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File: 31 KB, 765x408, bzx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20666124 No.20666124 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that when this token lands in the top 50 in mid-august, following the successful relaunch of the network, it will be worth 4x or 5x the current price
you're welcome
have a nice evening

>> No.20666390

If the margin trading becomes sucessful, this is gonna be something big

>> No.20666467

This token would be top 30 mcap material but only if anyone gave a fuck about margin trading. Good luck with your shitcoin retard.

>> No.20666627

check out bitmex's daily volume and come back

>> No.20666641

Even if bzrx did half that much voluem, so fucking what? Huh? So what?

>> No.20666860
File: 768 KB, 918x1794, j3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 person team
>shilled by pajeets
>inferior to AAVE and COMP (if it wasn't, then why is it dead last in marketcap?)
>got hacked

Stay away. You have been warned.

>> No.20666926
File: 193 KB, 1280x1024, 66644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fud. here is proof i made that thread, and not satsgang

bzrx chads. check out yfi. it's just as chad as bzrx. i'm 50% bzrx/50% yfi. both will 5-10x in august

>> No.20667013

> he doesn't know about staking and dividend from fees
just how retarded can you be ?

>> No.20667042
File: 61 KB, 807x555, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, let me spoonfeed you

>> No.20667080

who fucken cares lol

>> No.20667240

well, not you, obviously
people who don't hate money could be interested, though

>> No.20667321

I've sold most DeFi tokens after the first pump but I still have 100% of my original stack of BZRX. This is the most obvious long-term winner IMHO

>> No.20667417

desu i've swinged it a couple of times but I'll start holding.
i feel like it's just about to take off and I don't want to be priced out

>> No.20667421

30k of bzx or 100k ADA?

>> No.20667446

You lads fud too much on 4chan like are you retarded?

>> No.20667456

40k BZRX or 1900 LINK?

>> No.20667497
File: 124 KB, 349x491, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20667513

Same. The swings were huge - managed to get another 5-10% in units of the thing. (Only about $60 worth but a lot for my portfolio).

Was going to sell last night at ~38 with a mind to the dump but didn't. Just didn't feel like it was going to dump and it didn't, just keeps climbing .

>> No.20667515

where the fuck do you buy YFI anyway? seen it's on uniswap but not sure if you can actually successfully get it there

>> No.20667548

This is the real deal. Consider yourselves enlightened.

>> No.20667579

i managed to get exactly 24.6086116% more by swinging. but the last was very stressful, and I only got like 3% out of it.

>> No.20667597

I got some on uniswap a few days ago...and got rid of it for 10% profit because I thought it was a bullshit scam. So yeah uniswap is the place to be


Also yes I do want to die because of the potential gains I missed out on when I actually MADE THE FUCKING EARLY PICK WITHOUT GETTING SHILLED IT ON BIZ

>> No.20667622

yeah I totally missed those gains and I held YFI at various time
andre is shady as fuck, so I sold.
BUT i always forget we're in a meme market

>> No.20667725

honestly I think it sounds like something worth buying short term but I'm scared to death of buying the top. will probably steer clear...

>> No.20667734

>where the fuck do you buy YFI anyway? seen it's on uniswap but not sure if you can actually successfully get it there

>> No.20667760

Oh yeah as much as I'm pining for the gains I missed out on, I'm not FOMOing back in. Fuck knows what's going to happen from here. Could continue pumping hard, but could EASILY dump down by 30-50%. It's a meme market after all

>> No.20667769

that's why you should pick bzx instead
a no brainer, literally

>> No.20668271

waiting for a BZRX dip and I'm jumping on

>> No.20668452

Garbage and overpriced AND 1B tokens. Mix for disaster.

Buy DMG.

>> No.20668925

are you fucking kidding?

>> No.20669033
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>1B tokens

>> No.20670050

face melting pump in august