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File: 79 KB, 650x650, hot_college_girls_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2067098 No.2067098 [Reply] [Original]

Student Loan Debt is at $1.2 Trillion and College keeps getting more expensive.

Is this a bubble? When will people stop going to College? What will happen then?

>> No.2067119

People will stop going to college when the dollar tanks. Then, all of the cracks in the economy will be as plain as day for all normies to see.

People will then realize college was just one big giant scam, to scam normies into getting useless degrees, and to push them into wasting the prime years of their lives "studying" and partying and drinking.

College would prove to be extremely damaging to young women especially. They should be getting married at an early age and having kids, instead they are being pushed into college to ride the cock carousel and waste thousands of dollars on garbage degrees that she will abandon anyway once she has kids (if she has kids).

It will also collapse when society recognizes that degrees are fucking worthless, which is already happening. Its kind of ironic that the collapse of college has accelerated as more and more women enter, another bad sign. Women do not innovate, they follow.

Learning of the future is going to be in the form of nano-degrees and such, very concise and specialized courses on the internet.

>> No.2067256


I'm bumping this so hard.

>> No.2067263

>Student Loan Debt is at $1.2 Trillion

wew, what did you study?

didn't realise it got that bad for you yanks

>> No.2067269

look at that nose on that thing on the right

>> No.2067271

k /r9k/

>> No.2067273
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Very well put

>> No.2067539

College is a scam unless you're doing STEM. And if you go the stem route, its best you actually like it rather than just memeing yourself.

I dropped out in my first year after I released college is for normies who need to be spoonfed. People need to start listening to their own conscience; their gut feeling. Many of the best opportunities are not topics that are taught in college.

We live in the age of information and liberal arts degrees still exist? Come on

>> No.2067598

Here's the status. You have the gubbment loaning them money at profitable interest rates. You have colleges jacking up the prices. You have the loans being sold to servicers like Navient, who are so disreputable and creative on their accounting that the government is actually suing them for fucking over student loan debtors with blatant kikery. For most people, even people who graduated with good degrees (as much as /biz/ likes to think it's just wimminz studiez majorz getting fucked: it's not. Law, medicine, /biz/, even STEM are sleeping under the bridge) can't pay it back. Due to crashing salary/wages, nojobs, and skyrocketing cost of living. Yes, again, even for good majors. A large portion of people are in default, and many people need income based repayment plans because they can't afford the thou a month payments.

Now, where it goes from here I can't say. This is like the subprime mortgage situation, but you can't repossess a degree, so what are they going to do? I really can't say. One way or another, the feds went in to scalp gullible youngfags, but the youngfags can't pay. Now what happens? The kikes wanted to jew young adults out of shekels, but the kids can't get even wageslave jobs, so now what happens? I think the taxpayer at large will, again, be forced to bail out..someone. Will the debt get wiped? Will the interest rates be decreased to 2-3% across the board? Will Navient and other servicers get bailed out?

I'd love some reasonable discussion on possible outcomes of this. Also, how to profit off it. Personally I have a heavy debt myself and haven't started paying yet.

The only thing I can say is, anyone who has an index fund or 401k invested in the debt repayment, might want to rethink that.

>> No.2067698


>> No.2067737

Not only does it exist but It's very popular.

>> No.2067827

debt will never be paid in america, we're working for worthless money

>> No.2067833

this neet is trying to feel better about not having went to college

>> No.2067843

says every bitter millenial.

>> No.2067853

actually, u played ur self, u can learn stem with ur hands not with college

>> No.2068040

The government will bail them out, just like they bail out any jew backed scam

>> No.2068344
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I assume you're talking about exotic degrees like women's studies or computer marketing.

Traditional degrees like engineering, medicine, economics and law are still very interesting.

>> No.2068362

People will probably get salty with this post, some already are as shown in the replies, but that's mostly because this anon speaks the absolutely truth and it hurts.

>> No.2068393

Good post, but I will add something else.

There will be a point in the not to distant future when a large portion of the voting population has student debt.

A politician will come along and promise relief on this debt in exchange for votes.

>> No.2068400

He is 90% right though

>> No.2068417

Interesting thought. Certifications are already more popular and more relevant in most IT fields than your degree pedigree; it will be interesting to see if this trend broadens.

I totally agree with everything you said; beyond a certain basic education, the entire concept of "advanced degrees" is a misnomer, since it's only relevant if you choose to leverage that degree in the advancement of a cause or can find a job to leverage that training.

There is no economic advantage to the vast majority of degrees that could not be gained equally from a much cheaper and less time-consuming certification process; nobody needs calculus to be a realtor, and the vast majority of degree programs at universities exist solely to enrich the university itself, both by providing educators beholden to the school because there are no other job opportunities paying a living wage, and by scamming unsuspecting youths into leveraging themselves for an essentially worthless degree.

