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20686185 No.20686185 [Reply] [Original]

Made a shit ton off PAMP and looking for my next x100 biz

shill be on the next x10-x100 gem on here

>> No.20686201

ISLA still has a lot of legs looks like, there's an easy 2x on SXP too

>> No.20686214
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hottest coin on 4chan and uniswap right now besides AMPL

>> No.20686245

I scooped up 100,000 Libertas the other day. It's a free speech platform. You can learn more about them at Libertas.network.

I can tell by the Telegram that the creator truly believes in the project, which is why I'm gonna hodl it for a bit.

Has yet to be listed on coingecko or any major exchanges.

>> No.20686278

$BDAO is still under 100k cap. Legit Korean team, Korean telegram community (most holders from there). Project launched 1 day ago. Not even on gecko. Site still in development (bdao.network). Might be worth looking at, I think in this market it will x10 with ease in days.

>> No.20686440

Anon, the only token that make you x10+ gains right now is DEV protocol

600k Token supply
1.2M market cap
Microsoft backed
Price has a long way to go upward big exchanges coming next week

>> No.20686476

>Made a shit ton off PAMP

Imagine selling PAMP at a dollar, kek. RIP

>> No.20686488

Best you can get from Uniswap is ETH or LINK.

>> No.20686546

token address? where do u trade it?

>> No.20686597

In the boom of DeFi, a personal finance moment people often have forgotten the role of MSME businesses played in the economy. That's where the Tokoin ecosystem came into the picture to leverage decentralization perks to MSME enterprises.

>> No.20686644


Interesting project, and it's getting listed on IDEX/CoinGecko soon, so the price is about to moon

>> No.20686692
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I admit, you have to be a genius to understand Imperial at this stage.

>> No.20686809

How soon are the listings and how can you be sure it's not a rug pull under the guise of freedom of speech?

>> No.20686823
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>> No.20686854
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RWS only 600k Marketcap and you make x2 the gains because $XRT will also pump.
You need $XRT to buy $RWS.
One of the first projects which will launch on Polkadot/Kusama.

>> No.20686957

Dev has been sharing a lot about the listing process on the Telegram group, and he seems pretty invested in the project. Of course it's still a gamble, but hey, all of these coins are

>> No.20687092



Not op but I picked up 30k Earlier just to see where this goes

>> No.20687117

Cloutblock got listed in Coinbase and is still under one cent

>> No.20687239

their dev used a fake picture so I don't trust them at all

>> No.20687316


>> No.20687336

this is the defi top boys, alts are done now and it is time for BTC and ETH to run.

>> No.20687420

There’ll probably still be a pump to ride

>> No.20687445

Good thing I'm in STA and STA rides on the coattails of ETH and BTC.

>> No.20687469

Give me the link, dad. I can't Google for myself.

>> No.20687924

I think Parachute will do well, big announcement tomorrow. Buy now and hold for a day to get some quick gains!

>> No.20688049



These are all 100x within 6 months

>> No.20688068

Based STAtesman. STATERA is minimum 600x long term

Also look into RING and XOR

>> No.20688090

got 400k of that one and 30k of askobar

>> No.20688152

would've legit been isla a few days ago
par isn't gonna x100 but it'll prob balloon a bit with the new site and shilling on here

don't bother with pajeet bdao, dev protocol, blockclout will probably get a boost but is ultimately shit

>> No.20688162

got proof for announcement? ive been eyeing this token

>> No.20688323

uniswap liquidity rewards plan, new site is up and running

honestly it's prob the next safest baby moonshot after isla's earlier

>> No.20688324

That’s what convinced me to hodl. Anyone who doubts should check it out for themselves.

>> No.20688394

DEXT has a working product, should do at least a x20.

>> No.20688463

Some stuff on Twitter hinting at a weekend announcement. It'll be a mini moon so don't expect huge returns but a 2x or 3x isn't out of the question.

>> No.20688510

I'm gonna wait til PAR pumps then swing it into PNK. It's down now so it should bounce and get good returns.

