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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20688 No.20688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>19375

>> No.20709
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>> No.20768

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 241 Satoshi:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:
http://indogewetrust.com (promo codes: "install gentoo" or "suchpromo", "such bad doge many sorry", "buildandshoot.com", "sent ;)" or "buy amd")


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:


Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.20759

when are we launching?

>> No.20760

Status update on panda coin?

>> No.20775

Getting this error on the pool: Token expired, please try again

>> No.20784
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>> No.20788

Not today/night.

We are currently having a testrun for the pool.
If you want you can come over to http://bamboohouse.no-ip.org..

Try again, as it says.

>> No.20798

what we testing? seems to be working fine

>> No.20790

please try again (it's a bit annyoing though)

>> No.20795

maybe you should try again?
oh god you guys

>> No.20796
File: 101 KB, 265x265, doge2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amDoge can I ask a few questions to start off the thread so people dont repeat themselves
>when will doge go to 300
>will doge go past 300?
>is doge dying?
>is doge ever going to pass 400?
>how much doge is enough to be on the train?

>> No.20807


The pool and whether payouts work.


>> No.20802

do you think it will go up or down over night?

>> No.20811
File: 12 KB, 240x240, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why didn't the halvening double my money?
>what is the halevening?
>who is wolong?
>is it still too late to mine?
>why are we mining wolong's scam coin?

>> No.20827

test successful
shares being accepted

>> No.20833
File: 1 KB, 116x112, 1385011571868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amDOGE, did anyone bring up reworking the coin a little to change the name and logo?

A handful of us were kicking around changing it to Comedy Gold earlier, since that's actually kind of funny and we could have some laughs with it even if it was worthless, and I think that it could actually be a viable(ish) coin since it sounds a little different, at least. I mean, the stupidest shit is getting decent PnDs lately anyway.

Some guy in Turkey said he would even sell Topkeks for Comedy Gold, and posted a pic with some keks, so at the very worst we could screw around with it here and tip each other thousands of LELS for shenanigans and have a good time with it.

I'm also really sick of the wolong shills

>> No.20834

Can't explain why but pictures of doge make me happy.

Fuck, I thought I was above this shit

>> No.20835

Halving didn't increase the value as much as I expected. Why?

>> No.20838

Need to disable twofactor in include/config/security.inc.dist.php to test payouts

>> No.20847

the stale numbers quite high. currently 60/9stale

>> No.20851
File: 9 KB, 359x360, doge245654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many million Doges can i mine with my potato GPU?
>Why is cryptsy so shit?
>Is this your shibe?

>> No.20852
File: 237 KB, 357x346, remi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw doge is going to go up past 300 in a week

>> No.20853
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>> No.20854

It's taking Vault of Satoshi to verify my account to Level 3.


>> No.20856
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 1374384759929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge is olev

>> No.20861

we could just try that thing with panda and make that later, because it actually sounds pretty good

>> No.20862

I'm getting stratum authentication failed errors but I quadruple checked my credentials...

cudaminer should work in place of cgminer, right?

>> No.20866

I'm ming wolong's pandacoin. I feel dirty.

>> No.20867

guys I've got some bad news about doge.

miles is holding long term now

>> No.20876

seeing payouts in the console, no uncofirmed payouts yet. same as yesterday i guess

>> No.20869

I'm really liking this /g/ + /pol/ vibe that /biz/ has.

Take the best qualities of both boards and you get /biz/

Thanks moot.

>> No.20870

b-but it says I should earn billions of dollars per day.

>> No.20873

why don't you go back to /b/ kid along with other kiddies of your age

>> No.20874
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>> No.20887


>> No.20880
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>> No.20881
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wolong's pandacoin value fucking blasting off

>> No.20882
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wat are u talkin bout m8 pic related it's you

>> No.20884
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I'm still waiting on them to verify my level 2 already, goddamn.

See, the Panda thing was a good idea, and I don't know shit about coding a coin, but I assume the only thing you'd need to do to change Panda to Comedy Gold would be a new logo and just changing a few names around, so I don't think any of amDOGE's work would go to waste, and we'd have a funny coin out of it.

Don't forget /jp/ and [s4s]

>> No.20889

How do shitcoins keep getting accepted into exchanges?

>> No.20894
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>> No.20905

>mfw checking /g/
>mfw 10 threads for battoru station and startscreen on frontpage

>> No.20906

Get in early, i've been mining it for hours

>> No.20895
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>> No.20896


I'm scared doge.

will I dream

~DaIsY dAiSy~

>> No.20899

There's actually someone willing to pay for his pandacoin?