Unless you plan to use the degree to achieve something specific after college, don't bother going to school; more importantly, NEVER go into debt for a degree unless you have some sort of written agreement from a third party that the degree will grant you some sort of financial gain that makes it worth the cost.

>> No.2068444

That's already happening. Listening to a lot Bernie supporters was actually a bit shocking to me during the last election. Instead of fixing the issue, the politicians started screaming, "free college, free healthcare, everyone else is going to pay for you!" and they fell in love with the idea and aren't letting go of it. When in reality, something as complex as our economy should never, ever be in the hands of a group that has barely landed their first job. But, our politicians will allow to keep repeating this process until every generation can sympathize with the ridiculous amount of debt college students get themselves into. Thus, forcing more state control and socialized systems.

Im disgusted at the exploitation of this generation and hope that one day, they'll grow out of it and we can move forward.

>> No.2068475

As other have already put, degrees are becoming more and more of a scam as time goes on, even the ones that were indeed useful in the past, like medicine and engineering.

Why do you ask? Simply, the only reason for anyone to go to college at all is to get a useful degree, not to acquire knowledge, as the same knowledge provided by the university can be found on books or the internet for free. Now, how do we measure the usefuness of a degree? You can know if a degree is useful or not by asking the following question: How hard It is to get it? A degree that's hard to get will have high demand on the market because few people will have it, companies will want you because there's not many like you around.

Now, what happens when you take the difficulty out of the equation? More people will be able to get the degree, therefore the demand will drop and as such, the salary that the companies used to pay for people with said degree will also drop, making the time that you spent on the university a waste. And that's what's happening with pretty much every degree.

As the first post pointed out, women are also a big factor on this. Pushing the agenda of equality and social justice on the workplace and in terms of degrees will benefit companies, as there will be a massive number of women with the same degree as men, allowing the employer to pay less for their service, as their degree would have low demand now.

>> No.2068744

>As the first post pointed out, women are also a big factor on this. Pushing the agenda of equality and social justice on the workplace and in terms of degrees will benefit companies, as there will be a massive number of women with the same degree as men, allowing the employer to pay less for their service, as their degree would have low demand now.

It's a huge factor that they don't like talking about. There are more consequences to this, like not having enough children because of your career, thus bringing forth Replacement Immigration because our birth rates are too low. Now you get a bunch of third worlders that do the same work for even less, which keep the wages down. What's baffling to me, is that these companies accept their degrees that don't require half the coursework as American degrees, yet will deny an American the job because he/she doesn't have a 4+ year degree and the required 2-5 years experience. The nursing field is a good example of how this gets abused. It's not like these immigrants are incompetent at their jobs (though the language barrier is real in some cases for the patients and coworkers), I'm just saying that it proves our current system could use less bloat to make it more economic and more efficient.

>> No.2068960

Reminder that civilized countries like Germany have free education, including university.

>> No.2069160

It should be- whoever gave the loan, and fucked up, should lose. What is shitty is they are giving loans with tax payer money. IE they are gambling with our money. not a good system.

>> No.2069191

government funded loans max out at like 8k a year, subsidized gov loans for education max out at like 3500, and only go up to 5k when youre a senior in college.

>> No.2069235

And how many top 100 international universities do they have?

>> No.2069244

Mehemt, shut the fuck up. Your universities are in the stone age.

>> No.2069261


>> No.2069347

First off, It isn't free. Only retards, political illiterates and marijuana users on their first year of gender studies believe they can actually get stuff for ''free''. Second, you illiterates have to put into your thick skull that free college is literally pointless because >>2068475

Degrees have to be hard to get, they have to be hard to finish and they need to be inaccessible to the average joe with no talent, otherwise they lose all their weight. Do you want to get into college so that you can smoke a lot of pot with your boyfriend? Study hard and get a scholarship, if you are actually talented and is above other people, the university will want you there and therefore, will let you in for free.

College is a privilege, not a right.

>> No.2069435
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>> No.2069483

i dont think this has jack to do with the kind of degree, its across the whole board, college is over funded and too much of our lives are wasted there when there

>> No.2069500

idiot bernie didn't say he was going to abolish the debt.

making public universities tuition free, paid for by a tax on wall street, is the solution to the problem. that's what he was advocating for.

>> No.2069518
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It's fucking sad when blind sexism ruins an otherwise smart post. Like finding a turd in your champagne.

Please be smart and leave the far right Donald Dumbfucker redpill shit out of your social commentary.

You sound like a smart guy. You've just been conned by losers on the internet who tell you Hillary's emails were far worse than the cataclysmic dogshit this clown of a President continues to pile on us every fucking day.

