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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20679374 No.20679374 [Reply] [Original]

Give me 1 valid reason that DMG won't be worth $10 by the end of 2021

>Hint, you can't

>> No.20679397

Wouldn’t that give your junkyard in the sky a 2.5Bn marketcap? That’s one reason

>> No.20679416
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>> No.20679435

If i deposit eth, how do you give 6.25% on it?

Deposit 8 eth at $250. DMM buys a car with it. Eth goes to $1million. The car sale wont next the 7.99 million difference.

I see how great this platform is for stablecoins..but i dont get it for volatile assets how this can be guaranteed. Or do they just hold the eth and give 6.25%?

>> No.20679620

It won't because it'll be worth $50

>> No.20679903

Ignore the FUD, i'm considering doubling down at these prices waiting for a nicer dip desu. They actually don't know

>> No.20679946

Agreed brainlets here have no idea

>> No.20679985

1, used cars on the blockchain

>> No.20680019

It has shit second hand cars. So no, it won’t.

>> No.20680020

there's no way to decentralize the org in the short term, and US security law will make sure it won't happen in 5 years.

>> No.20680039

Quick google search would've given you an answer
>“The DMM Foundation will be purchasing call option contracts on ETH/USD. This effectively means we are opening up a long position to cancel out the short position we are taking from selling ETH for real-world assets.”

>> No.20680109

If you deposit eth, you get 6.25% of eth.

>> No.20680146

Sell eth, buy option. So isnt that 1:1? Still not seeing how any of the eth would help purchase the car then