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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20679588 No.20679588 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20680289

I've got 70k is that enough?

>> No.20680338

Make your best case for Kleros to me and all the normie faggs lurking this thread

>> No.20680449

sell and rebuy at 4.5 cents sirs. now is the time to take a bit of profit, we've all earned it

>> No.20680554

Selling now is retarded. This is the bottom. We’ll be up again, couple days max

>> No.20680622

Fuckkkkk, i hope it goes a bit lower so I can rebuy, you don't see this going to 5 cents at least? I think it'll go a little bit lower. What makes you say this is the bottom?

>> No.20680659

I sold at 0.000275 eth. Bought back at 0.000205. That's a 40% drop almost. Don't be greedy anon. They are dropping new dapps any day

>> No.20680702

Yeah, I guess you're right. I should just buy back now while I still can I suppose. I wish I had the foresight to sell at 8 cents... Do you have any tips for me to spot a local top better? I always second guess my instincts. Thank you sir

>> No.20680748

eh low caps are more so intuitive than TA based. It was starting to stall out in that range and FUD was beginning to circulate over the court case drama

>> No.20680763

I think it might hit 5, at the very lowest. I wouldn’t count on 4.5 personally. We’re already down like 40% in ETH, hell we were down 30% in usd in one day. And i think once case 302 (and the precedent case 301, look into it) are over, we’ll fly again

>> No.20680806

Fly into the depths of the Ganges? Lmao Kleros is definitely the funniest scam of them all.

>> No.20680847

You guys have been saying this since november, you could’ve 16x’d in fiat.

>> No.20680852

What are you invested in anon?

>> No.20680853

I suppose I'll get better at detecting tops with more experience. I had a strong feeling to sell but the fear held me back. I was feeling very euphoric and doped up at 8 cents so that might be another sell signal. it's so tricky.

I'll definitely buy at 5 cents, don't wanna push my luck. Pray for me brothers, I wanna get to 100k, I promise after the dip I'll be ready for the moon mission. We'll be on the space shuttle together :)

>> No.20680882

OMG this memes ,, it is having this meme energy like LINK ! I am laugh at this memes ,

>> No.20680916

Yeah, whenever you’re thinking “damn this trade’s going really well!” It’s usually a good idea to sell at least a percentage of your position, especially on lowcaps as others have said. Once price is established longterm i’d just hold

>> No.20681068
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>brainlet / retard here

Can anyone explain to me in laymans terms how case 302 caused the pnk value to drop?

Thanks in advance guys.

>> No.20681089

anyone staking this and doing cases? making money? why the FUCK is the gas fee almost 10$ to stake 20k in the fucking blockchain general court

>> No.20681103

It's mostly FUD, but it's because the answer to the question is clearly Yes but one of the devs voted with 69 million pnk which accounted for 80 votes and skewed the vote to No, now it's unclear whether or not Yes will win, because since people can see the votes they might just vote No because it is the winning side and they don't want to lose money even if they don't agree with it.

>> No.20681135

Sentiment surrounding the platform temporarily shifted because it was found that several whales were in possession of large numbers of jurors. IMO this will blow over

>> No.20681143

anyone have tips of which courts to stake?
do i just put it all in general?

>> No.20681205

lol, then it's not fud. That's atrocious... considering what Kleros is trying to do. Makes me fearful, uncertain, and dubious

>> No.20681321

Yeah it's pretty fucked if you ask me, someone suggested that the devs did it on purpose to see how easy it is to skew the votes and to redistribute their massive amount of staked PNK to the winning side, this is assuming that people will vote for what they think is correct (Yes) rather than vote with what they think will win (No). I think if Yes wins still it would be a good sign. Regardless of their intention, I think it was retarded, and they should definitely make it so that you can't see the votes before voting. The whole thing is really sketchy, but I'm sure they'll make some changes now. Better for this to happen sooner than later right?

>> No.20681357

private votes are currently being voted in as a court parameter

>> No.20681388

nice, in my opinion there is no case where votes shouldn't be private, it just doesn't even make any sense. Dialogue and debate should be open but public voting is fucking asinine

>> No.20681437

for sure. if i initiated this case i would be pissed

>> No.20681493

why were they ever public

>> No.20681501

because every case so far has been some minor shit like submitting tokens to the registry or some pajeet trying to get money for tweeting on twitter

>> No.20681518

case 302 apparently escalated faster than the team thought it would. they also assumed realitio would resolve it. plus theres also realitio that FUCKED up and made it so disputes arbitrated through kleros cant be appealed

>> No.20681874

This is a legit question, I thought everyone should just vote what the would think to be the right answer and not be manipulated by the others. Isn't that the whole point of the shelling point, NYC central station etc...


>> No.20681928

Also, why would you have more votes if you stake large amounts of pnk. I thought everyone only gets to vote once no matter the stack.
I understand that it's more likely to get drawn with large amounts but why can you vote more than once?

>> No.20682041

i answered it above. plus the vote is in progress to switch it back. i do agree its fucked - but likely oversight

your risk w/ siding with the minority is much greater as a whale. imagine if the 'no' side only has the 80 votes from the whale and yes completely demolishes them. he has like 5m usd in pnk and at that size thats a punishment of thousands of dollars for the wrong decision

>> No.20682049

I agree all the way. It's strange to me how they haven't thought this through even though the Kleros project is thoroughly fleshed out and the 300 page whitepaper pretty much addresses everything, these errors seem like a total lapse in judgement on their part. I'm sure they'll learn from this, as it is the biggest case yet and brought attention to these flaws. The voting more than once is strange too, 1 vote per person is how it should be, otherwise what, people with more money can vote more? Makes no sense to me. I too thought that staking more PNK only meant that you are more likely to get drawn as a juror.

>> No.20682060

keep in mind theres another large vote whale that hasnt voted yet AND has been selected for case 301. nobody knows about case 301 which seeks precedent to solidify YES' argument

>> No.20682078

the logic is that private votes take 2 on-chain tx vs one so requiring 2 tx for small cases would be gas prohibitive and no one would ever vote because it would cost more gas than the reward

>> No.20682721

do you need an eth tx for every single vote? cant they compile all the votes and then into one large tx?

>> No.20682944

so .... satsgang is cashing out on this now?

>> No.20683035

It was never a satsgang coin. They pumped and dumped numerous others while this project made steady gains.

>> No.20683419

send help

>> No.20684109

RIP kleros
its fitting that their shithead dev caused it