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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 143 KB, 624x1024, Investigate-Ocean-Protocol-for-distributed-data-provenance-·-Issue-#84-·-LinuxForHealthconnect-2020-07-24-11-02-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20676168 No.20676168 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not buying Ocean Protocol right now...

>> No.20676723

I drive BMW and HODL Ocean

>> No.20676741

Imagine buying a "data token" based protocol with fees while not investing in IOTA.

>> No.20676753

I drive a Chevrolet movie theatre

>> No.20676769

Holding OCEAN and STATERA. Who else super comfy?

>> No.20677111
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Daimler (Mercedes-Benz) disagrees.

Also, imagine investing in that IOTA garbage which cannot even provide incentives for running nodes lol, other than for altruistic reasons. (major security fail)

Also, the data market needs to work with staking and fees, to increase the health of the network by incentivizing data curation and by penalizing malicious actors.

Does IOTA provides Compute to Data, which allows AI models to be trained on-premise, ensuring security and privacy for the data owner? NOPE

>> No.20677160
File: 3 KB, 125x121, 1594672730499s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BMW also disagrees with the IOTA retard and hypes up Ocean Protocol


>> No.20677166

IOTA is highly modular, IOTA is literally the ledger for everything you utter brainlet.
You don't need incentives for running the node that is the point of IOTA.
Everyone will be able to run a node and everything will be feeless. Imagine transferring data on a scale of 1 million transactions per second how is that even remotely possible with fees? No adoption for your shit protocol, get rent. IOTA will moon, screencap this.

>> No.20677175
File: 408 KB, 2048x886, 27SCI-ZIMMER-superJumbo-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one caught my eyeball coupa days ago but thinks the trains away now, jus finna be shill up in here saying buy my bags feels me. ids rather be in somtin that finna do somthin like XSN really

>> No.20677201


You are out of your element, Donny

>> No.20677216

t. shills some noname shit token with fees which wants to do data transfers.

>> No.20677252
File: 1.04 MB, 1570x1585, compiled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Entire IBM disagrees with the IOTA retard... and pushes the Ocean Protocol

>> No.20677299

HAHAHAHA, so delusional.
That's why IBM is working with tm forums the worlds largest giant cataclysm of telecommunication WHICH USE IOTA AS THEIR BASE DLT LAYER.
Get fucking rekt son.

>> No.20677353
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Do you know what Wells Fargo, Anthem Insurance ($92b revenue), Munich Re ($60b revenue) and European Bank for Reconstruction have in common ?

They all disagree with the IOTA retard and look for Ocean Protocol as the solution

>> No.20677371

Do you know what the TM Forum even is?
Now get lost with your unfeasible shitcoin, lmao. You can't have fees with data transfers.

>> No.20677452
File: 1.16 MB, 1860x1450, compiled_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Accenture, Deloitte, Oracle bless

You clearly don't fucking get it

>> No.20677488


Do I have to post more?

>> No.20677581
File: 962 KB, 2060x1300, compiled_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the IOTA imbecile thinks that if a consortium is looking into a specific tech, that means enforced adoption across all members of the consortium.

the retardation continues...

Meanwhile, Deutsche Telekom bless...

also, "our partners SHIP"

>> No.20677649

Lmfaoooooo, DYOR.
They are already building the foundation for smart grids and value transfers on the IOTA tangle, you utterly retard.
Why don't you fuck off back to plebbit?
Your spacing gives me cancer.
Now I gonna spoonfeed you for the last time, then you can go fuck off and shill your shitcoin on credit again.


>> No.20677666

>unironically talking about Deutsche Telekom when Telekom is one of the main partners of IOTA
Can't make this shit up.

>> No.20677704
File: 113 KB, 1280x685, Roche Diagnostics and Ocean Protocol partner to improve care for heart disease patients - YouTube 2020-07-25 17-06-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roche sends their regards...

>> No.20677727


>> No.20677739


ROFLMAO at this imbecile...

US$57 billion. Roche is the second-largest pharmaceutical company worldwide.

>> No.20677747
File: 88 KB, 644x504, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cord iside

>> No.20677769

Roflmao at this imbecile some 57B revenue shit pharma company vs 2 TRILLION Consortium.

>> No.20677803

Already fully decentralized testnet live, brainlet.
And once it's ful

>> No.20677822

*it's fully decentralized all your shitcoins will be obsolete, mark my words.

>> No.20677914


This absolute fucking imbecile does not understand the difference between a consortium and a joint venture...

The consortium is not a legal connection, but rather an affiliation. The consortium cannot push that shitcoin across all industries, you dumb cunt. You are embarrassing yourself lol

>> No.20677974

Do you know what's a standard is?
IOTA will be the standard DLT protocol soon, fucking sub 50 IQ.
I did enough, enjoy your shitcoin and don't cry in 2-3 years.

>> No.20678272
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be on the lookout for singularitynet bros all im sayin

>> No.20678324

Hiya Tom , no one taking your sell orders? How are you going to exit without killing this low vol piece of shit?

>> No.20678509
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those that doubt Ocean Protocol , i will leave this picture here. its enough for you to invest.

>> No.20678531


Tom ?

Anyway, you have to be a dumb fuck to buy this and then look to sell it before T1 exchanges and v3 (staking and data tokens)

The IDO (Initial Data Offering) revolution is upon us

>> No.20678767

>Tom ?

Want your address as well you scamming tranny fucker? Stop trying to make anon buy you 15x bags at the absolute top

>> No.20678820


also i saged your thread

>> No.20678942
File: 336 KB, 1024x749, dlt_ocean_dust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are definitely confusing me with someone else. I'm V. We probably met in the Quant chat, the place where everyone gets his shit pushed in by Gilbert Ala Scamian and his armenian relatives.

Also, take easy with the personal matters. We are on an anon board. Nobody cares about your emotions or about where do other people live LOL.

We're here to discuss about blockchain projects with strong fundamentals.

>> No.20679470

>You are definitely confusing me with someone else. I'm V. We probably met in the Quant chat, the place where everyone gets his shit pushed in by Gilbert Ala Scamian and his armenian relatives.

Kek it keeps getting better, quant shilling as well. Keep your shitcoins off this board, Thomas the Wank Engine. No one trusts or admires you we just use your obsessive pajeet shilling to make actual money and then leave you holding the bag

>> No.20679485


You are definitely on drugs...

>> No.20679505
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>> No.20680009

Bc I don’t invest in projects that care more about politics than building the god damn protocol.

>> No.20680038
File: 372 KB, 828x895, 2E924CFE-A9BF-40FC-AF80-B4529C864F8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20680127

this is bulllish as fuck. think of how many black ppl there are in US.

>> No.20680157

topkek I'll never buy this shitcoin

>> No.20680221


Imagine making financial decisions based on this instead of looking looking at the protocol that it's being built, which is based on pure math.

This is almost as dumb as saying that you won't invest in Bitcoin because Gavin Andresen believed that Craig was Satoshi or because Bitcoin is being used in the dark markets.

The imbecility displayed in these threads never fail to amaze me


Don't worry! Daimler, IBM and the rest will...