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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 113 KB, 981x640, YFI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20692204 No.20692204 [Reply] [Original]

You fucking idiots, why didn't you tell me about YFI?
10000% gain in 6 days.
I could have been a millionaire you fucking idiot faggots


>> No.20692217

what the fuck
I literally just heard about this yesterday

>> No.20692224

at that time, no one here knew

>> No.20692248

>He didn't know

>> No.20692260
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>> No.20692300

Everyone and their dog is farming this for days now duh.
As for buying so early the volume was nonexistent at these prices.

It's going to 50k btw because yfi gives a right to yearn's income, it's a share not just governance

>> No.20692301

i was literally screaming at you to buy this a few days ago. mods were deleting posts and anons in the know were fudding it so they could buy. we are still early btw. selling now is like when btc went from $1 to $10. yfi is defi 2.0. should reach a billion dollar marketcap soon

>> No.20692326

v2 is launching within the next day or two and this will be the true liquidity black hole.

>> No.20692329

your wordpress site is really nice OP

>> No.20692341


>> No.20692596

How did you all know about this? Which channels/boards/forums/groups should I be hanging out with to know about these kinds of opportunities?

I figure this is a "you are the sum of the next 5 people you surround yourself with" kind of situation. And /biz/ is the loser stoner group, and wherever people were talking about YFI for the last 2 weeks is the Chad success group.

Help me. Please let me hangout with you guys.

>> No.20692659

all the top ethereum defi guys havent stopped talking about it on twitter this week. they all own some yfi. follow the smart money

>> No.20692669

Real talk bro: are you Chainlink god?

>> No.20692680

If you buy something for $3,000 that was $30 a week ago, you might be a retard

>> No.20692688

He’s not but I am

>> No.20692721

Nice dubs. If you’re serious, I literally just saw this on your feed yesterday. Can’t believe I missed it.

>> No.20692731

>Real talk bro: are you Chainlink god?
nah, but i follow him. hes smart

>> No.20692766

Jokes on you, I bought it for $4000. We'll see who's laughing at $40,000.

>> No.20692790

>all the top ethereum defi guys

>> No.20692799

all of them, anon. Buy it now.

>> No.20692855

biz are useless pieces of shit

>> No.20692904
File: 1.01 MB, 1179x1181, 95132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And people say this cannot happen with XRP. Kek, just wait and see you dumb mongrels.

>> No.20692964

XRP is 8 billion mcap, this started at literally 0. Retard

>> No.20692978

There were honestly a handful of threads

>> No.20693016

Is this bait? This shit is making xrp useless lmfao. Stabelcoins on eth plus farming totally kill thew remittance use case. The chart tells the tale.

>> No.20693027
File: 58 KB, 591x1280, IMG_20200724_232100_798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine what's gonna happen when andre ports this over to his other baby, fantom ;)

>> No.20693066

I’m not on here every second of every day

>> No.20693075

>85m market cap
how much more could it pump eow/eom?

>> No.20693088


Link or names to the twitter? Thanks alot mate!

>> No.20693100

And yet people are buying LINK at $8.43 and selling at $7 kek

>> No.20693114

nice larp

>> No.20693166

It’s because eventually the yield drops . And the yield is why we holding yfi. So when enough people buy it it will go down so basically all you fish are doing now is buying the whales yield in a game of diminishing returns until one of us dumps and the rest follow for a different token

>> No.20693224

you only think you understand this project, but you don't.

yearn is a quality of project that only comes maybe once every 1 to 2 years in crypto. Our vision is that eventually yStables will be used as the de facto settlement asset for all financial activity in crypto if not the world. Here’s an analogy. USDC is like keeping USD under your mattress. cUSDC is like putting your USD in a savings account at a bank. yUSDC is like putting your USD with a robo-advisor who then puts your USD in the highest savings account it can find and automatically rotates it to the best interest-bearing savings account across all the banks while charging you nothing. Currently, in the crypto space, stablecoins are used for transfers, margining, borrow/lending. They are used across DeFi and CeFi (exchanges and OTC). Anything USDT can do, yUSDT can do better. Why not trade FTX perps with yUSDT margin? Already FTX takes cUSDT as collateral. Why even have a BTC-USDT pair on Binance when you could have BTC-yUSDT? All that USDT OTC flow from China could be yUSDT. Lastly, why even borrow or lend DAI when you can borrow or lend yDAI (just think about that one). The implications are huge.

>> No.20693242
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is this another totally organic conversation?

>> No.20693443

Am I suppose to stake the yfi coin?

