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File: 6 KB, 234x250, 64D7C7FA-80E4-4BA1-B9ED-2516E2E59024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20663475 No.20663475 [Reply] [Original]

Is it gay to make a fake account of chicks to sell nudes? I don’t flirt or sext with dudes

But I have a bunch of dudes trying to flirt or send dick pics. I just ignore anyone who flirts and block anyone who sends dick pics but it still feels gay and embarrassing

What do I do? I come from a third world shit hole. Have the poorest parents in the world literally. Born the poorest of the poor in the poorest place in the world

>> No.20663514

As long as you say no homo you’re fine dude. How much do you earn daily, weekly, monthly?

>> No.20663549

I'm sorry dude, but you're gay. You produce nothing of tangible, objective value. Learn how to farm, Joel Salatin style. Offer to work someone's land if you don't have your own.

>> No.20663581

Do you think it takes any skill to lie to complete strangers over the internet?
What kind of skills do you think lying to complete strangers over the internet, help you develop?

>> No.20663601
File: 43 KB, 803x871, Annotation 2020-07-24 192825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shame. I do the same thing for a little money now and then.

>> No.20663617
File: 27 KB, 474x391, 1590039686136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've thought about doing that but it seems like too much work. What do you do when guys ask you for timestamps or to do certain poses to confirm legitimacy?

>> No.20663638

It's called E-whoring. I'm sure there are better ways to spend your time anon. 100 hours of e whoring is probably less profitable than 100 hours of working on a real skill that could result in a career

>> No.20663639

Ignore. They come crawling back anyway.

>> No.20663657

You are a loser if you do this but I commend you still. The SIMP menace has grown out of control and you are a hero fighting back if you do it. But you shouldn’t rely on it, learn some skills, invest the simp cash into yourself so you can leave it behind and be a productive person one day.

>> No.20663679

Honestly, if you were some typical american NEET I would unironically think this was gay behavior and coping with being a closet gay. But if you’re in a poor country, get that fucking money son.

>> No.20663681

There’s a super rare Pepe for you if you give me some instructions on doing this, I’m guessing you grab unique pics from /b/ and /soc/? What do you use to sell them, what app do you take money from.

>> No.20663819

>timestamp? you mean a custom pic? that comes with an extra you know that honey
Bitch in a simp era? It's fucking booming

>> No.20663984

Isn't that Somalia or something?

>> No.20664040
File: 216 KB, 181x179, dancecatpepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly we should all do this, SIMPs are participating in a historic money transfer from omega males to thots. That money is rightfully ours. They are surrendering the money, and anyone here would undoubtedly be a better steward of the money than a common thot. Therefore I say it is not only our right, but our duty, to use a thots nudes to extract wealth from simps!!

>> No.20664138

What’s the best way to do this? You get some pics from a girl and act like you’re her?

>> No.20664169
File: 37 KB, 607x608, 6EE4EA95-3A6D-4EF7-AB72-C64A9964EB95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darwin himself couldn’t have put it better. Gentlemen, clearly it is our duty to relieve the simps of their bags for the greater good of the human species.

>> No.20664205

Yes. Personally, I use pics of one my Thai girlfriends. She's always horny and sends me sexy pics almost everyday. But she doesn't know that I post her pics online for extra cash.

>> No.20664222

Where do they deposit their funds to? Some kind of throw away venmo or something?

>> No.20664229

Where do you post them? What app do you use and how do you initiate a transaction?

>> No.20664240

I already make good money, but I stand behind any man who does this. Simps are a stain on our society and need to be eradicated

>> No.20664245

Not a bad gig, what accounts do you set up and how do you shill your account?

>> No.20664255
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, 1576140364816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear, hear!

>> No.20664305

if you have to ask, you already know the answer

>> No.20664359

It's not gay at all if it's just to make money. Eventually it just comes naturally texting like a stupid whore.

>> No.20664730

It is a lot of work. It’s fucking grueling and horrible

>> No.20664785

Yeah. Ive met people doing it and they live nice lives and do it like making guys cum flirting with them and dating them online and getting sugar daddies. It’s fucked. I was in a channel one time and they were all in this channel watching a dude stick things up on his ass saying its “funny”. I left.

>> No.20664795 [DELETED] 
File: 767 KB, 2048x1536, 710651169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey sexy

>> No.20664808

My regular venmo. I can change the name and user name whenever I want.

>> No.20664873

So does Kek wants us to become internet trannys?

>> No.20665491

If you want to. Kek has a male and female form, after all. But you can just use thots from /soc/ or something.