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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 498x444, ocean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20645605 No.20645605 [Reply] [Original]

$Ocean to issue Tokens for The worlds leading car manufacturers (BMW/Ford/GM/Toyota)

Worlds 2nd largest pharma company (Roche - 2x the mcap of bitcoin)

dexFreight - Worlds first web3 data marketplace for logistcs (190+ companies signed up)

Altoros, IBM Xprize, unilever, johnson&johnson

Through Initial Data Offering (IDO) $OCEAN will issue tokens for them, to create their Own data token that they will be able to exchange through their own Data Marketplace... issued by Ocean Protocol.

DYOR, this is a true hidden gem, if you are looking for a new project with a lot of potential, this is surely the next x100.

Soon in the Top 100, has been increasing slowly for a year, and it's starting to rally as people notice its huge partners.



>> No.20645639


This chart is about to go BONKERS

>> No.20645667
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IBM also went full shill mode on Ocean Protocol, recognizing the power of Data Marketplaces, Compute2Data (data stays on premise) and, in the near future (late q3), the launch of Data Tokens

>> No.20645671

Ocean is a scam worse than RSR.

Buy ARPA and wait for the MPC bubble.

>> No.20645690
File: 143 KB, 624x1024, Investigate-Ocean-Protocol-for-distributed-data-provenance-·-Issue-#84-·-LinuxForHealthconnect-2020-07-24-11-02-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And IBM Watson agrees as well

>> No.20645699

Does it have fees? Yes? Okay, who cares.

>> No.20645730

$OCEAN chart is about to blow up!! All eyes on Ocean!

>> No.20645733

fuck you donni, fuck you satsgang. no one is going to buy your bags. shill it to yourself in your retarded telegram like you always do

>> No.20645759
File: 130 KB, 1007x693, 1595423296085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is Daimler (Mercedes Benz), 18th biggest company by revenue in the world, part of the Satsgang conspiracy too ? :)))))


>> No.20645765


You're funny. ARPA, a rank 351 shitcoin fighting with other shitcoins, with litterally 0 client yet.

Nice try to promote your shitcoin here.

$Ocean has world class partners and is one of the only coins with a real usecase here. DYOR.

>> No.20645775

IOTA disagrees.

>> No.20645798

I hold a bag of this. Could be a true shitcoin and I'm suspect of muh IDO, but it seems pretty legit.

>> No.20645801
File: 652 KB, 1570x1300, 1595423332147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercedes Benz

Bless. And + the giant automotive companies that are already in MOBI and will get their marketplaces built by Ocean Protocol

>> No.20645864
File: 813 KB, 1560x1300, 1595423485701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone wants a piece of Ocean Protocol, it seems, even some of the biggest banks and insurance companies in the world

Former Head Data & Integration @CreditSuisse, former Conversational AI @MorganStanley, current Senior Leader/ AI at @WellsFargo, Georg Huettenegger, shilling $Ocean Protocol

And it doesn't end here. Peter Schellinck, Senior Industrial Advisor at @EBRD
(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), is also fond of $Ocean Protocol's solution.

Then you have Anthem Insurance ($92b revenue) members being interested in Ocean and also Munich Re + many others.

>> No.20645915


Good call !

>> No.20646381

I love seeing salty rekt shitcoin holders hating. It gives me energy

Stay poor you rekt fucks haha

>> No.20646404
File: 839 KB, 2018x1091, trent-data-tokens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't hate on Data Tokens yet. Data Tokens + Staking are coming this quarter and will launch Ocean into the DeFi space

https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/data-tokens-1-data-custody-1d0d5ae66d0c (Data Tokens 1: Data Custody. Data access control, meet crypto wallets & data DAOs)
https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/data-tokens-2-fungible-composable-54b6e0d28293 (Data Tokens 2: From Non-Fungible to Fungible and Composable Data Tokens. Unlocking the Data Economy with applications in data baskets, limited-edition datasets, priced compute pipelines, and more.)
https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/data-tokens-3-data-and-decentralized-finance-data-defi-d5c9a6e578b7 (Data Tokens 3: Data and Decentralized Finance (Data * DeFi).
Data as Collateral. Data DEXes, Data Loans, Data Stablecoins, and Data Tokens in Financial Supply Chains.)

TLl;DR - Ocean Protocol's Q3 release will provide the technology for entities to create their own DeFi-ready Data Tokens. With the release of Data Tokens, they will be able not only to buy/sell data or use Compute2Data (data stays on-premise) with Ocean, but also to create their own data tokens for tokenized access control and more.

Examples: Tokenization of insurance contracts, tokenization of B2B supply chains, tokenization of real estate, tokenization of subscription models, granular access control with Data Tokens etc

In insurance, for example, you can tokenize your Apple Health app data and give your insurance provider a data token to access that data to give you a lower insurance rate. There are countless of examples, but more can be found in the blog posts.

>> No.20646583
File: 549 KB, 1000x615, snetgf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are so caught up on buying the top of this DEFI meme that they are missing out on accumulating the DEAI boom.... Which will be the last boom crypto ever needs

Ocean & Agi are partnered up already

>> No.20646706

And they'll use ocean to do the tokenization?
Seems weird and convoluted, but ok.

>> No.20646877 [DELETED] 

I love how these website never mention what the fucking token is for

>> No.20647524

The daimler proof of concept ran on Ocean tokens. That was the currency. It will be standard on all data marketplaces.