>> No.20900

I am unable to register at bamboohouse since trying yesterday. Always get token expired or accept T&C's no matter how fast I am on entering details (someone said it was I was slow which is bullshit). Tried in both FF and Chrome.

>> No.20903

Bribes and making easy money off the retards that buy them

>> No.20910

stop sucking up, we're not going to make a nicecoin.

>> No.20915

welp, RIP doge

>> No.20917

>There's actually someone willing to pay for his pandacoin?

Wolong is using his bitcoins to prop it up

>> No.20918

Is there a NEETcoin?

>> No.20922

yeah I took a peak in there earlier.

couldn't believe how fast it backslid.

>> No.20923

all of them

>> No.20926

Gee anon, if only there were something that could make you a little more...Nice™

Really though, I actually think Comedy Gold would be a fun coin that people could have some stupid fun with.

>> No.20928

>See, the Panda thing was a good idea, and I don't know shit about coding a coin, but I assume the only thing you'd need to do to change Panda to Comedy Gold would be a new logo and just changing a few names around, so I don't think any of amDOGE's work would go to waste, and we'd have a funny coin out of it.

yeah, but I think the learning experience is valuable enough. amdoge probably has a little fun figuring that stuff out as well.
Would only make for a smoother launch of a next one(if there will be one)

>> No.20929

leave pls

>> No.20931

>kind of want to sell my 1000 LTC for DOGE as LTC has been busy tanking hard since $35
>what do /biz

>> No.20932



>> No.20935

What is the song in the doge hype contest winner?

>> No.20936

Dump that shit already, LTC is real life going to die sooner or later.

>> No.20938

travel back in time?

>> No.20939


>> No.20940

/pol/ has given 4chan the following:

>good goy
>muh shekels
>JIDF Detected
>Intel = NSA/Mossad goys

pol was right about the following:
>Zimmerman trial cant flim flam the zim zam
>Zionists behind libya takeover, syria attempt
too many to name

>> No.20941


Ok i'm mining now.......what should I be checking for amDOGE?? There's no coins being generated right?

>> No.20946

sandstorm- darude

>> No.20948


Dogecoin is the comedy coin

>> No.20950


>> No.20952

>You have exceeded the pools configured PND warning threshold. Please initiate a transfer!

have confirmed coins

you got it.

>> No.20956

Sell your LTC right now, for fiat btc or doge for all i care but don't stay on that sinking ship

>> No.20957

>20941 GET

>> No.20963

but seriously

>> No.20964



Into the trash it goes

>> No.20960

there was a site that let you make coins easy, for like 0.1btc

>> No.20961


>> No.20962

>You have exceeded the pools configured PND warning threshold. Please initiate a transfer!

Why can't I hold all these 5 million coins?

>> No.20967
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>> No.20972

Looks better than yesterday.

>> No.20970

can i still try to solo mine using the wallet? will that work?

>> No.20971

because you are cancer?

>> No.20983

How exactly? I think you have a lot of pent up angst.

>> No.20978

Wolong took 200BTC downpayment of "investment" from fucking retards so he can pump his own coin in the hope it'll draw in yet more retards.

>> No.20979

for what coin?
doge = no
something else = maybe.

>> No.20980

Windows wallet when?

>> No.20981
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I'd seriously rather just learn to do it myself than pay someone to do it.

>> No.20985

4 million confirmed.

tfw ill probably never own 4 million of a coin ever.

>> No.20987

I started synchronizing my wallet at like noon and am still waiting on this shit.

>> No.20988

He's buying his own coin with the 200BTC he scammed for the ipo. This won't end well.

>> No.20989

How do I help amDoge with the Pandacoin troll?

Do I point my miners at his pool?

>> No.21005
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I think it's established that only the pool was broken yesterday.
What we need for a better launch is more pools.

>> No.21010

Ok amDOGE i'm getting confirmed coins this time..........seems like everything is fixed???

>> No.21008
File: 21 KB, 530x482, 1362115230223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math people. See if my math is correct.

Moolah said that he'll give 15% of his profits for his investors, the ones who will give him the sum of 250BTC. He said that he'll distribute proportionally to the value those people invested initially. There will be taxes also.

