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20662278 No.20662278 [Reply] [Original]

>he isn't in YFI
>he isn't farming YFI at 1158% APR

>> No.20662366

I've been asking all day through yfi threads but no one answers me, typical pnd scams

I'll ask again: what's yfi relation with ftm aka a known scam?

>> No.20662391

Jannies literally deleting the threads to preserve alpha lmao

>> No.20662451
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ok I'm going to tell you how to farm
1. step deposit stablecoins into the iearn curve.fi pool
2. deposit the ycrv token into the ycrv-yfi balancer pool
use single asset deposit
you will BPT tokens in return
3. stake BPT tokens on https://ygov.finance/stake (pic)
congrats, you're generating YFI! that's it.

I don't know, is there any relation?

>> No.20662539

note the current apy on the ycrv-yfi pool is 691.8129%
the dai-yfi pool has apy of 1146.9590% but it ends in 10 hours, most likely you won't make the gas fees on difference.

also I'm tired as fuck so the description is a bit chaotic

>> No.20662693

thank you good sir!

When is this all going to come crashing down? Sooner or later people are going to realize YFI is just a governance token with no real value.... Its gonna crash eventually.... right?

>> No.20662742
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>Sooner or later people are going to realize YFI is just a governance token with no real value.... Its gonna crash eventually.... right?
that's not true, it gives you right to fees earned by iearn.
It's going to be a sort of an automated smart contract hedge fund as I understand it.

>> No.20662793

interesting. I hadn't heard that. I suppose i should do some research before believing the fud..
Also whats the deal with the transaction fee's on Cruve!? $20 to deposit my DAI??

>> No.20662812
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should have included the rest of the tweet
YFI is interesting because it's an actual share in the platform.
Andre constantly tells everyone it's worth 0 while distributing fees lol

>> No.20662850

yeah it's going to be something like that, I wouldn't bother depositing less than $10k

>> No.20662870

im in pool two but i';ll withdraw tomorrow when the rewards end. whats the best play then? add money to the ycrv pool? how do you get ycrv?

>> No.20662892

it's so expensive because it first swaps that stablecoin into a basket of stablecoins, and then deposits them into an interest-generating account on some platform (currently aave) so stablecoins in a pool are generating income while being deposited
step 1 you deposit on curve.fi iearn pool

>> No.20662918

Does this mean it'll collapse tomorrow or what? No fud please am brainlet and been justed too much recently.

>> No.20662938

no it means the dai-yfi pools stops generating new yfi, so inflation drops by half.

>> No.20662967

price will moon when everyone pulls out there dai and a huge amount of people will see the price rise of yfi and fomo in. could hit $10k by monday imo

>> No.20662995

if you deposit dai or susd do you get the ycrv right away?

>> No.20663063

anyway the apy on fees is 14% currently. if you stake YFI you get fees from the platform. so it's nice especially as the platform can grow, it's a share.
you can't deposit susd directly into iearn you first have to convert it

>> No.20663104

>t. All in LINK
I’m glad to see things like this being developed now. I’ll participate after I’ve made it, and can live on the rewards, if it’s better than staking my linkies.

>> No.20663141

if the platform grows nicely it can easily be a $5B token, that means ~$150k/YFI as there's going to be some additional inflation in the future.
it's really an income generating share it's unique

>> No.20663300

Sounds like I should go all in. Are you guys selling your YFI or holding?

>> No.20663329

Also thanks for the answer about what happens after the rewards end.

>> No.20663350

I could be wrong, but isn't LEND just a governance token? It's almost at $400 million market cap.

>> No.20663374

it's the first farmed token I'm holding rather than dumping
I'm regretting the 2 yfi I sold after starting farming before I read more

>> No.20663442

but to be fair to myself it was extremely hard to get informed on this. information dispersed among discord, forum or even nowhere but the contract code, no simple explanation how things work you can read anywhere

>> No.20663451

What will YFI do for LEND?

>> No.20663505

most likely fuck it in the ass, yearn uses all platforms and chooses best yield, aave loses brand awareness and user capture
of course the aave guy is going to try to spin this into a positive somehow, what can he do

>> No.20663554

It was. And the FUD was crazy, as well. Still not sure whether it's safe to put 50% of my crypto into this over the weekend...

