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2068361 No.2068361 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, I have to pay fees to transfer bitcoins from one address to another? So if I transfer from my cold wallet to an exchange and back again, I have to pay fees twice ONTOP of the trading fees? How do you people tolerate this nickeling an diming? The future is shit, man.

>> No.2068372

This man has bitcoins. If that doesn't make you sell idk what will at this point.

>> No.2068378

Bitcoin is SHIT!


Plenty of other coins have no fees or virtually no fees.

If you had to choose between BTC, ETH, and LTC, go with ETH.

But anyway, Bitcoin BTC has and always will be shit. It's like a dollar to transfer now.

We've been telling you it's a fucking bubble and now the bubble is popping. Move the money somewhere ELSE.

>> No.2068414

I recently fell for the BTC meme. Nobody warned me of the fees everywhere. This shit is more Jewish than my bank. Luckily I only put a $100 into it. These fees are terrible for anything beyond laundering large amounts of money.

>> No.2068474

>But anyway, Bitcoin BTC has and always will be shit. It's like a dollar to transfer now.
Fuck I just read about this. AND THE FEE KEEPS CLIMBING EVERY YEAR. $5 transaction fees will kill BTC if it ever gets that popular.

>> No.2068491

>dump your BTC for some shitcoin that nobody use which is why it's cheaper and faster

enjoy being poor by selling your moon tickets

>> No.2068499

Yet it keeps on going up

>> No.2068500

BTC is like gold you dumb cuck, it's not meant to pay coffes with it. If you can't pay the current fees to move money in a decentralized, permissionless way then use paypal or wait for the lightning network.

>> No.2068508

The fee goes up exponentially with the price.

>> No.2068522

Don't waste your time. Let these fags dump and enjoy the show once the scaling issue gets resolved.

>> No.2068618

>Bitcoin crash soon after

What are you smoking? Forking bitcoin will destroy it at this point.

>> No.2068651

How the fuck does my comment imply anything at all about a hard fork? I swear you newcrypto fags are getting dumber every day.
Bitcoin's scaling problem does not require a hard fork to get resolved.
>Forking bitcoin will destroy it at this point.
Also false. Even if the worst happens and Bitcoin gets hard forked a temporary price dip does not mean "destroyed".

>> No.2068663

And if the scaling issue doesn't get resolved? The fee keeps going up exponentially whether the price goes up or down so the developers better start thinking fast before it's $5/transaction by next year.

>> No.2068690

the fee is directly proportional to the market's interest/demand of the network. In order for the fees to be 5$, many millions of people would have to be using the network in order to move massive amounts of money around in order to justify this high of a fee. I personally have no problem with paying a sufficient fee to support a network as liberating and secure as BitcoiN. People are scammed of their money every single day by corrupt institutions and yet they bitch and complain when they have to contribute to something that really matters.

>> No.2068713

Unlike you hoarders, I'm also interested in the currency aspect. This shit will never be widely adopted in businesses if people have to pay a ridiculous hidden tax.

>> No.2068750

>ridiculous hidden tax
The fee is not ridiculous nor is it hidden. It is determined by supply and demand just like anything else on the free market. It goes towards securing the network and making sure it is used for meaningful things.
You are paying the hidden fee if inflation every time you use the dollar and the banks are making their hidden profits with your hard earned cash every time you give it to them.
No such thing as free lunch. In order for something to have guaranteed security there has to be some sort of compensation going to whoever/whatever is securing it. Everything else are pipe dreams.

>> No.2068761


It's way worse than banking fees though.

I just had to wire money from my bank to Kraken's in order to make a deposit (no other way in Canada) and they charged me $40, and then Kraken themselves when it finally showed up took an additional $35. Why, every time I want to put fiat money onto an exchange, I have to pay 75 bucks and -then- pay all the additional fees that come with every transaction. Shit's fucking outrageous

>> No.2068769

>The fee is not ridiculous nor is it hidden.
It's already over $1 at miniscule interest. It's growing faster than any developed world inflation. If Bitcoin is widely adopted, it's going to trump Zimbabwe level of inflation. You're rationalizing exponential growth of fees.

>> No.2068785

The fees you paid have nothing to do with Bitcoin. They are a combination of the Canadian government's regulation scheme and the exchange's profit for providing you the convenience of using their platform.

>> No.2068806

And yet people are still willing to pay in order to use the network. It hasn't stopped. The fees will go as high as they should in order to level with the overwhelming demand until a better solution is found. If this doesnt get resolved then Bitcoin will simply fill a niche environment and will only be used for large sum transactions that justify the fees. If it does the transaction fees will go back down to the point where they are enough to sustain the network.

>> No.2068855

>And yet people are still willing to pay in order to use the network. It hasn't stopped.
The fee is a like an inflation. Doesn't matter if people buy into it if the fees keep pace with the price. Woopie, my wealth grew by 10 but so did my fees. How the fuck is that viable for businesses? You sound ridiculous for criticizing banks and inflation while ignoring the hidden inflation of BTC.

>> No.2068886

You are either confused or uneducated on Bitcoin's fees.
In Bitcoin, you pay a flat fee regardless of the amount you are sending.It is not a percentage. Please tell me you understand this simple fact and then explain to me how $1 fee per transaction is considered inflation when you are sending thousands of dollars per transaction.