So, considering profits = P, amount invested (in btc) = D, taxes = T (0<T<1)
Is the return of this invetiment per month going to be
0.15xPxDx(1-T)/250 - ?

Considering this true and considering 1 BTC invested and taxes of 0.1, our returns are:
For P = 1,000 btc, return = 0,0054 BTC
For P = 10,00 btc, return = 0,054 BTC
For P = 100,0 btc, return = 0,54 BTC
For P = 1.000 btc, return = 5,4 BTC

I'm in for the long run, so I'm ok with the returns.

>> No.21011

are you trying to make a point?

>> No.21013

I'm pretty sure you get a cut prior to any taxation, so you can just dump that part of the equation

>> No.21015

I have 1000 DOGEs, should I just hold on until it is profitable?

>> No.21017

damn pool keeps logging me out, this is becoming a pain.

>> No.21018

doge wallet or btc wallet?

both can take ages.

I started reindexing my wallet hours ago and it's almost done now.

litewallets like multidoge can be good if you don't want a physical blockchain as a private ledger.

>> No.21022

I guess so.

>> No.21025


Yes. This is just a test launch right now

We could maybe officially launch tomorrow night.

>> No.21027

can we get some pools to add the coin we already got the windows QT lets launch tonight? we redo blockchain

>> No.21029

pls help

>> No.21031

You should buy more doge

>> No.21036


How can we get the word out for pool owners I wonder. Maybe post requests in the bitcointalk thread?

>> No.21041


I just got the dogecoin wallet. I hope I don't have to wait this long every time I use it. I shouldn't if I'm only a day behind instead of 9 weeks right?

>> No.21042

I don't understand the point of PandaCoin.

You guys have no exchanges for goods set up yet.

>> No.21043

Bamboohouse is the only pool right now.

We have enough testers but you can do that if you want.

I'm not sure.

>> No.21046

link to windows qt?

>> No.21052
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awww yeah, being rich here i come

>> No.21055

There's none.

>> No.21056

Why are we so low atm?

>> No.21057



We promised people would get notice a day before. If we start giving notice now, we could get a couple more pools and launch tommorrow night.

Too late too launch tonight now because Europe is asleep.

>> No.21059

Do we get to keep the test mine or will it be wiped at launch?

>> No.21061

i don't know? IRC maybe?

>> No.21062

tomorrow night would be better.
or sunday.

try for something like either 12pm gmt or like 12pm east coast America.

yeah the bitcointalk thread is a good place.


There are non 4channers more hyped about our pandacoin than wolongs.

because they trust 4chan and anonymous more than wolong.


god help us all.

>> No.21067

cryptsy will take us

bigVern is one of us

>> No.21069


>> No.21070

Until there is a way to exchange it for soda, it is worthless for me.

>> No.21071

someone posted this on the irc


>> No.21072

see >>20807

>> No.21081

So the purpose for the coin...is to exchange it for another coin...why bother with it in the first place?

>> No.21082


Our Pandacoin will be used to kill wolong's Pandacoin.

It's not supposed to be for anything else.

>> No.21073

so 3 things.
1 keeps logging me out, can this be fixed?
2 email verifications a bit annoying
3 tokens expired, can this be fixed?

>> No.21080

can anyone check on virustotal?

>> No.21094

Why not ignore it and just keep supporting DOGE?

>> No.21087

This will be invalidated with the new blockchain. It's useless.

1 Can't reproduce.
2 It's off now.
3 Like in every other MPOS pool, do a relogin.

>> No.21089

I really don't see how this affects his coin.

>> No.21092
File: 230 KB, 901x610, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can if you want, here's a screenshot of me running it. It was compiled by imhtep on IRC

>> No.21098

no once it syncs for the first time it's pretty painless. as long as it doesn't bork up like mine and you have to reindex.

you can also set it to run on startup and run in the background.

the current version of the wallet seems a little more buggy than it's predecessors but it actually does sync faster than what we had before.

>> No.21101


Cryptocoinnews already made an article today about a feud starting between Wolong's Pandacoin and 4chan's Pandacoin.

Hype is already starting.

>> No.21102

If anything this will most likely bring more attention to his coin. Hell I'm getting on it early. /doge/ isn't thinking straight on this one.

>> No.21106

oh alright. just don't want to end up in wolongs botnet

>> No.21104

is 1.752 million the cap on the pool? im not getting any more payouts

>> No.21105

I tried to initiate a transfer to the windows wallet. said manual payout confirmed.
but since the wallets 34 hours behind, no block source and no network connections.

does this mean its broke?

