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20685311 No.20685311 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, just sold all my LINK and went all in ETH, I couldn't take it anymore. What am I in for?

>> No.20685404

>he literally sold the bottom of Link
>he literally bought the top of ETH

>> No.20685423
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>> No.20685424

Financial freedom, it's good that you finally saw the light of Vitalik.

>> No.20685437

>Sell low, buy high
Never change, /biz/

>> No.20685450

>buy ____
>sell ___

>> No.20685465


>> No.20685477
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Why would you sell LINK at near it's local bottom to buy a higher marketcap crypto that just pumped? I could understand buying some low cap defi shitcoins, but anon only thing you will be buying any time soon is rope.

>> No.20685551
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Plus the polkadot fud also played a role in the decision. Made me realise we might see first layer oracle solutions appearing now that the dev community is aware of the issue (and they hate Chainlink). Everyone is developing on and using ETH, staking is around the corner, banks will soon have eth custody, etc... We're at the beginning of the bullrun I don't want to risk it, this seems like the best choice

>> No.20685567

> local bottom, sure buddy

>> No.20685631

I sold ~40% of my BTC and ETH over the last month to buy more LINK, PNK, & TQQQ.
I feel like a retard right now, but I think you made a worse decision than me.

>> No.20685657
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>What am I in for?

An increase in your SAT net worth.

Well done. LINK is crawling back to $3.

>> No.20685662

Tell us the bottom then you faggot

>> No.20686003

You’re an idiot

>> No.20686004


>> No.20686791

I remember when I considered selling all my LINK for BTC back in April/May, wow what a mistake that would've been

>> No.20686833

based and bait pilled

>> No.20686869

>plastic pearls

>> No.20686920

>he sold his LINK? pump it.
>he bought ETH? dump it.

>> No.20686962

I’m really thinking about doing this..:. Help me bro’s

>> No.20686963

Good choice. The other linkcucks will follow soon in desperation

>> No.20687009


Link will eventually pump way more than eth.

>> No.20687016

If you want ETH just buy it with cash

>> No.20687028


>> No.20687159
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do it faggot but leave some cash for the rope, you will need it soon

>> No.20687213

if eth never hit 1k usd no one would invest in this retard. look at him. better yet, listen to him talk.

>> No.20687226

Ok, thanks, market selling now.

>> No.20687256

lol you sold the bottom of link and bought the top of eth AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.20687299

I was all in Link a few weeks ago. Now I'm about 90% Link 10%Eth. I'm really debating going 50/50 but ETH just pumped, and Link is poised to take off, so I'm going to wait.

I suggest you wait until ETH cools down, and Link rockets before making the switch.

>> No.20687395

That’s kinda what I’m thinking’s what’s annoying is I saw this coming like 2 weeks but just couldn’t force myself to do it

>> No.20687424

Basically what I'm doing too. Sold off 1K linkies for ETH seeing as it broke resistance, I could see it headed for $500-600 in a month or two. If LINK pumps again like I'm thinking it will I'll sell that for ETH

I see a lot of newfags thinking because something does 10% in a day it's going to just go back down, can't remember how many times I've seen crypto go up 10% one day only to do 30% the day after, and ETH feels like it's about to do that soon

>> No.20687427

either eth will moon or link will dump soon, giving you a shot of confidence in making the right decision, but then you'll fuck up. that's my prediction.

>> No.20687471

link does seem overvalued right now, as it's at all time highs or near it. and ETH seems undervalued. who the fuck knows

>> No.20687513


>> No.20687616

My gut instinct has been right more often than the meme lines I see shitposted, as far as I'm concerned TA is only good for a general idea of where I need to keep an eye on the price

The second the rest of the crypto space starts thinking ETH was at a bottom it'll be like when BTC went from 3-4K to 8K

>> No.20687701

should i sell 500 of my link for eth

>> No.20687758
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That's right. I've been taking profits too early, but this is my first bullrun so I'm really conservative.
Are you going to swap link for eth after the next pump?

>> No.20687811

You're in for a dump down to 250 and another year of sideways ratio bleeding vs. BTC

>> No.20687894

probably, looks like LINK is going to start pumping soon, as the very least I'm sick of sitting through LINK pumps and not taking profit while watching it fall another 50% in value, it's been the best investment I've ever had but I don't want to hold through the top (for the 4rd time)

I'm probably only going to sell off enough to get ~40 ETH though so I'll have plenty of LINK left over

>> No.20687945

lol talking like nobody can go online and search to confirm what you said was true or false

>> No.20687966

>ScamSTINK at $7
Go back
Link peaked
Ethereum runs the market

Ok I won't reply to retards anymore you get the point.

Well done OP.

>> No.20688237
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post proof of transactions you absolute discord tranny larper or 500 "stack" link ex-holder lmao

>> No.20688246

chasing pumps is a good way to lose your money

>> No.20689050
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Went in 3.5k on LINK, basically 1month’s pay from my cagie job.

Small price to pay for salvation. Not fucking selling. I’m part of this fucking cult now. $50 per LINK can absolutely happen.