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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20677281 No.20677281 [Reply] [Original]

>runs a Chainlink node

Korean banks:
>integrate Chainlink


>> No.20677302

What part of



don't you get?

>> No.20677309

its pretty obvious by now that its only fomo that can push price

>> No.20677332

Insiders had this news before it dropped. Why do you think the price went from 4$ to 8$ on seemingly “no news?” Don’t be so dense.

>> No.20677363
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>> No.20677392
File: 446 KB, 616x683, bsn chainlink iris red date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you think the price went from 4$ to 8$ on seemingly “no news?”
You're an idiot.

>> No.20677427

Yeah, and literal industry adoption generates exactly 0 (zero) excitement, let alone fomo.

>> No.20677483
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 8B41ABEB-4C2D-4A43-ACF2-4BCFBCA8DB82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep telling myself that it’s because the banks are closed on the weekend and the market will catch up in a few days
BSN news took a while

>> No.20677525

It's not even covered by any Crypto simp youtubers yet. We'll see green by tomorrow I'm pretty sure about it. Maybe even a big dildo by early next week.

>> No.20677535
File: 177 KB, 495x386, 5DC381D9-D21C-4353-91D1-70D6EDD90711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trannys and pajeets are running out of fud so they use priced in fud in desperation
The absolute state
You’re a retard

>> No.20677552
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they are looking to run nodes, not execute and collaterize large amount of capital in a smart contract which is what will make the singularity happen
>muh retail adoption

>> No.20677570

Jun 23,2020
The pump started July 6th

You're an idiot.

>> No.20677603

That was the insider trading from the bsn news too you mongoloid. You really have to go back

>> No.20677642

Refer to

Its not FUD to say insiders were trading this news before it broke publicly. Not everything is fucking FUD you idiots.

>> No.20677661

Insider trading after the news broke? And you are calling people idiots?


>> No.20677680

Ok then sell. I fucking dare you

>> No.20677731

Centerprime just put random korean banks logos on their website claiming they could work with these banks, when all they can do is to connect to their PUBLIC api. That's all, that's the Chainlink "partnership" with korean banks

>> No.20677763
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It's simple, Chainlink (ticker: LINK) is going to make all of us stinking rich.
In fact, I am of the belief that we will hit 7 hundred and 77 dollars before the year is up.
Here's to you, marines.
Here's to us, making it.

>> No.20677786

Seriously what is your problem you crazy fuck? I hold chainlink, i’m not selling. Its not FUD or bearish to say insider trading happened.

>> No.20677800
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>> No.20677856
File: 2.26 MB, 960x522, 5C561964-048C-4D4F-A639-0C55B6CF5CE1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously what is your problem you crazy fuck?
Seriously, leave

>> No.20677947

>funny open mouth man meme with funny /v/ meme
You have to go back.

>> No.20677994

The retards who believed/published the chainlink short report are suppressing the price

Once they run out of funds and get steamrolled by some news we're going to see a big rise

>> No.20678019
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Cringey faggot

>> No.20678050

It has already been proven that Zeus Capital is fake.. The only people still buying into whatever there saying are idiots who are mad they missed out on gains.

>> No.20678082
File: 456 KB, 1890x1282, vhainbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP! youre forgetting something:

>> No.20678108

77 Id

>> No.20678136
File: 18 KB, 621x377, 105895711_602892013672237_3360644141021343679_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen anons. The Chainlink Network is going to be THE protocol for smart contract data interoperability. If some lawyer, insurance agent, banker, or trader wants to use an app that bridges data from disparate sources, legacy to blockchain, etc, they are going to be accomplishing this using the link network, whether they know it or not. Much of the actual operation of acquiring and staking link in a node for a smart contract will essentially be a backend operation, abstracted away from the front end of whatever software a business is using to accomplish this.

Clearly, everyone from SWIFT, Google, Microsoft, AWS(Kaleido), IBM, BSN, banks around the world... See the value and need for the link network. That is why the are ponying up now to get nodes running. The network is technically not fully turned "on" until we get staking. So what does that mean? Well, it means that Link is the only relevant player in their field and that field is the protocol layer of blockchain. Pic related.

There may be alternative oracle protocols in the future, but as of now, they are all completely irrelevant. Sergey is STACKING the network with value, and has blessed us all with the opportunity to invest in a world changing technology before the value of the network is UNLEASHED.