>> No.21119


The purpose it to confuse, dilute, discredit etc Wolong's scamcoin with an exact replica WITHOUT THE PREMINE.

>> No.21109

I'm not buying any of his shitcoin, but I do agree that this seems pretty pointless. I think the best thing to do is ignore his coin completely.

>> No.21110

read >>20807

>> No.21116

>For P = 1.000 btc, return = 5,4 BTC
1kBTC as of this moment is 664k USD, which is nothing considering that it will be a bank.

>> No.21121

What happened today gents?

>> No.21124

You guys moving to pandacoin is going to negatively affect DOGEcoin.

>> No.21126
File: 57 KB, 205x190, 1375864355731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real?

This is gonna be great

>> No.21130

never mind it just updated. still dont see anything in unconfirmed though

>> No.21131

nah. people want no premine and their full hashrate

>> No.21142

eh, i wrote an email to moolah, i'm willing to invest 1BTC

nothing to lose but 1 BTC, right?

>> No.21137

How long do you plan to do this until going back to DOGE?

>> No.21146

1 week or until wolong's coin is dead

>> No.21149

okay im gonna stop mining then if everythings working,.

>> No.21151


I'll still be minig DOGE anyway. Eventually try and convert any Pandacoins over to DOGE.

>> No.21152

What is 1BTC if the projected gains are astronomical?

>> No.21153


we are supporting doge.

it's just most of the people involved are long term holders of doge.

and we have r/dogecoin as our shield of good PR

imagine reddit as the good cop who is days from retirement and 4chan as the loose cannon that goes around jumping off buildings.

>> No.21161

lol just mined 60k coins in 5 seconds with my lil 80kh nvidia...

go to love 0.000001 diff

>> No.21166
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I guess that was a successful run. Does anyone want to continue testing or do I take it down until launch (whenever that is)?

>> No.21167


A few days. If the Pandacoins have any value at the end, i'll convert them to Doge anyway.

Wolong already copied the original Pandacoin, which is causing a lot of confusion. a 3rd coin will make things much worse for him.

>> No.21168

Protip: NYAN is at 2 diff right now.

>> No.21172

Can we test actually withdrawing coins?

>> No.21174

why not post on the btctalk thread lets get some pools going lets launch this thing lets get a new windows wallet going for the new blockchain

>> No.21175

I am sorry, I viewed this as.

"DOGECoin's mining difficulty has skyrocketed! The halvening will make our payouts horrible! Let's go find a new coin to support."

Any currency that's main purpose is for pumping and dumping is completely worthless.

>> No.21177

o shit it was 9 earlier today when i was thinking abt mining it

>> No.21178

And make transactions with said coins.

>> No.21181


Yeah you can take it down if you're happy with the test. We need to see if we can get a couple more pools before ETA on launch.

>> No.21192


I haven't mined doge in over a month.

I've mostly just bought what I wanted.

>> No.21184

why are the coins going straight to confirmed and not unconfirmed?


>> No.21186

Well, I'm mining it

>> No.21193

You are trying to discredit a scamcoin by confusing it with a legit coin?
I don't get it

>> No.21195

Who is mollah? Is he a trip?

>> No.21202

There's nothing to get, we're just fucking around

>> No.21197

Only one or two clients online to have a say on whether it's valid or not.

>> No.21203

You can solomine with the pandacoin-qt client, right?

>> No.21204

The coins are just internal. What counts is that MPOS doesn't break.

I think someone here wanted to do this.


We've skipped ~500 blocks before calculating the payouts.

>> No.21216

Are you setting up a GitHub for the clients?

>> No.21223
File: 8 KB, 445x303, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 minutes of mining on laptop


>> No.21218

I can upload the binaries, yes.

>> No.21221

wolong pls

>> No.21225


Actually "it's happening" is actually pretty viral and it came straight from /pol/

>> No.21232

Alright, thanks for the test run. Hopefully it will be as smooth on launch.

>> No.21229

I'll just make Equestrian Bit, and I'll get all the support I need.

>> No.21234
File: 58 KB, 789x270, 2014-02-14_20-38-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so rich.

>> No.21236

Wolongcoin up to 85 satoshi.

>> No.21238


I am excite

>> No.21239

Do the coins have any value yet?