>> No.20688540

it's up 1000% in the last 30 days--not sure about it x20, but it'll prob do well in the next few weeks

>> No.20688613

yeah i'm moving around some funds from hodl tokens to get my pump on par, then redistribute into presale bree and maaaybe pnk, but depending on how big the bump is i'll get some cap as well

will always get isla if it dips (i've been praying lol) but i think it's left the station

>> No.20688616

1.4m marketcap, 110,000,000 supply, Trading on uniswap, bittrex and coinex

just starting to gain traction

>> No.20688658

I could see VSN actually mooning even though it got intense fud. The numbers are there. Too much early trading volume to fail anytime soon.

>> No.20688694
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Just put 15 eth into DEC. VC backing extremely underrated. Easy 10x from here.

>> No.20688712

yeah both vsn and blockclout are absolute shit imo but at the very least you'll be riding some sort of buyers remorse/false hype pump
riskier tho bc the bottom could fall out if the money starts to wean

>> No.20688983

The only real answer in here

>> No.20689336

STOP shilling priceless gems you fucking clueless motherfucker. I'm serious, you're literally giving free money away to leeches who don't put in any effort, research, time. You were the outcast in school who sat alone off to the corner who the teacher didn't even like

>> No.20689915

>gives examples of /pol/ talking heads as deplatformed people
do you really think it's going to get within ten miles of even the idea of mainstream adoption

>> No.20690030

Just to add to this, more BDAO info:

>t dot me/BdaoNetwork

I read some comments on telegram earlier that the staking function may not be working correctly? So I'm not staking mine.

And there's some weird shit like you have to allow for >5% slippage on uniswap, since there's a 4% "tax" when you transact.

>> No.20690211

Buy $DEV

>> No.20690384

BZRX easy

>> No.20690436

>imagine not ever taking profits

>> No.20690630
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>> No.20690853
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Just released, 100 holders under 100kmc and being mentioned here/twitter

>> No.20691000
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reB∆SE just launched

it takes the best parts of AMPL and makes it better

their discord etc is on their website https://www.rebase.capital

>> No.20691044



>> No.20691054

Scam the real coin is called bidao. Careful guys.

>> No.20691075
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$MTA starting up again.


>> No.20691083

This is the most bullish thing I've seen for AMPL yet

>> No.20691097

Sell dude, it’s a scam contract, the real coin is called bidao

>> No.20691105
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$0.12 @ $352,810.98 Market Cap

>> No.20691160

Bidao is a different coin.
The similar name doesn't mean bdao is a scam.

>> No.20691278

Have a look at Stonk - a complete recode and new direction coming within two weeks, might as well be an entirely new project apparently. Possibly more like Ampleforth. Not much detail but expecting big news to drop at any moment so now is a great time to get in.

>> No.20691440

All in statera and i'll see you at the 2020 winter statesmen's ball while we deepdick each other's 10/10 passable tranny escorts

>> No.20691515

Anon this project albeit slow to grow, is going to be huge.

>> No.20691714

phew, thanks, got out and made a bit

>> No.20691763

>buying the top

>> No.20691868
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>> No.20692100

You fucking assholes.
Just lost mye eth on uniswap for your shit coin. Was successful but did not make it into my wallet im drunk and pissed

>> No.20692161

Why the fuck does uniswap duck so bad. Just takes your eth and you get nothing

>> No.20692423

You have to add the new token to see it

>> No.20692613

add token man. also nice dubs

>> No.20692811

No it doesn't, check their github for the smart contract. The only thing it does is burn tokens on every transaction. There's nothing in there pegging the token's price to ETH or BTC.
I went and checked out the project and it's scammy af: 0 github activity, smart contract is something out of Solidity 101 tutorial that does absolutely nothing. No community either... I know this is crypto and coins have achieved 100m mcap with less than that, but still figured i'd give you guys a heads up to get out early.

>> No.20693605
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it does suck majorly

the trade/gas fees of horrendous