Every sham in our economy is growing 10,000 times worse under President Shitgibbon. I'm just a moderate, but Bernie style liberalism is literally going to look like the savior in ten years when it comes in and mops up the hideous mess left behind by this incompetent regime.

>> No.2069541
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>> No.2069738

I think the best question is, what is the best advice for those that did not start university yet, but is aware of this situation?

Should they be expected to know what to focus on in high school to not waste time in university? Go into trades?

>> No.2069763

you can see the ribs of the girl on right
she's not fit just anorexic

>> No.2069841

It's very impressive that you managed to type such a long post disagreeing with the other guy without actually addressing any of his points. What he said that was wrong? Why is he wrong? Point out the part of his argument that's wrong and debunk It with facts, examples and sound logic, not with dumb vague statements and meme-tier stereotyped rhetoric.

>10,000 times
Yes, that's the number of times Obama increased the national debt under his regime. But I'm sure Trump will do worse.

>Bernie style liberalism
It's hard to discuss matters with someone who doesn't even understand the concept he's advocating for. Increasing taxes and promising free shit is literally the opposite of liberalism. Liberalism is about less interference from the government and about letting the free market decide what should and shouldn't happen.

>> No.2069863

Nano degrees: that's a cool name, umma steal it

>> No.2069877

>Should they be expected to know what to focus on in high school to not waste time in university? Go into trades?
I think that you shouldn't not necessarily get into trade. It's just that whatever you want to do or learn, you should consider learning for yourself, with online classes, books, forums and so on. Whatever the university teaches you, you can teach yourself better.

People have to get rid of the mentality that university is a necessity and embrace the mentality that's just a choice.

>> No.2069889

But with increasing barriers for jobs, requiring degrees for most basic of jobs, is that feasible?

>> No.2070047

>those are average college girls in America

U burgers should consider yourselves lucky

>> No.2070213

One of the reasons I pay the bare minimum on my student loans.

>> No.2070246

The debt isn't going away. It isn't being abolished. Loans aren't going to have some arbitrary rate reduction. People will have to go on income driven repayments or refinance the debt.

This idea that $1 trillion in debt is going to blow up is ridiculous. These aren't homes where they can be repossessed and written off once defaulted on. People aren't going to stop getting student loans either. Businesses still require them and always will. Apple, Goldman Sachs, every Fortune 500 company is going to require a degree.

>> No.2070249

And to answer that question about how to make money off of this: look to FinTech in the student loan and refinancing space. Refinancing for student loans is going to blow up soon and everyone is going to want a piece of a company working on it.

>> No.2070259

They're probably degenerate whores though

>> No.2070268

>tfw 22 and didn't go to college
>9month trade meme

Made 50k last year pretty comfy

>> No.2070270
File: 35 KB, 720x399, BLS college.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will stop going to college when it stops being worth it to go to college.

>but memes told me that college was worthless
fuck off

>> No.2070302


I agree with you that too much time is wasted there however I don't see a good alternative for the moment, at least for traditional degrees.

It's true that you learn much more when you actually start working however those degrees I mentioned need a basic set of knowledge that can't be taught quickly. It might be possible to shave off some areas and teach other's faster but 4-5 years will still be needed.

Also, in order to be a good professional you will need to know subjects which are very boring so an outside institution to coerce you to study them will be necessary. Expecting people to do so out of a sense of responsibility is wishful thinking.

>> No.2070304

From an individual point of view, College and High School are a just an excuse to young people, who should be producing something, to smoke weed and fuck all day long.
They just say that they're "studying", so they doesn't sound so useless, its a moral excuse,
What they can't see is that this period of 15-25 is crucial to the success of an individual, and (((they))) know that, this is why they will lock you in the HS and college delaying your progress, during this period.
15 yo boys should be already working through their ways to make money and 15 yo girls should be marrying and supporting their husbands.
Adolescence is a meme, you are either a kid or an adult, if you can take care of your shit, you are an adult, if you can't, you are a kid.
Obviously, some people need 17 years to become an adult, and others 14, but nobody should need 30 yo to start taking care of themselves(yeah, im talking to you /r9k/.
This is probably a kike move, but if you can't win the enemy, you just play like him, we should seek the path to profit throughout this huge meme we are facing, cause they still need to eat, take medicines and iphones, and I tell you something folks, we will be there to provide it.

>> No.2070305

I'm curious to why you think this is the *only solution to the college debt issue. Pls explain.

>> No.2070324

We definitely dont need that much of bachelor's, we shouldn't waste our money giving participation medals to women and stupid men.

But what /biz/ should understand is, WE don't need the meme degree, but the slight above the average normie needs, college is to create a submissive employee, and this kind of normie needs to go there to learn some stupid repetitive shit.