>> No.21242

Thinking of investing all my Doge (200K) in Moolah, thoughts? I have mined them with free electricity so the only costs I've had so far is my rig.

amDOGE, how serious and trustworthy do you estimate Moolah on a scale from 1-10 (10 being the best?)

>> No.21245

Will someone send me 1 million when we launch?
just in case

>> No.21247

gief monie

>> No.21248

see >>20807


>> No.21249

Moolah? Can someone fill me in?

>> No.21253

as a rule of thumb, it's always wise to diversify your investments

>> No.21258
File: 204 KB, 750x506, dogebelfort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold all my DOGE at 290

Bought back at 240

Call me fucking Jordan B. Bitches and Boats lifestyle there I go

>> No.21265
File: 156 KB, 600x600, 1392252759853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys you can call me a greedy jew if you want but fuck btctalk lets launch this coin only for us like the original fedoracoin was supposed to be. this coin was made for fun and to fuck up wolong we allow the kikes on btctalk with 2000mh rigs mine this coin its gona go to shit

>> No.21267


>> No.21270

The chickens will come home to roost.

>> No.21271


I thought this was just a webpage and some sort of doge ATM's? pls amDOGE. Is it an alt too now?

I have 500K doge so I could put 50K doge on a crypto business opportunity if worth it (be it an about to explode alt or whatever)

>> No.21276

He's building a platform for Crypto based in Switzerland. He had 5 days of announcements (today is 5th), He's got some nice things planne (FIAT exchange, online wallet, apps, something with mastercard debit card...)

Danke für die Einschätzung.

>> No.21277

Alright, but this doesn't really tell me what the investment is all about?

>> No.21278


It's simple. Wolong has been bragging on irc about destroying Dogecoin daytraders on 4chan with his pumps and dumps on Doge.

Wolong's new coin is, in his own words, to be a competitor of Dogecoin.

Wolong's coin is a copy of another guys coin (original Pandacoin). Wolong's coin has a 3 billion premine.Wolong's coin is being manipulated by him buying his own coin with a 200btc ipo he scammed out of "investors".

It seems cryptsy isn't gonna accept Wolong's coin because of the premine.

We cloned his coin WITHOUT PREMINE and hopefully we can get it on cryptsy (unlike his)......which will pretty much kill the credibilty of wolong's coin.

>> No.21279

Moolah does cool stuff. http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/1xxi5f/day_5_not_with_a_fizzle_but_with_a_bang

>> No.21280

the best way to troll wolong is to get bitcointalk in on it.

>> No.21283


>> No.21285


>> No.21291

which pool?

>> No.21296

>pie hivemind

>> No.21299

>with the first payment starting 1st April, 2014.


>> No.21300

Are 270x worth $10-20 more over a 270?

>> No.21293
File: 983 KB, 250x141, i&#039;m okay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had orders to do this
>bter kept putting the sell order at 300 regardless of what i entered
>no response from support

>> No.21307


>> No.21308
File: 64 KB, 640x426, oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21310

Depends on how much you like consonants.

>> No.21305

No. Just OC.

>> No.21313

well, I dunno about you guys, but the money looks too good. mining wololocoin.

Not gonna get stuck with this shit, though, dumping quick.

>> No.21314

cryptos crashing all around


oh god when

will i be able to buy R280/R290s for MSRP or only slightly above it

so sick of 50-100% markups

>> No.21315

No, they are the same card essentially except the x draws more power. My 270s run at 486kh/s, my one 270x in my desktop rig runs at 490kh/s. Whoopdeedoop.

>> No.21317



>> No.21321

X does make it sound cool

>> No.21322

>cryptos crashing all around
I'm not sure what you're watching, but everything is up today from yesterday.

>> No.21325

and everything is down 100% over the last few weeks m8

bitcoin crashing = your satoshi are worth less than half = all profits down

>> No.21326

I have a 270zx that draws less power than an ASIC and mines at 4GH/s.

>> No.21336

I can do that.

>> No.21337
File: 12 KB, 251x251, time for cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to check out NYAN since it's currently on 2diff and is at 2000 satoshi

Get on it before people notice and jack up the hashrate even more

>> No.21329

amDoge can you release the wallet for the next blockchain and just password protect it? ill feel much safer knowing you made it than some random anon

>> No.21341

I did the opposite but only because the price sky rocketed when I slept. I made 5 decent trades in a row before that.

>> No.21347


When will you be back on here tomorrow amDOGE?? I'm thinking we could try to launch tomorrow mid-evening (EU time). People need a good 12-14 hours advance notice.

