be around QT Nurses and have the opportunity to tell great stories at bars. Oh and you have a 3 day a week work schedule, 12 hour days but rest of the week off.

>> No.20709312

>You are so far behind now that I doubt you have time to ever start a family before you get too old,

he's a man, anon. age doesn't fucking matter

>> No.20709360

Yeah. My dad started a family at 48. You’ll always get demoralization fags here

>> No.20709376

it's mEmento mori you fuckin loon

>> No.20709399

I’m 23 and I own a triplex. I technically have 600k in investments. You’re behind me faggot you may as well kys.

In a serious note, don’t listen to faggots like him. Insane insecurity and wants you to fail or not even try.

>> No.20709453

>spend half your waking hours fucking around on the internet
>you have the life accomplishments of a 13 year old instead of a 26 year old

the math checks out
stop wasting so much fucking time, anon

>> No.20709729

Get the fuck off 4chan and find an outdoor hobby. Go on hikes or go biking if you`re too neet to talk to others.

Get an EASY job to get yourself mentally ready for working. Go for easy security positions where you sit at a loading bay or construction site overnight for 8 hours. Read self improvement books and listen to self improvement podcasts during your shift. This is how I started it.

>> No.20709784

To add to this, you could also try for manual labor jobs. Physically demanding but mentally easy. Like warehouse work or just a mover.

>> No.20709821

Yeah its possible sure. But you have to want it bad enough

>> No.20709970


Did those too, Very good idea. Guys and managers in manual labour jobs don`t really care if you`re a sperg or NEET. As long as you`re working hard and being safe, you`ll get the respect of working class men and it`ll lift your confidence.

>> No.20710046

Op 26 is very young, you could literally still do anything except for become a professional athlete. You could be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, whatever you want. Plenty of people switch careers and go back to school in their 30s-40s, you have no excuse

>> No.20710197


>> No.20710319

Unironically fast for 24 hours. No food or water. You suffer from dopamine. You must detox. Then star fasting 48 hours no food but drink water. And go outside and look at trees and embrace the boredom. No joke. You will be healed

>> No.20710659

real chad


>> No.20710724
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Do all of this as well as nofap

>> No.20710776

Good advice

>> No.20710844

>You are so far behind now
Wrong, demoralizer. I wouldn't be so quick to consider yourself such a success just yet. Your marriage still has 3 more years to reach the peak rate of divorce timing, only a fool would buy a boat (a wise man befriends the fool who bought the boat), and 3 brats and a fat wife is hardly a life achievement.

Also, consider the fact that at age 32 you still find the time to visit an incel anime forum and partake in troll behavior.

Post body.

>> No.20710883


>> No.20710893

You sound like a Link holder. To be fair you deserve it.

But its never too late. Turn to Christ and be a man. Google Alpha Male Strategies.

>> No.20710950
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>a wise man befriends the fool who bought the boat

Genius poorfag

>> No.20711123
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Not OP, but what if you unironically enjoy the degen life? Even though I have my own apartment and 38k/yr job, I spend most of my time playing league, on 4chan or aimlessly driving around

>> No.20711414


>aimlessly driving around

Kinda based but every man needs to do his part in the upcoming racewar so get fit you fat fuck

>> No.20711485
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Based. You'll get there, anon.

>> No.20711527


>ive discovered that i want to become a firefighter in an accident that i was involved in

Sounds pretty cool, you plan on time travelling back to that accident once you get certified as a firefighter?

>> No.20711579
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Got a job interview tomorrow lads. Were all gonna make it

>> No.20711846

>cant read for more than 10-15 minutes
>8-10 hours on 4chan, a largely text based vietnamese ball polishing board

>> No.20712652

Discipline yourself
>Create a routine
>Wake up and go to bed at the same timeframe every day. Say 7:00AM-7:30AM 10:00-10:30PM
>Do the same for your meals
>First quit porn. Try and go 2 weeks without watching anything, then do the same for masturbation. Don't think about sex, don't seek out pics of girls, don't even stare at girls and fantasize about them.
>Clean your room. Tidy your house. Empty the bin, make your bed, hoover, do your laundry.
>Do exercise everyday. Stretch when you wake up and before you go to bed. Find a basic routine on Youtube. Do press ups, start with something simple like 4x10. Go running.
>Go for walks. Listen to music, podcasts or audiobooks.
>Make some friends. Go on meetup.com. Try different clubs. Try small talking with strangers, cashiers, bartenders etc.
>Learn to drive
>Read before you go to bed and when you have time during the day. Start with light fiction like Harry Potter or the Hunger Games to begin with. Later read variedly and try and develop new interests. History, literature, poetry, philosophy, different genres of fiction etc
>Unironically listen to Jordan Peterson
>Quit social media, mindlessly browsing the internet, 4chan and Youtube.
>Set goals. Write them down. Ask yourself where you want to be in a years time. Visualise yourself where you want to be to motivate yourself.
>Improve your appearance. Lose weight, get a haircut at a good barbers, learn about fashion and dress better.
>If down seek out useful subreddits(/nofap,/motivation,/teachingmensfashion) to help you.
>If you have a question in life ask someone who knows more about it than you do, ask. Ask someone in shape how they get the motivation to exercise or someone popular how they make friends.
Never give up op.

>> No.20712744
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To all newfags: This is the average person on this board. This is the person behind the "$1000 LNK EOY" posts. This is the person giving you financial advice. This is the person shilling you Ampleforth. This pathetic sack of shit is what you will base your decisions on, if you trust /biz/.