>> No.20678146

That's the traditional reaction of link to good news. Welcome to the Marines boy

>> No.20678220

You idiots still don't get it.
These nodes aren't adding value to the network, they're draining it, like tap in a keg.

>> No.20678254

I don't get it, by all logic Chainlink should be #3 at the very least by now, but it's still behind half dozen shitcoins.

>> No.20678259
File: 79 KB, 588x338, Screen Shot 2020-07-25 at 7.28.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iane Keane, head of solution engineering at Oracle UK/Ireland. Here he puts the value proposition for smart contracts/blockchain in pretty plain terms. Enterprises and legacy industries have already realized the need for Chainlink, and what this essentially means is that any entity that does not adopt smart contracts/blockchain will not save money on the dis-intermediation of third parties, thus, anyone who doesn't adopt will gradually/rapidly become less profitable than their peers who do adopt.

Any enterprise/legacy system that wants to remain solvent in the future has to adopt. So lets assume, on the most bearish, conservative level, that the link network only captures a mere 4% of a quadrillion dollar market. I will let you try to figure out what the number actually is, but for brevity sake, just know it is orders of magnitude higher than the ENTIRE market cap for ALL of crypto, even when it was at its ATH.

>> No.20678585
File: 95 KB, 294x216, Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 11.57.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSN has already launched over 100 nodes, and that is probably 10% or less of the actual scope of BSN. The T-Mobile IT partnership? That company is 32% owned by the German government, who are also planning a German equivalent of BSN. Elastos? Currently has 280k live nodes. Are you getting the picture anons? Sergey has developed chainlink in a way that is almost entirely OPPOSITE of every ICO shitcoin that ever was. Where ICO dApps of the past have basically had growth cycles that were 100 to 0, Chainlink is not even at v. 1.0 and already has the silent consent of the most bullish names in technology and legacy enterprise. The prospect of Link being top 3 is totally realistic for anyone who understands this, in fact, it is inevitable. The difficulty to realize this for 99% of people however, has made the very real future of 4 digit link tokens into the ultimate FUD.

Imagine some nerd trying to tell his friends to buy 50k worth of google, amazon, tesla, etc, for 10, 50, 100 dollars - emphatically promising that it is going to change the world and be worth thousands? There is a reason the NPC sees the wealthy investor as a charlatan, gambling fool who got "lucky". They lack the vision, not just in the technology, but in their own ability to become wealthy and change their lot in life.

Will that be your story? Are you too heavily programmed by society into accepting your own slavery, immiseration and serfdom to an inhuman system that demands you dutifully crush your own soul to serve the machine? Your horizons are as bright as you can imagine, as attainable as you believe. Free your soul from the fucking demiurge by dudes. Blockchain and smart contracts are going to transform the machine and we are uniquely positioned in history to have a chance at freedom, and ultimately the promise of liberating our soul and posterity from permanent slavery.

>> No.20678710

Thanks for the hopium fren. I just coomed big time

>> No.20678730

Thank you wholesome anon. Breaking the chains are the only reason most of us wagies are in crypto at all.

>> No.20678741

If you are in the western world, realize that you are working against the clock to acquire land away from major populations because in the future, under UN globalist nation planning, you won't legally be able to live outside the bugman pod city grid. Society will be cashless, and the digital currency will be programmed to punish you for wrong think. You have a choice between liberating yourself now and having a chance at not just a dignified life for yourself, but also your family and possibly posterity. The alternative is having your mind and soul caged in pod city and farmed out to sinister forces. Your life will be planned for you, your income will be planned for you(UBI), you'll have free internet, infinite entertainment, games and porn. Already, we are living as unwitting participants in the ultimate skinner box experiment designed to permanently disconnect us from elevated levels of consciousness, and ultimately God. They want your fucking soul anons, you can fight - or be dehumanized into an animal and prepared for slaughter. But it won't just be this life you forfeit, you will be reincarnated permanently entrapped in this false reality, where your misery is farmed out by dark sinister forces beyond your comprehension.

>> No.20678841

On this site you have autists that obsessively follow any and all news with chainlink.

Most people probably aren't aware of these developments. Just sit back and get some of that cheap link while you can. I'm priced out at 10 bucks a share. If we don't see anything by next Friday I'd be shocked.v