>> No.21349

Anons, can you keep this bumped please?


The more we bump it, the more likely someone is to answer our request for a pool

>> No.21352

>gona go to shit

it's already shit

it's coming out of the over pre baked as a pile of shit

that's kinda the point.

>> No.21343

MDE on crypto

>> No.21360

I'll probably back in about 8-10 hours.

Thank you for creating this.

>> No.21361

nice leets but you are a bagholder for the japs atm m8ecake

>> No.21362

guys? guys

i'm gone over the weekend, so don't do any fun stuff without me. ok guys? thanks, i'll be back monday

love you all, xoxo

>> No.21371

Too many fucking alt coins. No idea what to fucking mine anymore.

>> No.21369

Praise moot

>> No.21370

yo i'm going to mess around with my vps tomorrow and see if i can get an mpos pool setup before the launch :_)

shouldn't be too hard right?
y-you guys will help me on #do/g/ecoin right?

>> No.21374


Just bumped it lol

>> No.21375


just mine doge

>> No.21378
File: 69 KB, 207x207, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doge 2.0 & PandaCoin 3.0
>Doge 2.0

>> No.21394

That's a great idea actually

>> No.21386
File: 27 KB, 1152x395, HELP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official dogechain blockchain needs two new servers and is asking for donations.


>> No.21387

Guys. FlappyCoin.
Everyone is fucking addicted to flappy bird right now.

>> No.21388

Get in #therealpandacoin on Freenode and I'll help you

>> No.21389


Mine our /biz/ Pandacoin and then after we've destroyed Wolong's version we can dump millions for Dogecoin.

>> No.21390

It did kinda fork.

>> No.21395

Shouldn't amdoges pool be already mentioned in the list?

>> No.21396

What kind of money could I be making monthly with 0.1 BTC investment? How do you calculate this shit?

>> No.21397

I have 4 servers with about 64ghz cpu speed collectively. What can I do with this?
Was going to install Litecoin-BAMT on it to mine doge. Is it worth installing cpuminer on it instead of mining with cgminer?

>> No.21401

amDoge, see this. Launch a FlappyCoin instead of the scamcoin 3. We will make rivers of money.

>> No.21398

You can fart around with all the others for hours and hours or just get your life back and stay with doge, which is the only coin you really care about if you are honest with yourself and have been with it since it started.

>> No.21399

>that thread

now that's fun

>> No.21404

It's just odd that one guy is calling it doge 2.0 after the influx of hundreds of doge clones.

Depends on their income. There's no way to possibly tell the future.

>> No.21413

is this the official explorer?
b/c it can't be the actual blockchain, itself

>> No.21414

>Some guy in Turkey said he would even sell Topkeks for Comedy Gold


>> No.21415


Shit where is the guy who posted the thread??? We need him to update it.

>> No.21418

Hi guys i recently bought a r9 290, but i'm getting 15khash/s on cgminer please help.

>> No.21421


>> No.21422

>estimate their monthly profit
>take 15% from that
>take again 0.04% from that
that's your profit

>> No.21424

PND already has too much interest. Maybe next time.

>> No.21426
File: 242 KB, 680x544, 1382855694489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they make a 100 BTC profit then they take 15% of that, which would be 15 BTC and split it 250 ways, which would be .06 BTC per share, if you invest .1 BTC then you get uh, .006 BTC?

Something like that.

>> No.21428

Which is it? You can make a pandacoin 3.0 server for us and be a hero and a billionaire or you can mine tiny amounts of a coin for yourself.

>> No.21429

flappycoin already exists.

>> No.21432

You dont love money? Fuck you.

>> No.21433


No. The purpose is destroying wolong, not money.

>> No.21441

Yeah, we've already stirred up enough controversy, might as well ride the wave

>> No.21446


>> No.21445

thnx, i'll be there tomorrow
just reading up the mpos documentation on github right now, what kind of stats should i need for the server?

>> No.21447

So, Doge thread. How does it feel to let moot created this board for currencies and for other business related topics?

>> No.21448

You're thinking of MONA, which is also good

>> No.21453

What about hitting the multipools, do they convert to btc for you?

>> No.21451


>> No.21464

I like the idea of it a lot, I just hope we can keep /pol/ in check.

>> No.21466
File: 1.45 MB, 2048x1536, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be able to make that happen.

>> No.21467

Goodbuy, memecoiners.

