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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 680x356, RRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPLEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20653992 No.20653992 [Reply] [Original]

Must be 80iq... maybe they need a youtube video to tell them about all the signs.

>> No.20654014
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>> No.20654047


It's not 2018 anymore faggot

>> No.20654097
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You're right

>> No.20654146


Take a look at this 80iq brainlet.. he cant put all the pieces of the puzzle together.. and buy when it's down over 90%

>> No.20654185

Its ok, we got the gif out of the way.
XRP was a good meme back in 2017 for sure because so many of the bitcoin/eth guys got shit on by coworkers and the more "normie" guys about how XRP was gonna make it and leave everything else in the dust. Spent the last two years watching it tank has been nice.

But I'm starting to wonder. Now that they have that new lady at the fed that is banging the XRP high priest. What is gonna happen with that? The banks need an actual transmutable currency with value so they can wire money without relying on pre funded accounts to settle payments. Meaning that they want it to be worth something.

Its high speculation to assume that the FED with this new lady will choose XRP to have a "gold standard" but with the petrodollar on the decline....I donno man, there is just so much going on there. The rabbit hole on youtube is nuts.

>> No.20654196

>all the signs
i'm wondering, if there's all those people "leaking" information about ripple being the future, why wouldn't there be some amount of inside trading and accumulation going on? ripple objectively has been one of the worst performing big cap coins over the past months and the graph looks straight up boring

>> No.20654245


Polysign is a pretty big signal to me.. the head of the digital dollar project also calling XRP a currency..

xrp = usa coin
btc = chink coin

>> No.20654278
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>> No.20654280

what will it take for xrp to moon?

>> No.20654304


Just some large buy walls once they decide to pump it.

>> No.20654316

High supply and liquidity makes it very hard to move the price.

>> No.20654351
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A dollar is nice, but I'm more of a 2 grand man myself.

>> No.20654373

For it to really land on the moon, someone would have to announce that it will be "backed" by something. Gold, USD, tendies, doesn't matter I guess. But if the FED opens their mouth and says that "Ripple is a backed currency" then Its moon time. That is what guys who own more suits then normal clothes need to hear before they can take a 75 year old pen out of their pocket and sign what they need to.

>> No.20654380


They have been accumulating at 20 cents for almost a year now.. when it breaks out it is going to .30+ in a single day

>> No.20654404

ethereum has 3 times the market cap and liquidity and still moved 20% over the last 2 weeks while ripple did almost nothing

>> No.20654427

i hope so, man. i bought 500k xrp under $0.2 myself

>> No.20654457


All you have to do is hold. Your sitting in literally one of the safest trades you can be in the whole crypto market.

>> No.20654465

High supply, not market cap. Liquidity has dropped recently since ODL dropped (as was expected).

>> No.20654517

people who own xrp are unironically the dumbest people in crypto

>> No.20654781


Behold.. this specimen might even have a sub 80 IQ.. he can only repeat what he hears from others.

>> No.20655014

buy high
sell low, right?

>> No.20655053


He's one of the 80iq big brains this thread is about topkek

>> No.20655257
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Yes sir. Have you considered buying Money Tree Coins? It's basically digital tree's that grow gold. Dev just made an announcement in the chat. It's going to the moon. You can buy them on Uniswap, sir.

Why don't you want to own digital tree's that grow gold? Do you really hate money that much, mister?

>> No.20655271

Agree they dont even know the price is suppressed until 2023

>> No.20655295

Alright, tell us how much pink duck you bought

>> No.20655307

Times like this I remember to "always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.20655386
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>> No.20655539


Selling XRP right now is retarded.. Now buying it.. thats safu

>> No.20656121

Yeah you should wait until the price goes up to buy

>> No.20656174

I have a suicide stack.
They are well connected with banks and government officials and they're the only crypto quoted in a government document.
I have a stack of a few thousand that i just forget about.
It's for the rare case they actually do get involved with some government thing (ex the Mellon threads prove true).

>> No.20656604
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OK, I’ve seen a lot of XRP shill threads lately. I think these are either trolls or deluded schizos. Either way I’ll take the bait:

In terms of technology, XRP is outdated like Bitcoin. Sure it's 1000x faster than BTC, but it's not programmable like ETH or other more modern blockchains, which means you can't deploy smart contracts on it. The problem with this is that countries and banks won’t want to use someone else’s currency, they will want to be able to deploy their own currencies and stablecoins, allowing them to have full control over the supply. To do that you need a blockchain that is programmable. This is really bad for XRP adoption, because as I mentioned XRP is not programable.

XLM for example, usually seen as an XRP competitor, already does everything XRP does while also being programmable, and there's a dozen other new blockchains around that are faster than XRP and also programmable and ready for institutional adoption. ETH 2.0 will also be way faster than XRP while already having a huge portion of the institutional market conquered (look up the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance). Add to that the fact that stablecoins have been proved to work really well and became really popular over the years, with some banks even starting to accept deposits in USDC, and you can see how XRP’s value proposition starts to dwindle.

And I’m not even going to touch into the DeFi space and its growth potential, which, again, requires a blockchain capable of being programmable.

Overall it just feels like Ripple are way behind the competition and just trying to catch up.

>> No.20657246

This is all wrong, except the first part. Yes, ETH is great but for now they have a scaling issue.
There are various XRP enabled platforms that cover smart contracts, oracles, lending, and excitingly enough XRP enabled ploysign is the basically the only crypto custodian platform for banks and financial institutions.
Secondly, XRP is not going to replace the dollar. You are right, every country right now is rolling out CBDCs, and XRP has aimed to be the bridge currency between them because nobody is going to accept your centralized CBDC from another country.

You’re right on everything ETH related, but XRP is still being updated and right now it’s at 2.6k TPS. The difference between XRP and ETH is that Ripple is extremely professional and pro crypto/banks relationships. They’ve been working hard and have solid connections in government and are pushing very hard for regulation, which is why it’s such important news to XRP holders that banks can now hold digital assets. All eyes are on polysign right now.

>> No.20657272

this must hurt soo bad

>> No.20657402

>pro banks relationships.
oh so not decentralized, i will be moving my money somewhere else

>> No.20657434


Giancarlo is emplotmyed by a firm that Ripple pays. Willkie Farr

>> No.20657459


$100k in XRp? Opportunity cost much?

>> No.20657463

It's not bullish that the head of the digital dollar project has Ripple connections?

>> No.20657493
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>> No.20657522
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if digits xrp mega moons in within 3 days

>> No.20657570
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>> No.20657572


>> No.20657707



>> No.20657766


Its bullish with a caveat of conflict of interest and who knows if congress gives a shit about Giancarlos opinion

>> No.20657802

Kek Accenture has invested hundreds of millions in Ripple

>> No.20658097
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>> No.20658585

Well I guess between now and the 27th xrp will moon

>> No.20658964

Why does /biz/ think they can beat the banks? If you can't accept a microchip as entry into the new first World. You can always just invest in Stellar and be chipless until you're dead.