>> No.20693590

>yearn is a quality of project that only comes maybe once every 1 to 2 years in crypto. Our vision is that eventually yStables will be used as the de facto settlement asset for all financial activity in crypto if not the world. Here’s an analogy. USDC is like keeping USD under your mattress. cUSDC is like putting your USD in a savings account at a bank. yUSDC is like putting your USD with a robo-advisor who then puts your USD in the highest savings account it can find and automatically rotates it to the best interest-bearing savings account across all the banks while charging you nothing. Currently, in the crypto space, stablecoins are used for transfers, margining, borrow/lending. They are used across DeFi and CeFi (exchanges and OTC). Anything USDT can do, yUSDT can do better. Why not trade FTX perps with yUSDT margin? Already FTX takes cUSDT as collateral. Why even have a BTC-USDT pair on Binance when you could have BTC-yUSDT? All that USDT OTC flow from China could be yUSDT. Lastly, why even borrow or lend DAI when you can borrow or lend yDAI (just think about that one). The implications are huge.
this. i'm all-in, never selling

>> No.20693632

i'm a retard, can someone explain where all this interest is even coming from? am i the only one to admit i have no fucking clue what's going on here?

>> No.20693695

buy RWS. shhh.

>> No.20693720

They lend your shit automatically to AAVE or Compound or whoever has the best rates. If those rates become better somewhere else, it automatically shifts it there to get the best rate.

> USDC is like keeping USD under your mattress. cUSDC is like putting your USD in a savings account at a bank. yUSDC is like putting your USD with a robo-advisor who then puts your USD in the highest savings account it can find and automatically rotates it to the best interest-bearing savings account across all the banks while charging you nothing

>> No.20693757

it didn't trade at this level at all. There was a thread here within minutes
it traded at a couple of $ at best, and only for the first couple of trades. You could maybe get ~$1-2000 in the first couple of days, and you'd be 50% of the volume.
don't imagine "what if i put in $5,000 @ $30!" because nobody did because it couldn't happen

>> No.20693779

So what are LEND or COMP doing with your money in the meantime to make it worth it for them to give you that interest?

>> No.20693820

AAVE and Compound lend the money to customers on their platform, like banks

>> No.20693830

Via leverage/margin and shit like that?

>> No.20693852

the token is technically worthless, it has no financial value, the devs admitted this, when you farm yield you are basically being paid in this worthless token hoping that the value goes up, i don't get what you're saying

>> No.20693887

on demand diarrhea

>> No.20693894

Go use AAVE to find out for yourself.

It's not, that was just the lead dev trolling. The yield farming was basically premining for this thing. Now you can stake YFI and receive fees from the entire system. What is that system? Still being launched, but so far you have the yStablecoins that earn the best interest around. In a couple days he is launching something that will let you have yLINK. The fees go to YFI token holders. So not worthless.

>> No.20693942

I truly would like to know what kind of absolute shitcoin portfolio you have to say this. Tron or some shit?

This is the center of defi the pinnacle of all of it. It makes 65k in fees weekly, it’ll be 10x that in 3 months. All fees get paid to YFI holders you dumbass.

The blog post was an IQ test psyop, congrats you failed.

>> No.20693999

>delusional sales shills
Glad I left

>> No.20694097

>This is the center of defi the pinnacle of all of it

>> No.20694268

So much delusion in this thread.

YFI is about to get rekt. Those who got in earlier this week have made huge gains farming YFI but the initial 30k tokens are about to end.

Two pools have already stopped producing YFI (yCRV and YFI-DAI) and the governance pool (YFI-yCRV) is about to finish producing too. Look at what happened to the value staked in the first two pools after they stopped producing to see whats going to happen with YFI-yCRV in a few hours.

YFI might have a long term future if they can agree on an emission schedule for minting new YFI, but they are running out of time because once the rewards stop, the money leaves, and you'll be left holding a worthless governance token to an ecosystem that has zero assets.

>> No.20694281

that's nice. but i don't really think i could benefit from this
i only have a 2000$ porfolio, if i farm yield that's like... 0.15 YFI a week right? if i can make more swinging on uniswap, it hardly seems worth it to farm yield

>> No.20694300

I never said to farm it, I mostly bought
we'll see

>> No.20694355
File: 118 KB, 1061x2026, Screenshot_20200726-065838~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U are Missing Curio too

>> No.20694725

is this bait? it’s been all over the 4channel.org business and finance board

>> No.20694962
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It's a bit like Ample people don't understand it and most never will but it's literally going to 40k.

Soon to be listed on every major exchange and Coin Market Cap. So there's a shit tone of room to move in still left.

>> No.20695040

Currently it's only up on UniSwap and shit tier exchanges, imagine what levels it will go to once V2 is out and it hits all the major exchanges. FUK

>> No.20695048
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Shit looks to much like a shell game. Lend tokens to company to company a, lend the stable coin you get and lend that to company b, repeat a couple times, and hope you can unwind it all before the house of cards starts crashing down.