But we don't, we are the creators, the ones who gives life to the engine to run, college and high school are an stupidity to us, we are the new capitalists, the guys who will see the opportunity and make profit through this shit.

>> No.2070358

>got scholarship to go to top music school in country
>got bullshit "music business" degree
>landed comfy job in music industry after college

how mad is everyone in here?

>> No.2070368

IF what you said is true, you are that 0,001% of the statistics, and you didn't got your job because of the degree, you've got it because of network, simpathy or any other shit like that.

>> No.2070374


Now That's What I Call Edgy

>> No.2070392

Germany alone has 4 in the top 100 and that's even before you consider that almost all research in Germany is done at Max-Planck-Institues and Fraunhofer Institues de facto belong to universities, but their research is not being considered at all for rankings

Switzerland has another 5
Netherlands has another 4
France has another 4
Sweden has another 3
Denmark has another 2
Belgium has another 2
Norway has another 1
Finland has another 1
Scotland has another 1

Might be that I missed some countries but that's at least 27 and a whole lot more if you were to make a fair comparison.

>> No.2070400
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you are actually somewhat correct. i got an interview because of my degree (required for the job), and cause of my network. but dont discredit that, as i focused on networking in school and knew thats how i would get a job.

and of course i then had to go and interview and prove im not a dumbass. thats the easy part tho

>end of the interview, they ask if i have any questions
>ask them if they have a team looking into blockchain tech and how it can affect our niche of music industry (music publishing)
>interviewer seemed impressed i had even heard of blockchain, said they just assembled a team to look into the tech a few months ago
>mfw biz shilling cryptos and blockchain probably had a large impact on me getting my job

>> No.2070411


I dont think you are stupid, i think it's stupid to look at your plan and think it's a smart move to replicate it or to tell people to do so.
It worked for you, not for us or the normies.

>> No.2070417

What kind of job do you do exactly? Also what's your pay and what kind of experience or degree needed?

>> No.2070460

>There is no economic advantage to the vast majority of degrees that could not be gained equally from a much cheaper and less time-consuming certification process;

The market disagrees. Credentialism is a thing; whats your solution to that problem?

> "free college, free healthcare, everyone else is going to pay for you!"

Free doesn't mean everyone who applies gets in. Free doesn't mean you don't have to QUALIFY. You couldn't get over your hatred of lefties enough to see this.

>> No.2070466

you are totally right on this. i tell anyone thinking about going to art school of any kind that its a dumbass decision, unless maybe you can get a scholarship. if you do go, get a degree that at least sounds good (ie music business), and dont get a degree in "guitar performance". literally biggest waste of fucking money in the world. the amount of people i went to school with who are now just waiters or baristas is hilarious/sad.

work in licensing department of major music publisher. technically the job is "inside sales" in the same way that the DMV selling drivers licenses is "sales". really it's just informing customer they legally need to have this license to play music at their business. They give me money, i give them license (look up performing rights on wikipedia if this business model is confusing to you). not a problem if youre sociable person and know how to interact/sell. i had experience in sales, and a degree in music business so i know all about the industry. that combined with having a connect at the company then not fucking up my interview made getting the job p easy. right now making 50k ish, which is plenty for me, im a simple dude who lives modestly. will probably start making more as my territory expands and i get more biz connections (and thus of course warm leads)

>investing all of my money made from job into blockchain/crytpos
>i believe blockchain and cryptos have potential to totally wipe out my employer

oh the irony

>> No.2070467

>Reminder that civilized countries like Germany have free education, including university.

Americans use voting as an opportunity to deny others rights instead of granting them.

Plus they've been brutalized by compulsory education in America.

>> No.2070484

talk about flatchested, only thing the girl on the right would be good for is a golden shower

>> No.2070496
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What is a poor young American supposed to do?
I'm graduating high school a bit late since I started late, but should I be going to college?
I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but I figure college is the only way I'm ever going to land any sort of decent job.

>> No.2070498

>Reminder these countries are taxed out the ass and their citizens have little to no economic liberty

American citizens are already highly taxed and if we start giving everyone free healthcare, college, and free whatever else liberals want at the moment, we'd all be shopping for clothes at the Good Will store because our taxes would be so outrageous

>> No.2070505

Trust me, those are not average college girls.

>> No.2070507

If your major doesn't make a shit ton of money you're better off going to trade school. Money isn't always going to make you happy so if you wanna do something that requires a useless degree than go for it. If you like something that you can go to trade or vocational school for, I'd definitely recommend that--much better bang for your buck

>> No.2070515


Just major in accounting or finance (preference accounting) and graduate in the top half of your class. Both are relatively easy majors and the sky is the limit.

>> No.2070520