>> No.21474

The crash is over. Have you followed this more than a week? Do you not understand that the crypto market is cyclical?

>> No.21472


amDOGE, lets aim for maybe 10pm launch (euro time) tomorrow? That will give both Euro and US shibes a fair chance to mine the wolong-killer.

If we can't get more pools in time, maybe launch sunday.

>> No.21475

The Mona dev is planning on dropping it and develop Sakuracoin only.

source: dev twitter, google translate

>> No.21486

Sounds good.

>> No.21487

Why? Too many gaijins hijacking it?

>> No.21494


It's like people hate money.

>> No.21499

Actually yes. Japs hate gaijins.

>> No.21500

What kind of gains could I make with 0.1 investment? how do I calculate this shit and where can I learn more about this? im need more info to get convinced

>> No.21501


>> No.21510

think maybe you or someone else can have a compiled windows qt up by then?

>> No.21511

Oh I know that much, I just thought they'd stick to it, I mean, how do they plan on protecting a coin from foreign miners?

>> No.21524

They are shits but I like their cartoons and soba even though they raped an entire Chinese town including the babies by cutting them open to rape them better.


Your average jap doesn't even know this happened.

>> No.21515



>> No.21519

Nobody knows since there's no way to project their profit margins at this point. Just gotta wait and see.

>> No.21520


Considering 0.1 BTC invested and taxes of 0.1, our returns are:
For Profits = 1,000 btc, return = 0,00054 BTC
For Profits = 10,00 btc, return = 0,0054 BTC
For Profits = 100,0 btc, return = 0,054 BTC
For Profits = 1.000 btc, return = 0,54 BTC

>> No.21521

>not allowing neckbeards to use up hardware for free and use up free electricity
>not liking money

does not compute

>> No.21525

Go back to middleschool, retard.

>> No.21528

Some anon compiled the two existing ones. I hope he's online tomorrow.

>> No.21531

>not allowing neckbeards to use up hardware and electricity for a big cut

>> No.21534


amDOGE, do we need to re-register again on bamboohouse tomorrow night?

>> No.21535

>inverting . and ,

>> No.21541

I'll try to leave the accounts in the db.

>> No.21542

Exactly. What kind of fucked up euroshitter does that.

Why not just say 1 10 100 1000?

>> No.21543

he is in the irc currently, should i leave a message?

>> No.21537

so is the pool back up again? is pnd happening?

>> No.21540
File: 114 KB, 870x627, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21544

pls respond

>> No.21546


Yes. Tomorrow around 10pm (europe) we launch.

>> No.21554 [DELETED] 

Lucky day at doge-dice?

>> No.21548
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 1388254705092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






ALGO: YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








>> No.21556

What does this mean. If they make 1,000 btc monthly, I get 0,00054BTC etc..? where did you get these calculations from?
Also, is 1000 btc profits realistic? what if amazon, ebay etc or whatever decide they start doing it all themselves for profit?

>> No.21557

You are right.

>> No.21562


lol one of the guys in here last night made that to piss off Wolong in the board.

>> No.21563

You get your investment x / 250 (in BTC) * 0.15 of their monthly profit. It's not that hard, seriously.

>> No.21564

Lucky day at doge-dice?

>> No.21565

>still doesn't know Europe is bigger than 10 square feet

>> No.21566

europe has like 3 time zones

>> No.21570

>where did you get these calculations from?

>> No.21575

how long does it normally take for indogewetrust to deliver free dogecoins?

>> No.21579


amDOGE, can you ask in the irc about the guy who made the bitcointalk thread. We need to put updated links on it tomorrow for the launch.

>> No.21585


Pics or never happened.

>> No.21582

>>21556 see >>21008

>> No.21587

I don't know, but I've been waiting 2 days for my 18.6 doge.

>> No.21588

If it makes you happy you can certainly send me some. I would be happy, that is for sure


>> No.21590

me pl0x :3
ty anon ~~

>> No.21591


>> No.21592


>> No.21595


10pm amDOGE time

>> No.21603

which time zone is that?

>> No.21604


>> No.21620

If anything he's probably read your post already.

>> No.21641

>forked wallet

good luck m8

>> No.21693

I'll take whatever you can give

>> No.21991
File: 8 KB, 299x168, 1389061333359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have read your post already.
i'm in the irc

>> No.23312

DF4A8FPEEQhfJyB6uneH8hDXNz5jp8qJyT thanks if you have some left