>> No.20663597

well I'm just farming although it's over 5% of my entire crypto holdings now lmao
what a moon mission

>> No.20663620

i just fomo'd and bought 1 yfi here's hoping i wake up and it's $4k

>> No.20663737

How do I use my yfi tokens? What do i do with them? I currently have 2 tokens but i am not sure were to start.

>> No.20663799

to stake for fees you need to have at least 1000 bpt in the governance pool (ycrv-yfi) and voted at least once (voting locks your pool stake for 3 days).
Then you can stake your yfi and get fees.

>> No.20663814

this could seriously 10x again in a week. unreal growth.

>> No.20663864


dai-yfi ends in 10 hours make sure the gas fee is worth the difference if you deposit there

>> No.20664008

Volume is really starting to pick up, as well. And is still only at $34mm. Just fomoed in with more, too. Hope I won't regret it...

>> No.20664031

wish i had the balls to go all in but it's just 105 of what i own lol. still, i missed out on ampl, im not missing out in this too...

>> No.20664060


>> No.20664375

The "YFI reaching 10k before bitcoin" meme is actually going to happen, isn't it?

>> No.20664449

irrational exuberance plus it would only be half mkr's MC at that point = yes

>> No.20664616

I missed ampl, too. Literally praying this piece of autistic art will reach $20k on the short term. Would completely unfuck my recent justings.

>> No.20664897

i went all in yesterday. already up 50%. i tried you warn you yesterday yfi is the bitcoin of defi. i was screaming at you to buy. STILL BUY IT NOW IT IS LITERALLY THE FUTURE OF DEFI

>> No.20664982

Are you in some relevant discords etc? Do you know where people will see this realistically value-wise a month down the line? Is the "whales will leave and its value go to 0" 100% fud? IDK desu. I'd literally go 50%, but I can't risk it...

>> No.20665057

https://youtu.be/kjv-sW2PBS4 here's the best staking instructions I could find

>> No.20665192

>Are you in some relevant discords etc? Do you know where people will see this realistically value-wise a month down the line? Is the "whales will leave and its value go to 0" 100% fud? IDK desu. I'd literally go 50%, but I can't risk it...
short term people are saying $10k

>> No.20665218

>Are you in some relevant discords etc? Do you know where people will see this realistically value-wise a month down the line? Is the "whales will leave and its value go to 0" 100% fud? IDK desu. I'd literally go 50%, but I can't risk it...
i put half my networth into it

>> No.20665238

Lol dude you didnt miss ampl at all. Hurry up and get it. If you think you missed it, you dont understand how it works

>> No.20665239

>Are you in some relevant discords etc? Do you know where people will see this realistically value-wise a month down the line? Is the "whales will leave and its value go to 0" 100% fud? IDK desu. I'd literally go 50%, but I can't risk it...
it's up another 3% in the last 5 mins. buy fast bro. yfi is defi 2.0. it is THE yield farming token.

>> No.20665367

The thing is, Anon, YFI has been so surrounded by FUD, I can't risk you guys all just trying to make us FOMO in and then dump once the farming ends. It would absolutely ruin me. And I have no idea how this project works. I'd be insane to risk that. Even if chainlinkgod and co shill it on twitter. It has slowly become ~20% of my networth by now on its own, though. Will probably be >50% once it reaches $10k or more.

>> No.20665420

There's no liquidity left on Uniswap, I can't even get in.
aaaaaa I almost bought in yesterday and could have 3x'd but thought it was already up too high

>> No.20665510

You have to switch to dai and then buy on https://balancer.exchange/ , Anon.

>> No.20665562

WE'RE TOP 100!!

>> No.20665664
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thanks for the alpha leak, anon!
btw, how I do that with DAI?
i know it's only 8h to go, but I can't imagine how I do the same thing you teached with DAI?

since when we deposit on Curve, we get yCRV tokens and not dai's

>> No.20666202

this is going to open the flood gates of defi and yield farming to the masses


we're at July 2017 on this bubble; just wait till November when this turns into a blip

>> No.20666259

This will collapse so hard that it's not even funny.

>> No.20666469

I thought it would crash bc people pull out their yfi and sell?