Not gonna risk my linkies on that shit

>> No.20695095

You're about to miss ISLA, too. 1 million total supply. Only 600k circulating. DeFi hedge fund.

>> No.20695132 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 600x526, 34234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfi is the hardest form of money known to earth. it will replace fiat and bitcoin.

the top ethereum defi guys own some fyi. follow the smart money

>> No.20695150
File: 203 KB, 600x526, 34234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfi is the hardest form of money known to earth. it will replace fiat, tether and bitcoin.

the top ethereum defi guys own some fyi. follow the smart money

>> No.20695176

>0.15 YFI a week right?
unironically enough for a family of 4 EOW

>> No.20695189

Biz is so fucking retarded, even when all the major players in crypto are holding it biz are still unsure of whether to buy in or not. Holy shit. They'll soon be buying 0.2 of it for $4k. Absolute kek, I'm gonna leave it at this

>> No.20695210 [DELETED] 

>Biz is so fucking retarded, even when all the major players in crypto are holding it biz are still unsure of whether to buy in or not
this. kek

>> No.20695248 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 224x228, 666556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biz is so fucking retarded, even when all the major players in crypto are holding it biz are still unsure of whether to buy in or not
this. kek

>> No.20695283

how would this help fantom moon?

>> No.20695294
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yfi is a new paradigm

>> No.20695307

+ it's ranked 229th on CMC, super under the radar still, normies will be chasing down this shit like it's the new BTC

>> No.20695427

You idiots didn't know about this? We will be pouring ETH into LOCK soon. I'm not spoon feeding you guys anymore.

>> No.20695487

Any mathematicians out there? I need your help.

All the code I've seen written to handle Feet.Inches pulls the number
apart into its int and frac parts, handles them, and then recombines.

But some years ago, this algorithm for Hours.MinSec was published:

| HMS->(x) = x + FP(x)/1.5 + FP(x*100)/90 |

The fact that it works mystifies me. My question is: If this kind of
algorithm works for H.MS, can similar ones be created for any arbitrary
fractional systems, like Yards.FeetInches? If so, how?

It would sure shrink and speed up a lot of programs.


BTW, just in case it helps or amuses, here's the inverse function:

| ->HMS(x) = x - .4*FP(x) - .004*FP(x*60) |

-- Joe Horn --

Resp: 1 of 2 by bson at rice-chex.ai.mit.edu
Author: [Jan Brittenson]
Date: Thu Jun 13 1991

How about:

YFI->(x) = x + FP(x) * 7/3 + FP(x*10) * 22/9

Where YFI is:


I.e. 1 yard, 2 feet, 5 inches = 1.205

So, how does it work? Pretty simple actually. The first term maps
the integer part 1:1 (no conversion necessary). But it also maps the
.f and ..ii parts 1:1, so they need some adjustment. Feet map 1:0.3, so
as far as feet are concerned we fulfill the following equation to get
the feet back in line:

1 = 0.3 + 0.3 * k ==> k = (1-0.3)/0.3 = 7/3

So we now have:

YFI->(x) = x + FP(x) * 7/3

Note that we use FP() since we have already taken care of the
integer part (which mapped 1:1). This also maps the ..ii part, so
again we need to adjust it - we would like it to map 1:0.036 (i.e. 3 *
12in = 1ft):

1 = 0.036 + 0.036 * k + 0.36 * m

==> m = (1-0.036-0.036*7/3)/0.36 = 22/9

So now we have our final term

YFI->(x) = x + FP(x) * 7/3 + FP(x*10) * 22/9

>> No.20696379

I hope someone answers but this post was a great read anyway

>> No.20696721

This. Idiots will never learn.

>> No.20696772

i actually saw a few references to it with no context, guess i just have to turn my brain on for these things

>> No.20696799

$100k per YFI in 3 months. Cap this

>> No.20696870
File: 192 KB, 1951x1318, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Bitconnect all over again.
"How it does that is by taking whatever you deposit, and it actually goes around and searches all the other platforms, whatever protocols are out there, and finds the best yields in the area and then deposits over there, ensuring that you get the best yields. Think of it as an automated yield aggregator.”

Instead of Bitconenct's fake "trading robots" giving free money if you give them your money, scammer andy claims to have "yield robots" giving free money, if you give him free money. Fantom scammers are desperate after their got exposed as a scam by XAR network and alerted Twitter. Fantom Foundation's twitter account is now supsended.

>> No.20696873

i aint clicking that shit nigga

>> No.20697262

What’s ISLA

>> No.20697544

This is how I cope about it as well. It was yeah under $500 for just a couple of days with fuck all volume. I bought in like 4 days ago at about $1000 when I saw Chainlinkgod and aave shilling it on twitter. Made a couple of posts on biz, but got mostly ignored.